Pelosi will define "high capacity" magazines as 10 bullets...we told you...they use magazine limits as back door gun bans.

To the foolish people who thought, "Gee, the democrats have a point when they want to limit magazine size," .......we told you...this isn't about saving lives....this is simply a way to ban guns without actually banning the gun.....

I posted over and over that the reason they went to 10 bullets is because they know that vast numbers of pistols hold 15-19 bullets as going with 10, they make those pistols illegal...without passing a law banning or confiscating them...

Can you then make magazines that hold 10 bullets for those guns?

But that costs more money, more time...and until the gun and magazine makers get production up...those guns are illegal...

I, and other intelligent people, knew that 10 rounds wasn't going to be the end....too many guns, especially the dreaded concealed carry handguns, designed specifically to be carried concealed....carry 10 rounds...

So...the democrat have gone to the next step to get those we told you they would....

The gun control package proposed by House Democrats identifies “high-capacity” magazines as holding 10 rounds or more.

The proposed new limit on ammunition clips is part of the six-piece gun-control package that the House Judiciary Committee is marking up Thursday during an emergency meeting.

I feel like you said this and that the article says it, too, but I want to make it more plain, more explicit.

Her proposed ban is any gun capable of accepting a magazine with 10 or more rounds. That means, based on many current laws, if there's a magazine made for the gun that holds 10 rounds or more, made and sold anywhere in the world, whether or not your magazines are only capable of fewer rounds or whether or not every single gun of the model ever sold in the US holds only less than 10 rounds, then the gun itself is illegal.

The reason I point out about the "many current laws" is that I wouldn't be surprised to see some leftist get a custom mag made of 10 rounds or over for many guns, even if they're extended magazines sticking far out of the grip, and suddenly even more guns are now illegal.
I feel like you said this and that the article says it, too, but I want to make it more plain, more explicit.

Her proposed ban is any gun capable of accepting a magazine with 10 or more rounds. That means, based on many current laws, if there's a magazine made for the gun that holds 10 rounds or more, made and sold anywhere in the world, whether or not your magazines are only capable of fewer rounds or whether or not every single gun of the model ever sold in the US holds only less than 10 rounds, then the gun itself is illegal.

The reason I point out about the "many current laws" is that I wouldn't be surprised to see some leftist get a custom mag made of 10 rounds or over for many guns, even if they're extended magazines sticking far out of the grip, and suddenly even more guns are now illegal.

Thanks, I didn't catch that....that is a gun ban of all semi-automatic weapons....
True. Whether it's 10, 15, 20, or whatever, it only takes a few seconds to hit the eject button for the magazine and load a fresh one. A shooter with just a 10 round clip can still kill a heckuva lot of people in a few minutes. One gun, 20 clips with 10 rounds each, that's 200 shots probably before the cops even show up.
Did they teach you that "clip" stuff in the air force?
The Supreme Court has put off their decision on whether to hear a challenge to New Jersey's 10 round magazine limits until after Justice Barrett issues her opinion on the New York gun case.

The Supreme Court has also put off their decision on whether to hear a challenge to California's 10 round magazine limits until after Justice Barrett issues her opinion on the New York gun case.

That almost certainly means that as soon as she issues her ruling, they intend to announce that they will hear those cases in their next term.

That almost certainly means that they plan to rule that ten round magazine limits are unconstitutional.

Off topic for this thread, but probably still of interest:
The Supreme Court has also put off their decision on whether to hear a challenge to Maryland's "assault weapon" ban until after Justice Barrett issues her opinion on the New York concealed carry case.

I hope you're right about the plans but I have no confidence. The court is not 6-3 conservative as the MSM would have you believe. The Court is 7-2 liberal. All three of Trump's appointees have made liberal, unconstitutional, rulings completely in contrast with what they said they'd do.
Did they teach you that "clip" stuff in the air force?

Nah, grandpa did that. I retired from the USAF 2 years ago and don't really remember a whole lot of it but I never carried a weapon. I was into comm and computers then.

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