Pelosi Has a Word of Advice on Repealing Obamacare


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
If Democrats had any self awareness they would hide in shame.

That bitch really just said that?
Hell, I heard on the radio this morning some democrat congressman said something like "I cant believe how sneaky the GOP is being with this. They are trying to pull one over"
I couldn't fucking believe it.
Probably just goes along with their illness.
All Americans need to know about Pelosi and the ACA is she was one of the corrupt, arrogant, self-appointed Tyrants who forced this minority-supported piece of Socialist agenda into law against the majority will of the people, right before giving the American people the middle finger and declaring they had NO RIGHT to know what was in their foul 'edict' until it had been passed into law (shoved up their asses)!

F* ANYTHING she has to say now! :fu:
Pelosi said ACA had to be passed first before you could see what's in it and she has the stones to talk about transparency? That bat shit crazy old witch needs to retire. She represents the left perfectly, she's filth.
At this point, given some of the idiotic things the old crow has said, someone has to be really ignorant to believe anything she says

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