Pelosi’s home city exempted from water restrictions imposed on rural farmers

The wheels on the liberal hypocritical bus goes round and round all the live long day.
Central Valley farmers haven't yet figured out how to save water, though tens of hundreds of us in urban settings have converted to drip systems for years.

Any summer drive down Hwy 5 or 99 from NorCal will reveal old fashioned sprinklers blasting columns of water high into 90 degree air. A huge waste and one easily mitigated.

Central Valley farms are not family farms, they are mega farms run by larger corporations. Corporations which have emptied the once great San Joaquin River.

See: San Joaquin River Restoration Program

There's more to the issue of water supply in CA than a hit piece on Pelosi - I suggest you read sources other than those published by Murdoch.

In the 19th Century Mark Twain was attributed to this remark -
“Whiskey is for drinking; water is for fighting over.”
Freewill, are you an environmentalist or just anti-democrat???

Can't I be both, but if not then I pick the second.

Maybe farmers do waste water but at least they produce something of use. Pelosi, not so much.
Freewill, are you an environmentalist or just anti-democrat???

Moonglow, are you an environmentalist or just a liberal.

Cause those two things are different. Tell us all of the things you do moonglow that benefits the environment.

Other than voting in hypocrites like Pelosi or Al Gore at one time. Let us know, all the things you personally do.

This ought to be pathetic, if I get anything at all from this asshole.
Well what can you say, if the people in California don't care.

I'm glad I moved from there back in the 90's. Before then it was a great state to live in
Of course liberal scum protect their water usage while blocking others using water...
Ah, this is some fine logic-free Pelosi Derangment Syndrome (PDS)., According to the PDS 'tards here, Nancy Pelosi single-handedly wrote the water laws for California. Yes, they really are that 'effin stupid.

Back in the land of normal people, those normal people understand that different places get water from different locations, and thus different laws apply to those different locations, and that it's been that way since before California was a state.

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