Pelosi might announce her retirement

With Republicans set to take over the House of Representatives and Democrats slated for leadership elections at the end of the month, outgoing Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's will tell people her plans on Thursday.

Pelosi, 82, announced through a spokesperson that she'll 'address her future plans' later today with speculation already having begun as to whether she'll remain the leader of the Democrats.

Rumors have suggested that Pelosi would step down from Congress entirely, potentially leaving her extremely left-leaning district in San Francisco to her daughter Christine.

If she were to resign, many think New York Representative Hakeem Jeffries, the chair of the House Democratic caucus would be in line to take up Democrat leadership.

While a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, Jeffries has often clashed with the so-called 'Squad' leftists and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, having expressed frustration in October, saying: 'there´s a difference between the socialist machine and mainstream progressives.'

Pelosi is the worst SOTH in American history.
She lies all of the time.
She is vicious and malicious.
She is a hate monger who incites violence.
Her greed is limitless.
NYC congressman Hakeem Jeffries could never replace Pelosi's evilness, but he has a good start.
Hakeem is vicious racist who hates millions of Americans.
He would be a perfect fit in the Democrat Party's coalition of hate.

Hakeem Jeffries: 'Every Racist in America Voted for Donald Trump'

Democratic Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (N.Y.) gave a speech on the House floor Monday in which he said that "every racist in America voted for Donald Trump" in 2016. "Not to say that every...

Let us keep pressuring GOP house to investigate


No, well she's gone let it go.



Use it to get rid of wray and garland who have intentionally filed a known false charge of attempted kidnapping
With Republicans set to take over the House of Representatives and Democrats slated for leadership elections at the end of the month, outgoing Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's will tell people her plans on Thursday.

Pelosi, 82, announced through a spokesperson that she'll 'address her future plans' later today with speculation already having begun as to whether she'll remain the leader of the Democrats.

Rumors have suggested that Pelosi would step down from Congress entirely, potentially leaving her extremely left-leaning district in San Francisco to her daughter Christine.

If she were to resign, many think New York Representative Hakeem Jeffries, the chair of the House Democratic caucus would be in line to take up Democrat leadership.

While a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, Jeffries has often clashed with the so-called 'Squad' leftists and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, having expressed frustration in October, saying: 'there´s a difference between the socialist machine and mainstream progressives.'

Pelosi is the worst SOTH in American history.
She lies all of the time.
She is vicious and malicious.
She is a hate monger who incites violence.
Her greed is limitless.
NYC congressman Hakeem Jeffries could never replace Pelosi's evilness, but he has a good start.
Hakeem is vicious racist who hates millions of Americans.
He would be a perfect fit in the Democrat Party's coalition of hate.

Hakeem Jeffries: 'Every Racist in America Voted for Donald Trump'

Democratic Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (N.Y.) gave a speech on the House floor Monday in which he said that "every racist in America voted for Donald Trump" in 2016. "Not to say that every...
The GOP should announce her indictment for her role in the Jan 6 scam and The Russian Collusion COUP.
Wrong tippy messed with Reagan and newt helped bill,Nancy was a complete disaster
I am willing to talk Tip ONeil
Newt was a disaster

They lived in an era of bipartisanship where you could compromise

Pelosi doesn’t have that type of Congress

Which makes it amazing what she accomplished
I am willing to talk Tip ONeil
Newt was a disaster

They lived in an era of bipartisanship where you could compromise

Pelosi doesn’t have that type of Congress

Which makes it amazing what she accomplished
What did she accomplished? Name one thing, newt was the best speaker of the house besides tippy, newt helped bill even though they were fighting,Nancy impeached trump when the pandemic started,her and Obama didn't realize ISIS till it was to late
With Republicans set to take over the House of Representatives and Democrats slated for leadership elections at the end of the month, outgoing Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's will tell people her plans on Thursday.

Pelosi, 82, announced through a spokesperson that she'll 'address her future plans' later today with speculation already having begun as to whether she'll remain the leader of the Democrats.

Rumors have suggested that Pelosi would step down from Congress entirely, potentially leaving her extremely left-leaning district in San Francisco to her daughter Christine.

If she were to resign, many think New York Representative Hakeem Jeffries, the chair of the House Democratic caucus would be in line to take up Democrat leadership.

While a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, Jeffries has often clashed with the so-called 'Squad' leftists and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, having expressed frustration in October, saying: 'there´s a difference between the socialist machine and mainstream progressives.'

Pelosi is the worst SOTH in American history.
She lies all of the time.
She is vicious and malicious.
She is a hate monger who incites violence.
Her greed is limitless.
NYC congressman Hakeem Jeffries could never replace Pelosi's evilness, but he has a good start.
Hakeem is vicious racist who hates millions of Americans.
He would be a perfect fit in the Democrat Party's coalition of hate.

Hakeem Jeffries: 'Every Racist in America Voted for Donald Trump'

Democratic Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (N.Y.) gave a speech on the House floor Monday in which he said that "every racist in America voted for Donald Trump" in 2016. "Not to say that every...
There's no doubt in my mind that she will resign from Congress. But, since Democrats themselves have set the precedent that you can impeach those no longer in office, she will not be immune from impeachment.
What did she accomplished? Name one thing, newt was the best speaker of the house besides tippy, newt helped bill even though they were fighting,Nancy impeached trump when the pandemic started,her and Obama didn't realize ISIS till it was to late
Economic Stimulus under Obama
COVID relief
Semiconductor bill

Your turn
Name accomplishments under ONeil and Gingrich
Economic Stimulus under Obama
COVID relief
Semiconductor bill

Your turn
Name accomplishments under ONeil and Gingrich
Newt saved bills ass, tippy got the bilS kshe wanted they compromised,now Nancy Isa washed up ambassador to the congo
Pelosi may not live long enough to announce her retirement.

She is old
If she retires, the old media will give you nothing but favorable press and dumb Americans will think she was wonderful.

She was great for big corporations and billionaires, not much for the working class. Cons thinks she is a socialist lol. She is a corporatist warmonger like most in Congress.
let's see her bank account.
I am willing to talk Tip ONeil
Newt was a disaster

They lived in an era of bipartisanship where you could compromise

Pelosi doesn’t have that type of Congress

Which makes it amazing what she accomplished
She accomplished dividing the two parties even further. She was abrasive, unbending, lying. Healthcare, we have to pass it before we can see what’s in it? Spoken like a true know nothing. Remember when she claimed we were losing 3.6 million jobs a month? What about her lie blaming Bush for rising gas cost? Then you remember her statement that as a kid she was told if she dug a hole deep enough we would end up in China, so because of that she felt a connection to China? Can you imagine if a Republican said something that stupid the media would be all over it. Pelosi is a divider.
She accomplished dividing the two parties even further. She was abrasive, unbending, lying. Healthcare, we have to pass it before we can see what’s in it? Spoken like a true know nothing. Remember when she claimed we were losing 3.6 million jobs a month? What about her lie blaming Bush for rising gas cost? Then you remember her statement that as a kid she was told if she dug a hole deep enough we would end up in China, so because of that she felt a connection to China? Can you imagine if a Republican said something that stupid the media would be all over it. Pelosi is a divider.
You get it pap, she made it toxic as all heck and we had to defeat her

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