Pelosi Teams Up With Trump On Getting Americans $2000 Stimulus Checks


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"President Trump is calling on the U.S. Congress to amend the COVID-19 relief bill. In a video posted to Twitter on Tuesday, Trump said he wants to increase the $600 stimulus checks to $2,000 per person -- Nancy Pelosi posted to Twitter saying, “Republicans repeatedly refused to say what amount the President wanted for direct checks. At last, the President has agreed to $2,000 — Democrats are ready to bring this to the Floor this week by unanimous consent. Let’s do it!”

Good to see that Pelosi and the radical socialist Dems have come to their senses and decided to back a $2000 stimulus check -- a dollar amount that was originally proposed by conservatives in the Senate, a dollar amount that was first suggested by Trump - who in his infinite wisdom knew that this dollar amount will be the correct amount needed to stimulate the economy.

But instead, Pelosi and the Dems have spent the past 7 months opposing direct stimulus payments....The GOP have been pushing for months to get a direct stimulus bill passed ASAP -- for fuck sake, the GOP had a bill already passed back in May!! -- only to be rebuffed by socialist Dems who were too busy pretending to care about the debt and deficit instead of getting American families the help they need....
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"President Trump is calling on the U.S. Congress to amend the COVID-19 relief bill. In a video posted to Twitter on Tuesday, Trump said he wants to increase the $600 stimulus checks to $2,000 per person -- Nancy Pelosi posted to Twitter saying, “Republicans repeatedly refused to say what amount the President wanted for direct checks. At last, the President has agreed to $2,000 — Democrats are ready to bring this to the Floor this week by unanimous consent. Let’s do it!”

Good to see that Pelosi and the radical socialist Dems have come to their senses and decided to back a $2000 stimulus check -- a dollar amount that was originally proposed by conservatives in the Senate, a dollar amount that was first suggest by Trump - who in his infinite wisdom knew that this dollar amount will be the correct amount needed to stimulate the economy.

But instead, Pelosi and the Dems have spent the past 7 months opposing direct stimulus payments....The GOP have been pushing for months to get a direct stimulus bill passed ASAP -- for fuck sake, the GOP had a bill already passed back in May!! -- only to be rebuffed by socialist Dems who were too busy pretending to care about the debt and deficit instead of getting American families the help they need....

That didn't take long....

Well bitch...err...I mean Mitch....are you going to be the roadblock to stimulus checks?

they're teaming up on nothing.

Pelosi just set the pubs up as she thinks they won't pass it, or they will but it will still be loaded with pork and/or more pork.

Pelosi does nothing that doesn't suit her and teaming up in a good faith effort with Trump does not. She saw an opportunity to score points here and couldn't NOT get onboard or she is pegged as the bad guy.

She'll poison pill the hell out of this thing and then point her crooked ass finger right back at Trump and the pubs when they actually have time to read it and object to some of the items slid into it.
they're teaming up on nothing.

Pelosi just set the pubs up as she thinks they won't pass it, or they will but it will still be loaded with pork and/or more pork.

Pelosi does nothing that doesn't suit her and teaming up in a good faith effort with Trump does not. She saw an opportunity to score points here and couldn't NOT get onboard or she is pegged as the bad guy.

She'll poison pill the hell out of this thing and then point her crooked ass finger right back at Trump and the pubs.
Funny how Dems were the ones who initially proposed a 2000 stimulus check in the first place.....This article is from June -- not a single republican (including Trump) was pushing for a $2000 stimulus payment....

How come that didn't score any points with Trump sycophants months ago??

Man, I hope Trump decides to back Medicare for All -- just to own the libs.....we know his cult followers will suddenly be in favor of it and then claim they were the whole time.....
they're teaming up on nothing.

Pelosi just set the pubs up as she thinks they won't pass it, or they will but it will still be loaded with pork and/or more pork.

Pelosi does nothing that doesn't suit her and teaming up in a good faith effort with Trump does not. She saw an opportunity to score points here and couldn't NOT get onboard or she is pegged as the bad guy.

She'll poison pill the hell out of this thing and then point her crooked ass finger right back at Trump and the pubs.
Funny how Dems were the ones who initially proposed a 2000 stimulus check in the first place.....This article is from June -- not a single republican (including Trump) was pushing for a $2000 stimulus payment....

How come that didn't score any points with Trump sycophants months ago??

Man, I hope Trump decides to back Medicare for All -- just to own the libs.....we know his cult followers will suddenly be in favor of it and then claim they were the whole time.....

Exactly my point. She isn't teaming up. She saw an opportunity to score points and jumped all over it.
Let's see of the Republican sons-of-bitches up in the Senate will finally approve something for the people, or opt to kuntinue to do their corporate donors' bidding.
Let's see of the Republican sons-of-bitches up in the Senate will finally approve something for the people, or opt to kuntinue to do their corporate donors' bidding.
No problem, just take away the Dem request for landscaping the Taj Mahal and shoring up the Acropolis to pay for the checks.

"President Trump is calling on the U.S. Congress to amend the COVID-19 relief bill. In a video posted to Twitter on Tuesday, Trump said he wants to increase the $600 stimulus checks to $2,000 per person -- Nancy Pelosi posted to Twitter saying, “Republicans repeatedly refused to say what amount the President wanted for direct checks. At last, the President has agreed to $2,000 — Democrats are ready to bring this to the Floor this week by unanimous consent. Let’s do it!”

Good to see that Pelosi and the radical socialist Dems have come to their senses and decided to back a $2000 stimulus check -- a dollar amount that was originally proposed by conservatives in the Senate, a dollar amount that was first suggested by Trump - who in his infinite wisdom knew that this dollar amount will be the correct amount needed to stimulate the economy.

But instead, Pelosi and the Dems have spent the past 7 months opposing direct stimulus payments....The GOP have been pushing for months to get a direct stimulus bill passed ASAP -- for fuck sake, the GOP had a bill already passed back in May!! -- only to be rebuffed by socialist Dems who were too busy pretending to care about the debt and deficit instead of getting American families the help they need....
I think you got your facts wrong dude. Dems weren’t opposing direct payments. They wanted higher payments from the start. Trump calling for $2000 is an easy thumbs up for the Dems. It’s McConnell who has been fighting against it. The Reps are in the hot seat now
Boy just when Republicans were on the verge of having something positive to bray about in the GA Senate run offs, along comes Trump and craps all over their furniture again. Plays right into Democrats hands with bumped up stimulus checks. Now the GOP is between a rock and a cuck place. If they refuse to consider more money, they look like they're going against the President, who enjoys a 95% approval rating in his own party.
Boy just when Republicans were on the verge of having something positive to bray about in the GA Senate run offs, along comes Trump and craps all over their furniture again. Plays right into Democrats hands with bumped up stimulus checks. Now the GOP is between a rock and a cuck place. If they refuse to consider more money, they look like they're going against the President, who enjoys a 95% approval rating in his own party.
No big deal the Dems just need to cancel out upgrades to the Premier's palace in Communist China and nuclear donations to Iran to pay for the additional amount on the checks.
Says anyone with common sense

How much money can America go in debt before our economy goes in the toilet?

I think we have already borrowed too much
If they haven't gone in debt before, they never will.

Stop spewing partisan rhetoric and think for once in your life.
If they haven't gone in debt before, they never will.
I suppose you mean if we have not stumbled into economic ruin by now we never will

but all good thing must end sometime

pray to God that you die before America dies and its only your children and grandchildren who suffer for your mistakes

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