Pelosi To GOP: A Democratic President Could Declare National Emergency On Guns

The men has already declared Muellers witch hunt as black mail crime

And the deep state as America's enemy

The men have made that judgement already with their support of trump

The men with trump will stop the whole crooked govt and make logic ability tests for voters to stop electing crooks that weakens America

Trump next will declare a national emergency because of crazy voters

Trump will copy the wise founders and stop the unwise from voting
Trump the reckless, irresponsible tinpot dictator.
Obama declares 31 national emergencies. What does that make him?



Actually that is a lie, but nice try, luckily we have them on paper. He declared 10. And all 10 have been renewed by Trump, and 0 of the 10 were opposed by a bipartisan Congress who voted against it, but rather immediate events causing the need for an immediate response. Stopping support of groups like Los Zetas, MS-13 Somalian Pirates, terrorists, cyber terrorists, cartels.

This is what the last 24 national emergencies declared have been. An issue arises in a country. A military takeover killing civilians, a breakout of a gang or terrorist cell. A national Emergency is declared for this new issue that allows a quick and firm reaction against it. So yes... This one is a LOT different.

I believe this one is different also as this is the first one where the President in his private businesses actually is causing the national emergency he declares by providing a reward for the illegal immigrants in jobs with his companies for decades. Would be like a president who's private business was selling drugs for decades using MS-13 then declaring a national emergency against drug smuggling at the border.

Doesn't matter.... He can only win by doing it even if the courts block it ...

It's a brilliant move.


Wrong dead wrong

Trump has the men like Andrew Jackson did and no courts or congress could stop him

He had the men like trump has

The House speaker warned Republicans about the precedent Trump could set by declaring a national emergency to secure border wall funding.


“I know the Republicans have some unease about it, no matter what they say,” Pelosi told reporters at the Capitol. “Because if the president can declare an emergency on something that he has created as an emergency, an illusion that he wants to convey, just think of what a president with different values can present to the American people.”

Pelosi said the situation at the U.S.-Mexico border doesn’t constitute an “emergency,” as Trump has framed it, but rather a “humanitarian challenge.”

“You want to talk about a national emergency?” Pelosi said. “Let’s talk about today, the one-year anniversary of another manifestation of the epidemic of gun violence in America. That’s a national emergency.”

Pelosi was referring to the Feb. 14, 2018 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. She noted that a Democratic president could declare a national emergency on gun violence and warned Republicans to carefully consider the precedent Trump would set by using his executive power to override Congress.

“Democratic presidents can declare emergencies as well,” Pelosi said. “So the precedent that the president is setting here is something that should be met with great unease and dismay by the Republicans.”

What goes around comes around. Go Nancy!
Because the world has a 'right' to enter our country, but the people have no 'right' to own fire arms.

Yeah, try and sell that as an emergency.

Like I said, the Constitution has NO say on what firearms the 1st amendment protects. It's why you can't buy a bazooka or nuclear weapon and say the 1st amendment protects you. Also background checks heavily enforced through this, basically could get the tightest gun control ever. Like I am saying, not a bag of worms I think Trump wants to open, unless he's looking at today and has no care about the repurcussions.
Although Trump has created a humanitarian crisis at the border - there is no national emergency.

This is NOT a "national emergency" is a "Trump made-up, selfish emergency"


Here's a poll from the ultra conservative Wash Examiner.....

President Trump’s base of supporters remains on his side and even supportive of his temporary deal with Democrats to end the partial government shutdown, but are warning the White House that they will mutiny if the border wall isn’t built.

Poll: Trump voters will mutiny if the wall isn't built, faces 43 percent drop in support
National gun violence is a major problem. Much bigger than Trump's fear-mongering about more border wall.
So, why let more criminals in?

I agree.. The Department of Homeland security says the overwhelming majority of illegals entering the country come through ports of entry. Smuggled or legally and overstaying visits... I know Trump has relied on them for decades to build his empire, maybe that's why he chooses instead to focus on the places they are not entering the US from nearly as much.
You have to scratch your head when the crazy left thought it was fine and dandy for Obama to declare some sort of national emergency on guns by shipping over 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexico and losing track of them. At least one of the weapons was used to murder a U.S. Border Officer which makes Obama one of the most prolific gun law violators and an accessory to murder.
Wtf are you babbling about?
Actually my bet is to the next time a mass shootings incident happens under a democratic president this will be the inevitable reaction.

That is interesting. According to ICE about 1800 people in the US have been killed by illegal immigrants. And according to the CDC 39,773 Americans were killed by firearms. So if this is a national emergency, what happens with 22 times the number of deaths attributed to something killing Americans? Could a national emergency be declared that people still have the right to firearms less deadly than a pellet gun only?

Same could be said on the effects of climate change on weather, backed by scientific data. That's a much higher death toll as well. Should a national emergency be declared to fund renewable energy and shutter coal?

Lung Cancer kills 300k a year. Should cigarette sales be a national emergency to shut them down?

Diabetes and heart disease are hundreds of times more deadly than this emergency, should a national emergency limit sales of red meat and shut down the soda industry?

Lack of healthcare kills hundreds of thousands of Americans. Should a national emergency be declared to completely socialize healthcare.

White Supremacists accounted for the majority of extremist killings the past 15 years. Should those groups be banned under a national emergency, and anyone supporting them be locked up?

It's an interesting box of worms to try and open.

The Democrats would be voted right off the freaking Hemisphere if they tried it.




In your opinion. Not shared by many.

The House speaker warned Republicans about the precedent Trump could set by declaring a national emergency to secure border wall funding.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Thursday warned about the dangerous precedent President Donald Trump could set if he declares a national emergency to secure funding for his border wall.

“I know the Republicans have some unease about it, no matter what they say,” Pelosi told reporters at the Capitol. “Because if the president can declare an emergency on something that he has created as an emergency, an illusion that he wants to convey, just think of what a president with different values can present to the American people.”

Pelosi said the situation at the U.S.-Mexico border doesn’t constitute an “emergency,” as Trump has framed it, but rather a “humanitarian challenge.”

“You want to talk about a national emergency?” Pelosi said. “Let’s talk about today, the one-year anniversary of another manifestation of the epidemic of gun violence in America. That’s a national emergency.”

Pelosi was referring to the Feb. 14, 2018 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. She noted that a Democratic president could declare a national emergency on gun violence and warned Republicans to carefully consider the precedent Trump would set by using his executive power to override Congress.

“Democratic presidents can declare emergencies as well,” Pelosi said. “So the precedent that the president is setting here is something that should be met with great unease and dismay by the Republicans.”

More: Pelosi To GOP: A Democratic President Could Declare National Emergency On Guns

What goes around comes around. Go Nancy!

Try it Dip Shit.....
You have to scratch your head when the crazy left thought it was fine and dandy for Obama to declare some sort of national emergency on guns by shipping over 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexico and losing track of them. At least one of the weapons was used to murder a U.S. Border Officer which makes Obama one of the most prolific gun law violators and an accessory to murder.

Scratching my head as well here, as Obama's only national Emergencies he declared (all of them were extended by Trump) were about groups in foreign countries, gangs, etc.

Of course on this national Emergency resulting in 1800 deaths a year, it is people like Trump who's decades of hiring illegal immigrants and giving them rewards for breaking the law and our borders that are to blame. Jail time there? Or does your logic just disappear when you change the political party?
National gun violence is a major problem. Much bigger than Trump's fear-mongering about more border wall.

There should be a National Emergency on driving first seeing I am more likely to die on this country road system than being killed in a mass shooting...

There is no Constitutional Amendment that says you have the right to drive a car...
Foolish democrats cannot understand that only if the men are on your side you can declare an emergency and make it stick

President Andrew Jackson had the men on his side and said no to the congress and courts

He took the military against congress and courts to make the Indians go to reservations

Trump seeing how the unwise and crazies are electing crooks will bring logic tests for voting

Trump will copy the wise founders who would not let the unwise vote or be on juries
National gun violence is a major problem. Much bigger than Trump's fear-mongering about more border wall.

There should be a National Emergency on driving first seeing I am more likely to die on this country road system than being killed in a mass shooting...

There is no Constitutional Amendment that says you have the right to drive a car...

Funny. By today's standards - the 2nd Amendment sounds like it was written by a bunch of retards. It is confusing and obsolete.

The House speaker warned Republicans about the precedent Trump could set by declaring a national emergency to secure border wall funding.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Thursday warned about the dangerous precedent President Donald Trump could set if he declares a national emergency to secure funding for his border wall.

“I know the Republicans have some unease about it, no matter what they say,” Pelosi told reporters at the Capitol. “Because if the president can declare an emergency on something that he has created as an emergency, an illusion that he wants to convey, just think of what a president with different values can present to the American people.”

Pelosi said the situation at the U.S.-Mexico border doesn’t constitute an “emergency,” as Trump has framed it, but rather a “humanitarian challenge.”

“You want to talk about a national emergency?” Pelosi said. “Let’s talk about today, the one-year anniversary of another manifestation of the epidemic of gun violence in America. That’s a national emergency.”

Pelosi was referring to the Feb. 14, 2018 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. She noted that a Democratic president could declare a national emergency on gun violence and warned Republicans to carefully consider the precedent Trump would set by using his executive power to override Congress.

“Democratic presidents can declare emergencies as well,” Pelosi said. “So the precedent that the president is setting here is something that should be met with great unease and dismay by the Republicans.”

More: Pelosi To GOP: A Democratic President Could Declare National Emergency On Guns

What goes around comes around. Go Nancy!

Oh I've been waiting for this one!!!

Why am I not surprised the stupid indian bit first?

So tell me chief bleeding gums....which is covered under the constitution.
And I mean in a way that supports your position?

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