Pelosi not invited to Stimulus Bill signing

That’s the Class Act President we have... our government is being run by a bunch of emotional children. WTF is going on?!

Oh please, she has earned what she gets. Pelosi is a vicious, nasty person.
She's awesome! Trump is the most bigly vicious, nasty person.... no one in the existing world, is more vicious and nastier or more vindictive and vengeful than him, 24/7, 365 days a year....imo....

sure, she was wrong in showing her emotions and ripping his lying speech, but being wrong once in a while, makes her human....

being wrong and a dick ALL of the time, makes him, pure evil....! :eek: again, in my opinion... :p
Again, prod the bull, and get the horns. Just shows how bad the Democrats have been to him.

No worse than the Republicans were to Obama. The difference in their responses is class.
This to me is just being overly defensive to your side.

No repub ever:
Acted up behind obama
Ripped up his speech
Had pens made to celebrate an attack on him

And the list goes on. Not defending Trump but calling the D actions "class"?

Please explain.
Oops realized we may have misunderstood each other, no, those actions are a lack of class. When I referred to class, it was how Obama handled intense and personal attacks and how Trump does.
fair enough. obama did carry himself far better than trump. however, i don't trust obama simply because of how he treated the press. BEFORE GOING BUT TRUMP, keep this on obama. i hated how he used the press to manipulate current events.

my minor in college was journalism. i've been doing it in some form most all of my life. the "media"has NOT been "journalism" for a long long time and they are now PR pieces for their favorite politicians. it sucks. i didn't like obama jacking with the media so no - i don't like trump doing it either.

obama was horrible to the media when they were negative to him. he just didn't do it out in the open. but he spied on them, and much worse than trump just being the asshole that he is.

I will agree that Obama started the ball rolling on limiting media's freedom and rights and set an unfortunate precedent. It's one of my few criticisms of him.

We love to deplore the media but they have a job to do whether we agree with them or not. If we don't like one of them - hell - there are hundreds if not thousands to choose from.
again - i was "born and raised" on "old school" media. newspapers, minor in college, college paper, even on my own website.

what the "media" is doing today is not news and it's not reporting. it's giving their fanbase whatever they want to hear and those who hate them ammo to say LOOK AT WHAT STUPID THING THEY SAID.

very few journalists anymore.

as for trump setting a new standard for low, no sense in trying to debate it as that is how you feel and i do understand it. agreement not necessary. however, the usual operations these days are "wow that's horrible...hold my beer" so it's only natural we keep letting this get crazy.

that's what happens when we say the other side deserves it for any given reason, even it we're doing the very same thing we're yelling at "the other side" for.

we're way beyond trump and it being any one person anymore. they're just the posterchild for both sides these days, our politicians.

the problem is us. we deserve the leaders we get and with the way we treat them, no one qualified will ever likely run.
That’s the Class Act President we have... our government is being run by a bunch of emotional children. WTF is going on?!

Oh please, she has earned what she gets. Pelosi is a vicious, nasty person.
She's awesome! Trump is the most bigly vicious, nasty person.... no one in the existing world, is more vicious and nastier or more vindictive and vengeful than him, 24/7, 365 days a year....imo....

sure, she was wrong in showing her emotions and ripping his lying speech, but being wrong once in a while, makes her human....

being wrong and a dick ALL of the time, makes him, pure evil....! :eek: again, in my opinion... :p
Again, prod the bull, and get the horns. Just shows how bad the Democrats have been to him.

No worse than the Republicans were to Obama. The difference in their responses is class.
This to me is just being overly defensive to your side.

No repub ever:
Acted up behind obama
Ripped up his speech
Had pens made to celebrate an attack on him

And the list goes on. Not defending Trump but calling the D actions "class"?

Please explain.
Oops realized we may have misunderstood each other, no, those actions are a lack of class. When I referred to class, it was how Obama handled intense and personal attacks and how Trump does.
fair enough. obama did carry himself far better than trump. however, i don't trust obama simply because of how he treated the press. BEFORE GOING BUT TRUMP, keep this on obama. i hated how he used the press to manipulate current events.

my minor in college was journalism. i've been doing it in some form most all of my life. the "media"has NOT been "journalism" for a long long time and they are now PR pieces for their favorite politicians. it sucks. i didn't like obama jacking with the media so no - i don't like trump doing it either.

obama was horrible to the media when they were negative to him. he just didn't do it out in the open. but he spied on them, and much worse than trump just being the asshole that he is.

I will agree that Obama started the ball rolling on limiting media's freedom and rights and set an unfortunate precedent. It's one of my few criticisms of him.

We love to deplore the media but they have a job to do whether we agree with them or not. If we don't like one of them - hell - there are hundreds if not thousands to choose from.
again - i was "born and raised" on "old school" media. newspapers, minor in college, college paper, even on my own website.

what the "media" is doing today is not news and it's not reporting. it's giving their fanbase whatever they want to hear and those who hate them ammo to say LOOK AT WHAT STUPID THING THEY SAID.

very few journalists anymore.

as for trump setting a new standard for low, no sense in trying to debate it as that is how you feel and i do understand it. agreement not necessary. however, the usual operations these days are "wow that's horrible...hold my beer" so it's only natural we keep letting this get crazy.

that's what happens when we say the other side deserves it for any given reason, even it we're doing the very same thing we're yelling at "the other side" for.

we're way beyond trump and it being any one person anymore. they're just the posterchild for both sides these days, our politicians.

the problem is us. we deserve the leaders we get and with the way we treat them, no one qualified will ever likely run.

Wish we had the thanks button, and maybe we will again. I still find plenty of good in-depth coverage - it's out there. But there is a lot of "if it bleeds it reads" stuff too :(
That’s the Class Act President we have... our government is being run by a bunch of emotional children. WTF is going on?!

Oh please, she has earned what she gets. Pelosi is a vicious, nasty person.
She's awesome! Trump is the most bigly vicious, nasty person.... no one in the existing world, is more vicious and nastier or more vindictive and vengeful than him, 24/7, 365 days a year....imo....

sure, she was wrong in showing her emotions and ripping his lying speech, but being wrong once in a while, makes her human....

being wrong and a dick ALL of the time, makes him, pure evil....! :eek: again, in my opinion... :p
Again, prod the bull, and get the horns. Just shows how bad the Democrats have been to him.

No worse than the Republicans were to Obama. The difference in their responses is class.
This to me is just being overly defensive to your side.

No repub ever:
Acted up behind obama
Ripped up his speech
Had pens made to celebrate an attack on him

And the list goes on. Not defending Trump but calling the D actions "class"?

Please explain.
Oops realized we may have misunderstood each other, no, those actions are a lack of class. When I referred to class, it was how Obama handled intense and personal attacks and how Trump does.
fair enough. obama did carry himself far better than trump. however, i don't trust obama simply because of how he treated the press. BEFORE GOING BUT TRUMP, keep this on obama. i hated how he used the press to manipulate current events.

my minor in college was journalism. i've been doing it in some form most all of my life. the "media"has NOT been "journalism" for a long long time and they are now PR pieces for their favorite politicians. it sucks. i didn't like obama jacking with the media so no - i don't like trump doing it either.

obama was horrible to the media when they were negative to him. he just didn't do it out in the open. but he spied on them, and much worse than trump just being the asshole that he is.

I will agree that Obama started the ball rolling on limiting media's freedom and rights and set an unfortunate precedent. It's one of my few criticisms of him.

We love to deplore the media but they have a job to do whether we agree with them or not. If we don't like one of them - hell - there are hundreds if not thousands to choose from.
again - i was "born and raised" on "old school" media. newspapers, minor in college, college paper, even on my own website.

what the "media" is doing today is not news and it's not reporting. it's giving their fanbase whatever they want to hear and those who hate them ammo to say LOOK AT WHAT STUPID THING THEY SAID.

very few journalists anymore.

as for trump setting a new standard for low, no sense in trying to debate it as that is how you feel and i do understand it. agreement not necessary. however, the usual operations these days are "wow that's horrible...hold my beer" so it's only natural we keep letting this get crazy.

that's what happens when we say the other side deserves it for any given reason, even it we're doing the very same thing we're yelling at "the other side" for.

we're way beyond trump and it being any one person anymore. they're just the posterchild for both sides these days, our politicians.

the problem is us. we deserve the leaders we get and with the way we treat them, no one qualified will ever likely run.

Wish we had the thanks button, and maybe we will again. I still find plenty of good in-depth coverage - it's out there. But there is a lot of "if it bleeds it reads" stuff too :(
i trust a few i know are "old school. sharyl attkisson being one. many don't like her cause she did take on obama and "fast n furious". that's what got her spied on and she's still in court taking on the DOJ for doing it.

she's fighting this the way she should but the gov isn't playing fair from my own reading.

but my keys are
"is the story trying to get me to take a side?" if yes - media-slut. no - potential.
"does the story count on "anonymous" people? if yes - how deeply is their entire story based on this? the deeper it gets, the more full of shit they are. "anonymous" used to be for valid reasons. now it's just an illusion.

far too many people blog and do editorials and far far far too many people use those "opinions" as facts.

as for the "thanks" - id like to see all those back but what is keeping me from coming in here more often is the crap quoting system that can take 20 screens to get through on my phone.

honestly, it's making me just not come in here as it's too hard to use and follow anymore. the people i ignore i now have it shoved in my face YOU ARE IGNORING THIS PERSON and nullifies the feature all together, to me.

anyway - we'll see how it winds up but for whatever it's worth, the new formatting makes this very very very hard to use.
I see a hateful, vindictive, vengeful, arrogant, narcissistic, deceitful, lying, divisive, con artist and cheater who is self centered, a spoiled abusive bully, and loudmouthed wanna be... showman.... all the traits of the devil himself..... and traits and mannerism that I would never, ever, in a million gazillion years, want my children or grand children or friend's children or grand children or nieces or nephews etc, to emulate....! :eek:

I just can't get passed all that.... before ever even grading him as the so called president of the USA....

I don't foresee him ever changing for the good, not even in a National crisis, so please don't expect me to talk all nicey nicey about him.... I just can't.... and that's the honest to God truth.... so now you all know... if ya didn't already! :)
Excusing the Democrats while blaming Trump is about as stupid as it gets. Unbelievable. Your hatred is unfounded and borderlines insanity, but we are supposed to finally agree with you eh ???? Never gonna happen, so either get a better attitude on life or be relegated to the dust bins where the super partisan bullcrappers have all wounded up in life (no where).
Why on earth? Easy, because he is the president and she is the head of a major political party and speaker of the house. That’s why. You grow the fuck up and act like a leader. The old “she did it first so I can do it now” Line expired in grade school. You obviously didn’t get the memo

She's also the leader of the major political party which has been spewing lies about him for years, which has wasted untold millions of taxpayer dollars investigating things which never happened, and which tried to remove him from office over a fucking phone call.

He IS acting like a leader. Those who elected him (and I'm guessing you're not one of them) are finally happy to have a leader who doesn't take any bullshit and who couldn't be pretentious if he tried. You fuck with him, he'll fuck with you. That's how real life works. Pelosi now has a better understanding of what she can expect with the time she has left as SOTH while Trump is President.

You reap what you sow, and Pelosi has all but guaranteed that she'll be on the outside of all the good things that happen from here on out. She deserves to be left out in the cold.

Her political capital has been spent...
This is were we disagree. He is the president of the United States. Not the president of the Republicans or the president of just those who elected him. The “you fuck with him he’ll fuck with you” argument is exactly why he acts like a child and not a leader.

Funny, I don't remember any topic that you started when Piglosi, ShoeMaker or Schiff Face insulted or snubbed the President, and you constantly tell us you're a moderate and not a leftist or TDS victim.
I said plenty about Pelosi ripping up that speech... and even if I didn’t and I was a total hypocrite that wouldn’t matter in the least unless you want to use somebody else’s hypocrisy to justify your own. Is that what you’re doing?

What I'm doing is calling you out for being a fraud. You are either a Democrat/ leftist, or a person with TDS. Either way, you are not impartial which is why you started this topic and never started one against Piglosi or the other commies.
So what? Who cares what I think? It makes zero difference to the discussion. Either you think my statements are right or wrong and they can be discussed at face value. My personal feelings or my history of who I support and don’t support have nothing to do with it. That’s a diversion tactic

Well that's why we come here: to relay how we all think. If Trump is everything bad in your mind, at least be honest about it. If you hate Republicans no matter what they do, then don't tell everybody you're a centrist who has no side.

I'm a conservative Republican. I'm proud of it, I make no bones about it. Even without that proclamation, it's clear in what I write. Does that mean I will stick up for the Republican party and representatives no matter what? Of course not. But I will stick up for them when people like you attack them, and try to act like your side is totally innocent.
I don’t think anybody is “everything bad”. I used to be a trump fan and was thoroughly entertained by him... I just think he is a shitty president who makes me feel embarrassed to be an American with the way he represents us. I would love to vote republican. I am an entrepreneur who likes the idea of low taxes and small gov over big gov. I’d love it if the Republican Party and it’s leaders would do a decent job in representing those values while still displaying strong moral character for human rights. Unfortunately both political parties are corrupt and doing a garbage job. so that’s how I “feel” but again... to try and dismiss Trumps actions because the person critiquing the actions may be a hypocrite... well that’s just a weak diversionary argument IMO
So you vote Democrat because you support small government and low taxes?

Who are you trying to kid?
Why on earth? Easy, because he is the president and she is the head of a major political party and speaker of the house. That’s why. You grow the fuck up and act like a leader. The old “she did it first so I can do it now” Line expired in grade school. You obviously didn’t get the memo

She's also the leader of the major political party which has been spewing lies about him for years, which has wasted untold millions of taxpayer dollars investigating things which never happened, and which tried to remove him from office over a fucking phone call.

He IS acting like a leader. Those who elected him (and I'm guessing you're not one of them) are finally happy to have a leader who doesn't take any bullshit and who couldn't be pretentious if he tried. You fuck with him, he'll fuck with you. That's how real life works. Pelosi now has a better understanding of what she can expect with the time she has left as SOTH while Trump is President.

You reap what you sow, and Pelosi has all but guaranteed that she'll be on the outside of all the good things that happen from here on out. She deserves to be left out in the cold.

Her political capital has been spent...
This is were we disagree. He is the president of the United States. Not the president of the Republicans or the president of just those who elected him. The “you fuck with him he’ll fuck with you” argument is exactly why he acts like a child and not a leader.

Funny, I don't remember any topic that you started when Piglosi, ShoeMaker or Schiff Face insulted or snubbed the President, and you constantly tell us you're a moderate and not a leftist or TDS victim.
I said plenty about Pelosi ripping up that speech... and even if I didn’t and I was a total hypocrite that wouldn’t matter in the least unless you want to use somebody else’s hypocrisy to justify your own. Is that what you’re doing?

What I'm doing is calling you out for being a fraud. You are either a Democrat/ leftist, or a person with TDS. Either way, you are not impartial which is why you started this topic and never started one against Piglosi or the other commies.
So what? Who cares what I think? It makes zero difference to the discussion. Either you think my statements are right or wrong and they can be discussed at face value. My personal feelings or my history of who I support and don’t support have nothing to do with it. That’s a diversion tactic

Well that's why we come here: to relay how we all think. If Trump is everything bad in your mind, at least be honest about it. If you hate Republicans no matter what they do, then don't tell everybody you're a centrist who has no side.

I'm a conservative Republican. I'm proud of it, I make no bones about it. Even without that proclamation, it's clear in what I write. Does that mean I will stick up for the Republican party and representatives no matter what? Of course not. But I will stick up for them when people like you attack them, and try to act like your side is totally innocent.
I don’t think anybody is “everything bad”. I used to be a trump fan and was thoroughly entertained by him... I just think he is a shitty president who makes me feel embarrassed to be an American with the way he represents us. I would love to vote republican. I am an entrepreneur who likes the idea of low taxes and small gov over big gov. I’d love it if the Republican Party and it’s leaders would do a decent job in representing those values while still displaying strong moral character for human rights. Unfortunately both political parties are corrupt and doing a garbage job. so that’s how I “feel” but again... to try and dismiss Trumps actions because the person critiquing the actions may be a hypocrite... well that’s just a weak diversionary argument IMO

So you're just the standard TDSr. Gotcha.

In the old black and white movie days, they would display politicians kissing babies. They hated it, but did it to get votes by showing wives they loved babies. Back in the day, the father had very little interaction with babies. That was a woman's job.

So I developed the term Baby Kissing Politicians. In other words, phonies. You don't care about how good a job this President is doing, because you like baby kissing politicians, and are less concerned about success.

I'm just the opposite. Even though I like Trump on a personal basis, I love the job he's doing. I don't care about the aesthetics of it all, I only care that he's doing what I elected him to do, and I didn't elect him to put on an show for me. If I want somebody to put on an act for me, I'll turn on a sitcom and watch it.

But even if I hated Trump personally, I could ignore that providing he's doing what he can to benefit this country. He's not really getting paid for it, and I respect that. Even before the virus, he lost over a billion dollars of wealth. How can you not respect that?

As long as you people vote for actors instead of patriots, our country is in real trouble.
I voted for a patriot.
You voted for a criminal who sold her country to the highest bidder.
That’s the Class Act President we have... our government is being run by a bunch of emotional children. WTF is going on?!

Oh please, she has earned what she gets. Pelosi is a vicious, nasty person.
She's awesome! Trump is the most bigly vicious, nasty person.... no one in the existing world, is more vicious and nastier or more vindictive and vengeful than him, 24/7, 365 days a year....imo....

sure, she was wrong in showing her emotions and ripping his lying speech, but being wrong once in a while, makes her human....

being wrong and a dick ALL of the time, makes him, pure evil....! :eek: again, in my opinion... :p
Again, prod the bull, and get the horns. Just shows how bad the Democrats have been to him.

No worse than the Republicans were to Obama. The difference in their responses is class.
This to me is just being overly defensive to your side.

No repub ever:
Acted up behind obama
Ripped up his speech
Had pens made to celebrate an attack on him

And the list goes on. Not defending Trump but calling the D actions "class"?

Please explain.
Oops realized we may have misunderstood each other, no, those actions are a lack of class. When I referred to class, it was how Obama handled intense and personal attacks and how Trump does.
Obama was not attacked on a daily basis by a hostile press and unhinged opposition politicians.,
That’s the Class Act President we have... our government is being run by a bunch of emotional children. WTF is going on?!

Oh please, she has earned what she gets. Pelosi is a vicious, nasty person.
She's awesome! Trump is the most bigly vicious, nasty person.... no one in the existing world, is more vicious and nastier or more vindictive and vengeful than him, 24/7, 365 days a year....imo....

sure, she was wrong in showing her emotions and ripping his lying speech, but being wrong once in a while, makes her human....

being wrong and a dick ALL of the time, makes him, pure evil....! :eek: again, in my opinion... :p
Again, prod the bull, and get the horns. Just shows how bad the Democrats have been to him.

No worse than the Republicans were to Obama. The difference in their responses is class.
This to me is just being overly defensive to your side.

No repub ever:
Acted up behind obama
Ripped up his speech
Had pens made to celebrate an attack on him

And the list goes on. Not defending Trump but calling the D actions "class"?

Please explain.
Oops realized we may have misunderstood each other, no, those actions are a lack of class. When I referred to class, it was how Obama handled intense and personal attacks and how Trump does.
fair enough. obama did carry himself far better than trump. however, i don't trust obama simply because of how he treated the press. BEFORE GOING BUT TRUMP, keep this on obama. i hated how he used the press to manipulate current events.

my minor in college was journalism. i've been doing it in some form most all of my life. the "media"has NOT been "journalism" for a long long time and they are now PR pieces for their favorite politicians. it sucks. i didn't like obama jacking with the media so no - i don't like trump doing it either.

obama was horrible to the media when they were negative to him. he just didn't do it out in the open. but he spied on them, and much worse than trump just being the asshole that he is.

I will agree that Obama started the ball rolling on limiting media's freedom and rights and set an unfortunate precedent. It's one of my few criticisms of him.

We love to deplore the media but they have a job to do whether we agree with them or not. If we don't like one of them - hell - there are hundreds if not thousands to choose from.
Persecuting Republicans is not their job.
That’s the Class Act President we have... our government is being run by a bunch of emotional children. WTF is going on?!

Oh please, she has earned what she gets. Pelosi is a vicious, nasty person.
She's awesome! Trump is the most bigly vicious, nasty person.... no one in the existing world, is more vicious and nastier or more vindictive and vengeful than him, 24/7, 365 days a year....imo....

sure, she was wrong in showing her emotions and ripping his lying speech, but being wrong once in a while, makes her human....

being wrong and a dick ALL of the time, makes him, pure evil....! :eek: again, in my opinion... :p
Again, prod the bull, and get the horns. Just shows how bad the Democrats have been to him.

No worse than the Republicans were to Obama. The difference in their responses is class.
This to me is just being overly defensive to your side.

No repub ever:
Acted up behind obama
Ripped up his speech
Had pens made to celebrate an attack on him

And the list goes on. Not defending Trump but calling the D actions "class"?

Please explain.
Oops realized we may have misunderstood each other, no, those actions are a lack of class. When I referred to class, it was how Obama handled intense and personal attacks and how Trump does.
Obama was not attacked on a daily basis by a hostile press and unhinged opposition politicians.,

How quickly they forget....

In the weeks following the election, the debate over the issue of media bias, and of whether the press was overly kind to Barack Obama, has continued to swirl. Much less attention has been paid to another, more troubling aspect of the coverage, and that’s the relentless and malevolent campaign that the right-wing media waged against the Democratic candidate. Few people who did not regularly tune in to the vast, churning combine of bellowing radio hosts, yapping bloggers, obnoxious Web sites, malicious columnists, and the slashingly partisan Fox News have any idea of just how vile and venomous were the attacks leveled at Obama. Day after day, week after week, these outlets worked determinedly to discredit and degrade Obama, accusing him of being a Muslim, a Marxist, a radical, a revolutionary, a socialist, a communist, a thug, a mobster, a racist, an agent of voter fraud, a black-power advocate, a madrasah graduate, an anti-Semite, an enemy of Israel, an associate of terrorists—even the Antichrist. Supplemented by a flood of viral e-mails, slanderous robocalls, and Internet-based smear campaigns, these media outlets worked to stoke firestorms of manufactured rage against Obama and the Democrats in what was perhaps the most concerted campaign of vilification ever directed at an American politician.
That’s the Class Act President we have... our government is being run by a bunch of emotional children. WTF is going on?!

Oh please, she has earned what she gets. Pelosi is a vicious, nasty person.
She's awesome! Trump is the most bigly vicious, nasty person.... no one in the existing world, is more vicious and nastier or more vindictive and vengeful than him, 24/7, 365 days a year....imo....

sure, she was wrong in showing her emotions and ripping his lying speech, but being wrong once in a while, makes her human....

being wrong and a dick ALL of the time, makes him, pure evil....! :eek: again, in my opinion... :p
Again, prod the bull, and get the horns. Just shows how bad the Democrats have been to him.

No worse than the Republicans were to Obama. The difference in their responses is class.
This to me is just being overly defensive to your side.

No repub ever:
Acted up behind obama
Ripped up his speech
Had pens made to celebrate an attack on him

And the list goes on. Not defending Trump but calling the D actions "class"?

Please explain.
Oops realized we may have misunderstood each other, no, those actions are a lack of class. When I referred to class, it was how Obama handled intense and personal attacks and how Trump does.
fair enough. obama did carry himself far better than trump. however, i don't trust obama simply because of how he treated the press. BEFORE GOING BUT TRUMP, keep this on obama. i hated how he used the press to manipulate current events.

my minor in college was journalism. i've been doing it in some form most all of my life. the "media"has NOT been "journalism" for a long long time and they are now PR pieces for their favorite politicians. it sucks. i didn't like obama jacking with the media so no - i don't like trump doing it either.

obama was horrible to the media when they were negative to him. he just didn't do it out in the open. but he spied on them, and much worse than trump just being the asshole that he is.

I will agree that Obama started the ball rolling on limiting media's freedom and rights and set an unfortunate precedent. It's one of my few criticisms of him.

We love to deplore the media but they have a job to do whether we agree with them or not. If we don't like one of them - hell - there are hundreds if not thousands to choose from.
Persecuting Republicans is not their job.

You're being persecuted? Oh my. Have a tissue.
That’s the Class Act President we have... our government is being run by a bunch of emotional children. WTF is going on?!

Oh please, she has earned what she gets. Pelosi is a vicious, nasty person.
She's awesome! Trump is the most bigly vicious, nasty person.... no one in the existing world, is more vicious and nastier or more vindictive and vengeful than him, 24/7, 365 days a year....imo....

sure, she was wrong in showing her emotions and ripping his lying speech, but being wrong once in a while, makes her human....

being wrong and a dick ALL of the time, makes him, pure evil....! :eek: again, in my opinion... :p
Again, prod the bull, and get the horns. Just shows how bad the Democrats have been to him.

No worse than the Republicans were to Obama. The difference in their responses is class.
This to me is just being overly defensive to your side.

No repub ever:
Acted up behind obama
Ripped up his speech
Had pens made to celebrate an attack on him

And the list goes on. Not defending Trump but calling the D actions "class"?

Please explain.
Oops realized we may have misunderstood each other, no, those actions are a lack of class. When I referred to class, it was how Obama handled intense and personal attacks and how Trump does.
Obama was not attacked on a daily basis by a hostile press and unhinged opposition politicians.,

How quickly they forget....

In the weeks following the election, the debate over the issue of media bias, and of whether the press was overly kind to Barack Obama, has continued to swirl. Much less attention has been paid to another, more troubling aspect of the coverage, and that’s the relentless and malevolent campaign that the right-wing media waged against the Democratic candidate. Few people who did not regularly tune in to the vast, churning combine of bellowing radio hosts, yapping bloggers, obnoxious Web sites, malicious columnists, and the slashingly partisan Fox News have any idea of just how vile and venomous were the attacks leveled at Obama. Day after day, week after week, these outlets worked determinedly to discredit and degrade Obama, accusing him of being a Muslim, a Marxist, a radical, a revolutionary, a socialist, a communist, a thug, a mobster, a racist, an agent of voter fraud, a black-power advocate, a madrasah graduate, an anti-Semite, an enemy of Israel, an associate of terrorists—even the Antichrist. Supplemented by a flood of viral e-mails, slanderous robocalls, and Internet-based smear campaigns, these media outlets worked to stoke firestorms of manufactured rage against Obama and the Democrats in what was perhaps the most concerted campaign of vilification ever directed at an American politician.
Note that you said "the right wing media" as opposed to just "the media." The later played defense for Obama, kissed his ugly ass and attacked Republicans at every opportunity. These are the people who claim to be "objective."
Last edited:
That’s the Class Act President we have... our government is being run by a bunch of emotional children. WTF is going on?!

Oh please, she has earned what she gets. Pelosi is a vicious, nasty person.
She's awesome! Trump is the most bigly vicious, nasty person.... no one in the existing world, is more vicious and nastier or more vindictive and vengeful than him, 24/7, 365 days a year....imo....

sure, she was wrong in showing her emotions and ripping his lying speech, but being wrong once in a while, makes her human....

being wrong and a dick ALL of the time, makes him, pure evil....! :eek: again, in my opinion... :p
Again, prod the bull, and get the horns. Just shows how bad the Democrats have been to him.

No worse than the Republicans were to Obama. The difference in their responses is class.
This to me is just being overly defensive to your side.

No repub ever:
Acted up behind obama
Ripped up his speech
Had pens made to celebrate an attack on him

And the list goes on. Not defending Trump but calling the D actions "class"?

Please explain.
Oops realized we may have misunderstood each other, no, those actions are a lack of class. When I referred to class, it was how Obama handled intense and personal attacks and how Trump does.
fair enough. obama did carry himself far better than trump. however, i don't trust obama simply because of how he treated the press. BEFORE GOING BUT TRUMP, keep this on obama. i hated how he used the press to manipulate current events.

my minor in college was journalism. i've been doing it in some form most all of my life. the "media"has NOT been "journalism" for a long long time and they are now PR pieces for their favorite politicians. it sucks. i didn't like obama jacking with the media so no - i don't like trump doing it either.

obama was horrible to the media when they were negative to him. he just didn't do it out in the open. but he spied on them, and much worse than trump just being the asshole that he is.

I will agree that Obama started the ball rolling on limiting media's freedom and rights and set an unfortunate precedent. It's one of my few criticisms of him.

We love to deplore the media but they have a job to do whether we agree with them or not. If we don't like one of them - hell - there are hundreds if not thousands to choose from.
Persecuting Republicans is not their job.

You're being persecuted? Oh my. Have a tissue.
That's the reason TDS morons like you get attacked, and then you cry about how everything is so unfair!
That’s the Class Act President we have... our government is being run by a bunch of emotional children. WTF is going on?!

Oh please, she has earned what she gets. Pelosi is a vicious, nasty person.
She's awesome! Trump is the most bigly vicious, nasty person.... no one in the existing world, is more vicious and nastier or more vindictive and vengeful than him, 24/7, 365 days a year....imo....

sure, she was wrong in showing her emotions and ripping his lying speech, but being wrong once in a while, makes her human....

being wrong and a dick ALL of the time, makes him, pure evil....! :eek: again, in my opinion... :p
Again, prod the bull, and get the horns. Just shows how bad the Democrats have been to him.

No worse than the Republicans were to Obama. The difference in their responses is class.
This to me is just being overly defensive to your side.

No repub ever:
Acted up behind obama
Ripped up his speech
Had pens made to celebrate an attack on him

And the list goes on. Not defending Trump but calling the D actions "class"?

Please explain.
Oops realized we may have misunderstood each other, no, those actions are a lack of class. When I referred to class, it was how Obama handled intense and personal attacks and how Trump does.
fair enough. obama did carry himself far better than trump. however, i don't trust obama simply because of how he treated the press. BEFORE GOING BUT TRUMP, keep this on obama. i hated how he used the press to manipulate current events.

my minor in college was journalism. i've been doing it in some form most all of my life. the "media"has NOT been "journalism" for a long long time and they are now PR pieces for their favorite politicians. it sucks. i didn't like obama jacking with the media so no - i don't like trump doing it either.

obama was horrible to the media when they were negative to him. he just didn't do it out in the open. but he spied on them, and much worse than trump just being the asshole that he is.

I will agree that Obama started the ball rolling on limiting media's freedom and rights and set an unfortunate precedent. It's one of my few criticisms of him.

We love to deplore the media but they have a job to do whether we agree with them or not. If we don't like one of them - hell - there are hundreds if not thousands to choose from.
Persecuting Republicans is not their job.

You're being persecuted? Oh my. Have a tissue.
That's the reason TDS morons like you get attacked, and then you cry about how everything is so unfair!

Funny...I'm not the one crying about persecution. :)
That’s the Class Act President we have... our government is being run by a bunch of emotional children. WTF is going on?!

Oh please, she has earned what she gets. Pelosi is a vicious, nasty person.
She's awesome! Trump is the most bigly vicious, nasty person.... no one in the existing world, is more vicious and nastier or more vindictive and vengeful than him, 24/7, 365 days a year....imo....

sure, she was wrong in showing her emotions and ripping his lying speech, but being wrong once in a while, makes her human....

being wrong and a dick ALL of the time, makes him, pure evil....! :eek: again, in my opinion... :p
Again, prod the bull, and get the horns. Just shows how bad the Democrats have been to him.

No worse than the Republicans were to Obama. The difference in their responses is class.
This to me is just being overly defensive to your side.

No repub ever:
Acted up behind obama
Ripped up his speech
Had pens made to celebrate an attack on him

And the list goes on. Not defending Trump but calling the D actions "class"?

Please explain.
Oops realized we may have misunderstood each other, no, those actions are a lack of class. When I referred to class, it was how Obama handled intense and personal attacks and how Trump does.
Obama was not attacked on a daily basis by a hostile press and unhinged opposition politicians.,

How quickly they forget....

In the weeks following the election, the debate over the issue of media bias, and of whether the press was overly kind to Barack Obama, has continued to swirl. Much less attention has been paid to another, more troubling aspect of the coverage, and that’s the relentless and malevolent campaign that the right-wing media waged against the Democratic candidate. Few people who did not regularly tune in to the vast, churning combine of bellowing radio hosts, yapping bloggers, obnoxious Web sites, malicious columnists, and the slashingly partisan Fox News have any idea of just how vile and venomous were the attacks leveled at Obama. Day after day, week after week, these outlets worked determinedly to discredit and degrade Obama, accusing him of being a Muslim, a Marxist, a radical, a revolutionary, a socialist, a communist, a thug, a mobster, a racist, an agent of voter fraud, a black-power advocate, a madrasah graduate, an anti-Semite, an enemy of Israel, an associate of terrorists—even the Antichrist. Supplemented by a flood of viral e-mails, slanderous robocalls, and Internet-based smear campaigns, these media outlets worked to stoke firestorms of manufactured rage against Obama and the Democrats in what was perhaps the most concerted campaign of vilification ever directed at an American politician.

Now let's look at that:

The left has all of the other news channels outside of Fox.
The left has all of Hollywood.
The left orchestrates grade schools.
The left almost completely controls colleges.
The left almost completely owns television entertainment.
The left far outnumbers internet news sites over right leaning sites.
The left has a virtual monopoly of the most popular social media.

But you're going to complain that YOU are outnumbered somehow because we have one cable news channel and AM radio?
That’s the Class Act President we have... our government is being run by a bunch of emotional children. WTF is going on?!

Oh please, she has earned what she gets. Pelosi is a vicious, nasty person.
She's awesome! Trump is the most bigly vicious, nasty person.... no one in the existing world, is more vicious and nastier or more vindictive and vengeful than him, 24/7, 365 days a year....imo....

sure, she was wrong in showing her emotions and ripping his lying speech, but being wrong once in a while, makes her human....

being wrong and a dick ALL of the time, makes him, pure evil....! :eek: again, in my opinion... :p
Again, prod the bull, and get the horns. Just shows how bad the Democrats have been to him.

No worse than the Republicans were to Obama. The difference in their responses is class.
This to me is just being overly defensive to your side.

No repub ever:
Acted up behind obama
Ripped up his speech
Had pens made to celebrate an attack on him

And the list goes on. Not defending Trump but calling the D actions "class"?

Please explain.
Oops realized we may have misunderstood each other, no, those actions are a lack of class. When I referred to class, it was how Obama handled intense and personal attacks and how Trump does.
fair enough. obama did carry himself far better than trump. however, i don't trust obama simply because of how he treated the press. BEFORE GOING BUT TRUMP, keep this on obama. i hated how he used the press to manipulate current events.

my minor in college was journalism. i've been doing it in some form most all of my life. the "media"has NOT been "journalism" for a long long time and they are now PR pieces for their favorite politicians. it sucks. i didn't like obama jacking with the media so no - i don't like trump doing it either.

obama was horrible to the media when they were negative to him. he just didn't do it out in the open. but he spied on them, and much worse than trump just being the asshole that he is.

I will agree that Obama started the ball rolling on limiting media's freedom and rights and set an unfortunate precedent. It's one of my few criticisms of him.

We love to deplore the media but they have a job to do whether we agree with them or not. If we don't like one of them - hell - there are hundreds if not thousands to choose from.
Persecuting Republicans is not their job.

You're being persecuted? Oh my. Have a tissue.
That's the reason TDS morons like you get attacked, and then you cry about how everything is so unfair!

Funny...I'm not the one crying about persecution. :)
Of course you are, dingbat. You just spent about 2 dozen paragraphs crying about how the "right wing media" was so unfair to your messiah. The truth is the media kissed his ass and covered up all his crimes.
That’s the Class Act President we have... our government is being run by a bunch of emotional children. WTF is going on?!

Oh please, she has earned what she gets. Pelosi is a vicious, nasty person.
She's awesome! Trump is the most bigly vicious, nasty person.... no one in the existing world, is more vicious and nastier or more vindictive and vengeful than him, 24/7, 365 days a year....imo....

sure, she was wrong in showing her emotions and ripping his lying speech, but being wrong once in a while, makes her human....

being wrong and a dick ALL of the time, makes him, pure evil....! :eek: again, in my opinion... :p
Again, prod the bull, and get the horns. Just shows how bad the Democrats have been to him.

No worse than the Republicans were to Obama. The difference in their responses is class.
This to me is just being overly defensive to your side.

No repub ever:
Acted up behind obama
Ripped up his speech
Had pens made to celebrate an attack on him

And the list goes on. Not defending Trump but calling the D actions "class"?

Please explain.
Oops realized we may have misunderstood each other, no, those actions are a lack of class. When I referred to class, it was how Obama handled intense and personal attacks and how Trump does.
Obama was not attacked on a daily basis by a hostile press and unhinged opposition politicians.,

How quickly they forget....

In the weeks following the election, the debate over the issue of media bias, and of whether the press was overly kind to Barack Obama, has continued to swirl. Much less attention has been paid to another, more troubling aspect of the coverage, and that’s the relentless and malevolent campaign that the right-wing media waged against the Democratic candidate. Few people who did not regularly tune in to the vast, churning combine of bellowing radio hosts, yapping bloggers, obnoxious Web sites, malicious columnists, and the slashingly partisan Fox News have any idea of just how vile and venomous were the attacks leveled at Obama. Day after day, week after week, these outlets worked determinedly to discredit and degrade Obama, accusing him of being a Muslim, a Marxist, a radical, a revolutionary, a socialist, a communist, a thug, a mobster, a racist, an agent of voter fraud, a black-power advocate, a madrasah graduate, an anti-Semite, an enemy of Israel, an associate of terrorists—even the Antichrist. Supplemented by a flood of viral e-mails, slanderous robocalls, and Internet-based smear campaigns, these media outlets worked to stoke firestorms of manufactured rage against Obama and the Democrats in what was perhaps the most concerted campaign of vilification ever directed at an American politician.

Now let's look at that:

The left has all of the other news channels outside of Fox.
The left has all of Hollywood.
The left orchestrates grade schools.
The left almost completely controls colleges.
The left almost completely owns television entertainment.
The left far outnumbers internet news sites over right leaning sites.
The left has a virtual monopoly of the most popular social media.

But you're going to complain that YOU are outnumbered somehow because we have one cable news channel and AM radio?
You have to laugh whenever those morons start crying about the "right wing media." That's like crying about the noise a kid with a toy drum is making on the same field with a 100 man college marching band.
That’s the Class Act President we have... our government is being run by a bunch of emotional children. WTF is going on?!

Oh please, she has earned what she gets. Pelosi is a vicious, nasty person.
She's awesome! Trump is the most bigly vicious, nasty person.... no one in the existing world, is more vicious and nastier or more vindictive and vengeful than him, 24/7, 365 days a year....imo....

sure, she was wrong in showing her emotions and ripping his lying speech, but being wrong once in a while, makes her human....

being wrong and a dick ALL of the time, makes him, pure evil....! :eek: again, in my opinion... :p
Again, prod the bull, and get the horns. Just shows how bad the Democrats have been to him.

No worse than the Republicans were to Obama. The difference in their responses is class.
This to me is just being overly defensive to your side.

No repub ever:
Acted up behind obama
Ripped up his speech
Had pens made to celebrate an attack on him

And the list goes on. Not defending Trump but calling the D actions "class"?

Please explain.
Oops realized we may have misunderstood each other, no, those actions are a lack of class. When I referred to class, it was how Obama handled intense and personal attacks and how Trump does.
Obama was not attacked on a daily basis by a hostile press and unhinged opposition politicians.,

How quickly they forget....

In the weeks following the election, the debate over the issue of media bias, and of whether the press was overly kind to Barack Obama, has continued to swirl. Much less attention has been paid to another, more troubling aspect of the coverage, and that’s the relentless and malevolent campaign that the right-wing media waged against the Democratic candidate. Few people who did not regularly tune in to the vast, churning combine of bellowing radio hosts, yapping bloggers, obnoxious Web sites, malicious columnists, and the slashingly partisan Fox News have any idea of just how vile and venomous were the attacks leveled at Obama. Day after day, week after week, these outlets worked determinedly to discredit and degrade Obama, accusing him of being a Muslim, a Marxist, a radical, a revolutionary, a socialist, a communist, a thug, a mobster, a racist, an agent of voter fraud, a black-power advocate, a madrasah graduate, an anti-Semite, an enemy of Israel, an associate of terrorists—even the Antichrist. Supplemented by a flood of viral e-mails, slanderous robocalls, and Internet-based smear campaigns, these media outlets worked to stoke firestorms of manufactured rage against Obama and the Democrats in what was perhaps the most concerted campaign of vilification ever directed at an American politician.

Now let's look at that:

The left has all of the other news channels outside of Fox.

Wrong. In this age of media, there are hundreds if not thousands of sources catering to either side. In fact, the term MSM has little meaning anymore when much news is now gotten off the internet. And don't forget - the rightwing dominance of talk radio.

The left has all of Hollywood.

So? The right has most of Big Business.

The left orchestrates grade schools.

The right dominates private schools.

The left almost completely controls colleges.
Depends on the college and the school.

The left almost completely owns television entertainment.

You know this how? For example Fox/Rupert Murdoch owns a lot entertainment. The irrelevency of this claim though, is that it isn't a political factor - ratings determine content.

The left far outnumbers internet news sites over right leaning sites.

Oh? I assume you define even basically centrist sites as left, yes?

The left has a virtual monopoly of the most popular social media.


But you're going to complain that YOU are outnumbered somehow because we have one cable news channel and AM radio?

I'm not complaining but you are lying. The right dominates the non-traditional media, which is every bit as accessible and far reaching as television these days.

You can pretend the right didn't non-stop attack Obama, but that would be dishonest. So quit pretending that somehow Trump is a bigger victim.
That’s the Class Act President we have... our government is being run by a bunch of emotional children. WTF is going on?!

Oh please, she has earned what she gets. Pelosi is a vicious, nasty person.
She's awesome! Trump is the most bigly vicious, nasty person.... no one in the existing world, is more vicious and nastier or more vindictive and vengeful than him, 24/7, 365 days a year....imo....

sure, she was wrong in showing her emotions and ripping his lying speech, but being wrong once in a while, makes her human....

being wrong and a dick ALL of the time, makes him, pure evil....! :eek: again, in my opinion... :p
Again, prod the bull, and get the horns. Just shows how bad the Democrats have been to him.

No worse than the Republicans were to Obama. The difference in their responses is class.
This to me is just being overly defensive to your side.

No repub ever:
Acted up behind obama
Ripped up his speech
Had pens made to celebrate an attack on him

And the list goes on. Not defending Trump but calling the D actions "class"?

Please explain.
Oops realized we may have misunderstood each other, no, those actions are a lack of class. When I referred to class, it was how Obama handled intense and personal attacks and how Trump does.
fair enough. obama did carry himself far better than trump. however, i don't trust obama simply because of how he treated the press. BEFORE GOING BUT TRUMP, keep this on obama. i hated how he used the press to manipulate current events.

my minor in college was journalism. i've been doing it in some form most all of my life. the "media"has NOT been "journalism" for a long long time and they are now PR pieces for their favorite politicians. it sucks. i didn't like obama jacking with the media so no - i don't like trump doing it either.

obama was horrible to the media when they were negative to him. he just didn't do it out in the open. but he spied on them, and much worse than trump just being the asshole that he is.

I will agree that Obama started the ball rolling on limiting media's freedom and rights and set an unfortunate precedent. It's one of my few criticisms of him.

We love to deplore the media but they have a job to do whether we agree with them or not. If we don't like one of them - hell - there are hundreds if not thousands to choose from.
Persecuting Republicans is not their job.

You're being persecuted? Oh my. Have a tissue.
That's the reason TDS morons like you get attacked, and then you cry about how everything is so unfair!

Funny...I'm not the one crying about persecution. :)
Of course you are, dingbat. You just spent about 2 dozen paragraphs crying about how the "right wing media" was so unfair to your messiah. The truth is the media kissed his ass and covered up all his crimes.

You mean in my response to a post about leftwing media attacks on Trump?

Grow up, invest in Kleenex, and find your safe space you poor persecuted Trumpist.
That’s the Class Act President we have... our government is being run by a bunch of emotional children. WTF is going on?!

Oh please, she has earned what she gets. Pelosi is a vicious, nasty person.
She's awesome! Trump is the most bigly vicious, nasty person.... no one in the existing world, is more vicious and nastier or more vindictive and vengeful than him, 24/7, 365 days a year....imo....

sure, she was wrong in showing her emotions and ripping his lying speech, but being wrong once in a while, makes her human....

being wrong and a dick ALL of the time, makes him, pure evil....! :eek: again, in my opinion... :p
Again, prod the bull, and get the horns. Just shows how bad the Democrats have been to him.

No worse than the Republicans were to Obama. The difference in their responses is class.
This to me is just being overly defensive to your side.

No repub ever:
Acted up behind obama
Ripped up his speech
Had pens made to celebrate an attack on him

And the list goes on. Not defending Trump but calling the D actions "class"?

Please explain.
Oops realized we may have misunderstood each other, no, those actions are a lack of class. When I referred to class, it was how Obama handled intense and personal attacks and how Trump does.
Obama was not attacked on a daily basis by a hostile press and unhinged opposition politicians.,

How quickly they forget....

In the weeks following the election, the debate over the issue of media bias, and of whether the press was overly kind to Barack Obama, has continued to swirl. Much less attention has been paid to another, more troubling aspect of the coverage, and that’s the relentless and malevolent campaign that the right-wing media waged against the Democratic candidate. Few people who did not regularly tune in to the vast, churning combine of bellowing radio hosts, yapping bloggers, obnoxious Web sites, malicious columnists, and the slashingly partisan Fox News have any idea of just how vile and venomous were the attacks leveled at Obama. Day after day, week after week, these outlets worked determinedly to discredit and degrade Obama, accusing him of being a Muslim, a Marxist, a radical, a revolutionary, a socialist, a communist, a thug, a mobster, a racist, an agent of voter fraud, a black-power advocate, a madrasah graduate, an anti-Semite, an enemy of Israel, an associate of terrorists—even the Antichrist. Supplemented by a flood of viral e-mails, slanderous robocalls, and Internet-based smear campaigns, these media outlets worked to stoke firestorms of manufactured rage against Obama and the Democrats in what was perhaps the most concerted campaign of vilification ever directed at an American politician.

Now let's look at that:

The left has all of the other news channels outside of Fox.
The left has all of Hollywood.
The left orchestrates grade schools.
The left almost completely controls colleges.
The left almost completely owns television entertainment.
The left far outnumbers internet news sites over right leaning sites.
The left has a virtual monopoly of the most popular social media.

But you're going to complain that YOU are outnumbered somehow because we have one cable news channel and AM radio?
You have to laugh whenever those morons start crying about the "right wing media." That's like crying about the noise a kid with a toy drum is making on the same field with a 100 man college marching band.

My goodness you right-wingers are so persecuted by the horrible leftist media, you have no media of your own. It's David and Goliath! How sad. Have a tissue.

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