Pelosi: SCOTUS will uphold "Obamacare"


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009
Rep. Nancy Pelosi predicts Supreme Court will back healthcare law

By Kim Geiger April 4, 2012, 11:17 a.m.

Reporting from Washington—

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi predicts that the Supreme Court will rule, by a 6-3 vote, to uphold the healthcare law that she helped enact in 2010, though she acknowledged that “you never know what the court will do.”

Speaking Tuesday at a luncheon at the Paley Center for Media in New York, Pelosi criticized Republican opponents of the law for asking the court to overturn it when the GOP typically objects to judicial intervention.

“They were not big fans of the courts … until now,” Pelosi said. “Now, they support judicial review.”

Pelosi, a California Democrat who is now minority leader, said she was confident that the bill could withstand the challenge because “we wrote the bill in an ironclad way.”

Gee, Nancy...maybe if you'd given us a good piece of legislation in the first place...something that actually brought down the cost of health care for Americans...then we wouldn't be having to FIX the load of crap that you did give us?
maybe it if the republicans had helped instead of spreading outright lies about the bill it could have been better.

They didnt want to give Obama a win
California GOP loses an up-and-comer in Nathan Fletcher - Los Angeles Times

The tipping point for Fletcher came last fall when he negotiated with Gov. Brown to eliminate a corporate tax break that rewarded companies for not building facilities and creating jobs in California. The $1-billion savings would have provided tax breaks for small businesses, buyers of manufacturing equipment and income tax payers who don't itemize. Republicans blocked the bill.

GOP colleagues told Fletcher, he says, that "'it may be the right thing to do, but we can't let Jerry Brown get a win,' which is just dumb."

In "On the Waterfront," the Brando character, an ex-boxer, bemoans that "I coulda had class."

Fletcher had it and still does. But the GOP has lost a contender.
The republican party doesnt work for America they work for their party.

Party over country at every turn.

They say it themselves
Rep. Nancy Pelosi predicts Supreme Court will back healthcare law

By Kim Geiger April 4, 2012, 11:17 a.m.

Reporting from Washington&#8212;

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi predicts that the Supreme Court will rule, by a 6-3 vote, to uphold the healthcare law that she helped enact in 2010, though she acknowledged that &#8220;you never know what the court will do.&#8221;

Speaking Tuesday at a luncheon at the Paley Center for Media in New York, Pelosi criticized Republican opponents of the law for asking the court to overturn it when the GOP typically objects to judicial intervention.

&#8220;They were not big fans of the courts &#8230; until now,&#8221; Pelosi said. &#8220;Now, they support judicial review.&#8221;

Pelosi, a California Democrat who is now minority leader, said she was confident that the bill could withstand the challenge because &#8220;we wrote the bill in an ironclad way.&#8221;


Pelousy is an idiot.

Putting her SCOTUS prediction to the side, she also just lies.

How could she have written the bill in an allegedly iron-clad way when she forgot to insert even a perfunctory "severability" clause?

And how could she know if she had written an allegedly iron-clad bill when she said it would have to be passed before they could know what was in it?

She's a stupid lying hack.

Furthermore, Republicans (generally speaking) have never taken much issue with judicial review. She's another lying twit who cannot distinguish between judicial review on the one hand and judicial activism on the other hand.

Pelousy is a lying, drooling , senile, rancid piece of shit.

And she can't blink.

Actual image of Nancy Pelousy TRYING to blink ----> :eek:
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Dems: No budget, pass bill they don't read, record debt, deficits, foreclosures, unemployment, killed NASA, failed stimulus and USA's first ever credit downgrade
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That was after he lied the entire country into war huh?

You have had 9 YEARS to prove that claim and failed at every turn Not even the Dems in Congress believe that line, when they investigated they found NO evidence of lies by the President. SO you have just admitted you are so partisan you will claim what you do is ok but if the Republicans do it it is bad. Thanks for more evidence of what a fucking lying hack you are.
[ame=]Pelosi: we have to pass the health care bill so that you can find out what is in it - YouTube[/ame]
What Pelosi meant to say:

Obamacare is such a convoluted, lengthy, unimaginable law, that we figured the Supreme Court would never understand it enough to rule.

Mitch McConnell didn't make that statement as Barack Obama was being sworn in as President, he made it after Barry had been in office for a year and had used his super majorities in the House and Senate to give us ObamaCare.

The GOP sought to make Barack Obama a one term President because they saw what his vision for the country was.

But hey...if you're a big fan of class warfare...people who play the race card...cronyism...and general ineptitude...then by all means elect Barry to a second term. Obama's given us an Attorney General that sells guns to drug cartels and a Secretary of the Treasury that can't figure out Turbo Tax. His deficits are so out of control that he won't even submit budgets for fear of the American people getting a good look at how bad things are and his economic team had to invent a new statistic "jobs saved" because their policies were such a failure at creating jobs.
“They were not big fans of the courts … until now,” Pelosi said. “Now, they support judicial review.”

Republicans have always been huge fans of the Court when it upheld the literal Constitution. They have been 100% opposed to the Court when it has intrepreted the Constitution in a liberal way that had nothing to do with original intent. The Constitution and America are essentially Republican. That is why the liberals spied for Stalin.

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