Pelosi Perpetrates ULTIMATE Act of Accusing Others of Doing WhatDems Do & Of Being Who Democrats Are: 'Enemies Of The State'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Nancy Pelosi has finally lost her f*ing mind, perpetrating the biggest act of falsely accusing others of doing what Democrats have done / do to being who THEY are by declaring the GOP is an 'enemy of the state'.

Although we do not have the time to cover the Democratic party's entire criminal history in just the last 12 years, lets review some of their highlights (or 'LOW-LIGHTS'):

Violated both Constitution and Law to illegally spy on Americans, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, USSC JUSTICES, Presidential candidates, and newly elected Presidents...

Confessed to extorting Ukraine Prime minister

Interfered in foreign elections, pimped out the US military to Al Qaeda, who slaughtered 3,000 Americans in one day, to help them murder a sovereign nation's leader - one who was helping the coalition fight terrorists in Northern Africa - and take over their own nation.

Armed, supplied, trained, funded, defended, protected terrorists and Mexican Drug Cartels

Were caught facilitating Chinese espionage from a Democrat Senators own office for over a decade

Violated the US Constitution by creating and agreeing to an Illegal Treaty that gave hundreds of billions of dollar to Iran WHILE they threatened to destroy the US and led chants of 'Death to America' during negotiations
-- Paid ransoms to our enemies

Dragged the US into another war in Syria then left the WH with US soldiers having to fight HIS war

Named the most criminally FOIA and FRA non-compliant Administration in US history

Colluded with foreign ex-spies and Russian Intel Service agents to obtain Russian Propaganda they knowingly used to violate the Constitution / break laws in a treasonous attempt to overthrow the US govt by removing the newly elected president from office

Continued 4 years of Conspiracy, perjury, obstruction, Sedition, and treason through one failed political coup attempt after another resulting in the 1st politically partisan (admittedly) Impeachment in US history, one admittedly based on zero crime, zero evidence, an zero witnesses

Based on all of this and so very much more President Trump would not only be well within his rights to do so but would be justified in officially naming the Democrats party an 'Enemy of the State' and even ordering it to be dis-banned and outlawed.

Should have fired up the helicopters in 2004.
Nancy Pelosi has finally lost her f*ing mind, perpetrating the biggest act of falsely accusing others of doing what Democrats have done / do to being who THEY are by declaring the GOP is an 'enemy of the state'.

Although we do not have the time to cover the Democratic party's entire criminal history in just the last 12 years, lets review some of their highlights (or 'LOW-LIGHTS'):

Violated both Constitution and Law to illegally spy on Americans, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, USSC JUSTICES, Presidential candidates, and newly elected Presidents...

Confessed to extorting Ukraine Prime minister

Interfered in foreign elections, pimped out the US military to Al Qaeda, who slaughtered 3,000 Americans in one day, to help them murder a sovereign nation's leader - one who was helping the coalition fight terrorists in Northern Africa - and take over their own nation.

Armed, supplied, trained, funded, defended, protected terrorists and Mexican Drug Cartels

Were caught facilitating Chinese espionage from a Democrat Senators own office for over a decade

Violated the US Constitution by creating and agreeing to an Illegal Treaty that gave hundreds of billions of dollar to Iran WHILE they threatened to destroy the US and led chants of 'Death to America' during negotiations
-- Paid ransoms to our enemies

Dragged the US into another war in Syria then left the WH with US soldiers having to fight HIS war

Named the most criminally FOIA and FRA non-compliant Administration in US history

Colluded with foreign ex-spies and Russian Intel Service agents to obtain Russian Propaganda they knowingly used to violate the Constitution / break laws in a treasonous attempt to overthrow the US govt by removing the newly elected president from office

Continued 4 years of Conspiracy, perjury, obstruction, Sedition, and treason through one failed political coup attempt after another resulting in the 1st politically partisan (admittedly) Impeachment in US history, one admittedly based on zero crime, zero evidence, an zero witnesses

Based on all of this and so very much more President Trump would not only be well within his rights to do so but would be justified in officially naming the Democrats party an 'Enemy of the State' and even ordering it to be dis-banned and outlawed.

Every American with IQ's above their hat size knows just how low and treasonous these democrats are. All we need to do is end voting age requirement and use voting IQ requirement. This criminal party would end today, we could jail them this afternoon and break out the short ropes by morning.
Pelosi is the leader of the traitors in the House.
Nancy Pelosi has finally lost her f*ing mind, perpetrating the biggest act of falsely accusing others of doing what Democrats have done / do to being who THEY are by declaring the GOP is an 'enemy of the state'.

Although we do not have the time to cover the Democratic party's entire criminal history in just the last 12 years, lets review some of their highlights (or 'LOW-LIGHTS'):

Violated both Constitution and Law to illegally spy on Americans, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, USSC JUSTICES, Presidential candidates, and newly elected Presidents...

Confessed to extorting Ukraine Prime minister

Interfered in foreign elections, pimped out the US military to Al Qaeda, who slaughtered 3,000 Americans in one day, to help them murder a sovereign nation's leader - one who was helping the coalition fight terrorists in Northern Africa - and take over their own nation.

Armed, supplied, trained, funded, defended, protected terrorists and Mexican Drug Cartels

Were caught facilitating Chinese espionage from a Democrat Senators own office for over a decade

Violated the US Constitution by creating and agreeing to an Illegal Treaty that gave hundreds of billions of dollar to Iran WHILE they threatened to destroy the US and led chants of 'Death to America' during negotiations
-- Paid ransoms to our enemies

Dragged the US into another war in Syria then left the WH with US soldiers having to fight HIS war

Named the most criminally FOIA and FRA non-compliant Administration in US history

Colluded with foreign ex-spies and Russian Intel Service agents to obtain Russian Propaganda they knowingly used to violate the Constitution / break laws in a treasonous attempt to overthrow the US govt by removing the newly elected president from office

Continued 4 years of Conspiracy, perjury, obstruction, Sedition, and treason through one failed political coup attempt after another resulting in the 1st politically partisan (admittedly) Impeachment in US history, one admittedly based on zero crime, zero evidence, an zero witnesses

Based on all of this and so very much more President Trump would not only be well within his rights to do so but would be justified in officially naming the Democrats party an 'Enemy of the State' and even ordering it to be dis-banned and outlawed.

This reaction to the RNC is very telling.. They are losing the battle and now they are lashing out.. The Death throws of a dying party...

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