Penelope Cruz another celeb lib bashes Israel calls their action "genocide"


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Well here's another celeb I will now make sure doesn't get any of my entertainment dollars.

She'll of course now be a hero to American libs.

Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem sign open letter condemning Israel for 'genocide' in Gaza

Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem are among the Spanish stars behind an open letter condemning Israel’s bombardment of Gaza as “genocide”.

The actors demanded a stronger response by the European Union to stop the military operation that has so far killed more than 1,200 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

Civilians, including many children, have made up the majority of those killed in the offensive that Israel says is necessary to stop Hamas firing rockets at its cities.

The letter, printed by Europa Press and other Spanish news outlets, reads: "Gaza is living through horror these days, besieged and attacked by land, sea and air.

"Palestinians' homes are being destroyed, they are being denied water, electricity [and] free movement to their hospitals, schools and fields while the international community does nothing."

Labelling the Israeli military the "Israel Occupation Forces", it demanded an immediate ceasefire and urged Israel to "lift the blockade, which the Gaza Strip has suffered for more than a decade".

It blamed the latest hostilities on Israel’s advancement into Palestinian territories instead of observing the 1967 borders pre-dating the Six-Day War.

The letter said that Israel "humiliates, detains, and tramples on the rights of the Palestinian population in all of the West Bank every day, also causing many deaths".

Among the letter’s signatories were directors Pedro Almodovar and Benito Zambrano, actors Lola Herrera, Eduardo Noriega and Rosa Maria Sarda and two musicians, Amaral and Nacho Campillo.

Bardem, who won an Oscar in 2008 for his role in No Country for Old Men, is known for his political activism.

He previously wrote a letter published in El Diaro on the Gaza conflict, saying the attacks "only breed more hate and violence".

The actor wrote: "In the horror happening right now in Gaza there is no place for distance or neutrality… It's hard to understand and impossible to justify. And it's disgraceful that western countries are permitting such genocide."

Bardem and Cruz married in 2010 and have two children together.

The backlash to the letter has already started, with outrage among people supporting Israel’s actions on Twitter.

The Simon Wiesenthal Center, a US-based Jewish human rights group, responded with a statement saying Israel "did not start this war".

"It did what every country on this planet, including Spain, would do if hundreds of rockets were hurled at their population centres by an internationally known terrorist organisation," said founder Rabbi Marvin Hier.

Zayn Malik, Rihanna, Bill Maher and John Legend are among other celebrities to give their thoughts on the conflict in Gaza, sparking outrage on both sides.

Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem sign open letter condemning Israel for 'genocide' in Gaza - People - News - The Independent
I never understood why movie stars come out and make political speeches. They are not stars due to their intelligence.
Genocide? I dont think she knows the meaning of that word. If they killed a million, then maybe you might be able to use that word, but not when there are only 1200 deaths. Israel could kill every palestinian in a single day if they wanted, so be thankful they arent taking the gloves off.
I am not a movie goer but I will make sure to let my family know not to go see any their films ever again. Thank you, Digital Drifter.
Yeah I think her and hubby are already backing off that now that the backlash has started and unless she does nudity in her movies I don't watch them anyway.
Well here's another celeb I will now make sure doesn't get any of my entertainment dollars.

She'll of course now be a hero to American libs.

Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem sign open letter condemning Israel for 'genocide' in Gaza

Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem are among the Spanish stars behind an open letter condemning Israel’s bombardment of Gaza as “genocide”.

The actors demanded a stronger response by the European Union to stop the military operation that has so far killed more than 1,200 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

Civilians, including many children, have made up the majority of those killed in the offensive that Israel says is necessary to stop Hamas firing rockets at its cities.

The letter, printed by Europa Press and other Spanish news outlets, reads: "Gaza is living through horror these days, besieged and attacked by land, sea and air.

"Palestinians' homes are being destroyed, they are being denied water, electricity [and] free movement to their hospitals, schools and fields while the international community does nothing."

Labelling the Israeli military the "Israel Occupation Forces", it demanded an immediate ceasefire and urged Israel to "lift the blockade, which the Gaza Strip has suffered for more than a decade".

It blamed the latest hostilities on Israel’s advancement into Palestinian territories instead of observing the 1967 borders pre-dating the Six-Day War.

The letter said that Israel "humiliates, detains, and tramples on the rights of the Palestinian population in all of the West Bank every day, also causing many deaths".

Among the letter’s signatories were directors Pedro Almodovar and Benito Zambrano, actors Lola Herrera, Eduardo Noriega and Rosa Maria Sarda and two musicians, Amaral and Nacho Campillo.

Bardem, who won an Oscar in 2008 for his role in No Country for Old Men, is known for his political activism.

He previously wrote a letter published in El Diaro on the Gaza conflict, saying the attacks "only breed more hate and violence".

The actor wrote: "In the horror happening right now in Gaza there is no place for distance or neutrality… It's hard to understand and impossible to justify. And it's disgraceful that western countries are permitting such genocide."

Bardem and Cruz married in 2010 and have two children together.

The backlash to the letter has already started, with outrage among people supporting Israel’s actions on Twitter.

The Simon Wiesenthal Center, a US-based Jewish human rights group, responded with a statement saying Israel "did not start this war".

"It did what every country on this planet, including Spain, would do if hundreds of rockets were hurled at their population centres by an internationally known terrorist organisation," said founder Rabbi Marvin Hier.

Zayn Malik, Rihanna, Bill Maher and John Legend are among other celebrities to give their thoughts on the conflict in Gaza, sparking outrage on both sides.

Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem sign open letter condemning Israel for 'genocide' in Gaza - People - News - The Independent

Liberals? hint you stupid goyim over 70% of US Jews in america are liberals and leftists you stupid goyim are under the insane delusions that Jews like you vermin, just the opposite

Jews Cast Wary Eye on Evangelicals ?

Why Don’t Jews Like the Christians Who Like Them? by James Q. Wilson, City Journal Winter 2008
Well here's another celeb I will now make sure doesn't get any of my entertainment dollars.

She'll of course now be a hero to American libs.

Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem sign open letter condemning Israel for 'genocide' in Gaza

Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem are among the Spanish stars behind an open letter condemning Israel’s bombardment of Gaza as “genocide”.

The actors demanded a stronger response by the European Union to stop the military operation that has so far killed more than 1,200 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

Civilians, including many children, have made up the majority of those killed in the offensive that Israel says is necessary to stop Hamas firing rockets at its cities.

The letter, printed by Europa Press and other Spanish news outlets, reads: "Gaza is living through horror these days, besieged and attacked by land, sea and air.

"Palestinians' homes are being destroyed, they are being denied water, electricity [and] free movement to their hospitals, schools and fields while the international community does nothing."

Labelling the Israeli military the "Israel Occupation Forces", it demanded an immediate ceasefire and urged Israel to "lift the blockade, which the Gaza Strip has suffered for more than a decade".

It blamed the latest hostilities on Israel’s advancement into Palestinian territories instead of observing the 1967 borders pre-dating the Six-Day War.

The letter said that Israel "humiliates, detains, and tramples on the rights of the Palestinian population in all of the West Bank every day, also causing many deaths".

Among the letter’s signatories were directors Pedro Almodovar and Benito Zambrano, actors Lola Herrera, Eduardo Noriega and Rosa Maria Sarda and two musicians, Amaral and Nacho Campillo.

Bardem, who won an Oscar in 2008 for his role in No Country for Old Men, is known for his political activism.

He previously wrote a letter published in El Diaro on the Gaza conflict, saying the attacks "only breed more hate and violence".

The actor wrote: "In the horror happening right now in Gaza there is no place for distance or neutrality… It's hard to understand and impossible to justify. And it's disgraceful that western countries are permitting such genocide."

Bardem and Cruz married in 2010 and have two children together.

The backlash to the letter has already started, with outrage among people supporting Israel’s actions on Twitter.

The Simon Wiesenthal Center, a US-based Jewish human rights group, responded with a statement saying Israel "did not start this war".

"It did what every country on this planet, including Spain, would do if hundreds of rockets were hurled at their population centres by an internationally known terrorist organisation," said founder Rabbi Marvin Hier.

Zayn Malik, Rihanna, Bill Maher and John Legend are among other celebrities to give their thoughts on the conflict in Gaza, sparking outrage on both sides.

Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem sign open letter condemning Israel for 'genocide' in Gaza - People - News - The Independent

Liberals? hint you stupid goyim over 70% of US Jews in america are liberals and leftists you stupid goyim are under the insane delusions that Jews like you vermin, just the opposite

Jews Cast Wary Eye on Evangelicals ?

Why Don’t Jews Like the Christians Who Like Them? by James Q. Wilson, City Journal Winter 2008

American Jews prefer Muslims over Evangelicals :eek:

Shock Pew Research Poll: American Jews prefer Muslims over Evangelicals
Well here's another celeb I will now make sure doesn't get any of my entertainment dollars.

She'll of course now be a hero to American libs.

Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem sign open letter condemning Israel for 'genocide' in Gaza

Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem are among the Spanish stars behind an open letter condemning Israel’s bombardment of Gaza as “genocide”.

The actors demanded a stronger response by the European Union to stop the military operation that has so far killed more than 1,200 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

Civilians, including many children, have made up the majority of those killed in the offensive that Israel says is necessary to stop Hamas firing rockets at its cities.

The letter, printed by Europa Press and other Spanish news outlets, reads: "Gaza is living through horror these days, besieged and attacked by land, sea and air.

"Palestinians' homes are being destroyed, they are being denied water, electricity [and] free movement to their hospitals, schools and fields while the international community does nothing."

Labelling the Israeli military the "Israel Occupation Forces", it demanded an immediate ceasefire and urged Israel to "lift the blockade, which the Gaza Strip has suffered for more than a decade".

It blamed the latest hostilities on Israel’s advancement into Palestinian territories instead of observing the 1967 borders pre-dating the Six-Day War.

The letter said that Israel "humiliates, detains, and tramples on the rights of the Palestinian population in all of the West Bank every day, also causing many deaths".

Among the letter’s signatories were directors Pedro Almodovar and Benito Zambrano, actors Lola Herrera, Eduardo Noriega and Rosa Maria Sarda and two musicians, Amaral and Nacho Campillo.

Bardem, who won an Oscar in 2008 for his role in No Country for Old Men, is known for his political activism.

He previously wrote a letter published in El Diaro on the Gaza conflict, saying the attacks "only breed more hate and violence".

The actor wrote: "In the horror happening right now in Gaza there is no place for distance or neutrality… It's hard to understand and impossible to justify. And it's disgraceful that western countries are permitting such genocide."

Bardem and Cruz married in 2010 and have two children together.

The backlash to the letter has already started, with outrage among people supporting Israel’s actions on Twitter.

The Simon Wiesenthal Center, a US-based Jewish human rights group, responded with a statement saying Israel "did not start this war".

"It did what every country on this planet, including Spain, would do if hundreds of rockets were hurled at their population centres by an internationally known terrorist organisation," said founder Rabbi Marvin Hier.

Zayn Malik, Rihanna, Bill Maher and John Legend are among other celebrities to give their thoughts on the conflict in Gaza, sparking outrage on both sides.

Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem sign open letter condemning Israel for 'genocide' in Gaza - People - News - The Independent

Liberals? hint you stupid goyim over 70% of US Jews in america are liberals and leftists you stupid goyim are under the insane delusions that Jews like you vermin, just the opposite

Jews Cast Wary Eye on Evangelicals ?

Why Don’t Jews Like the Christians Who Like Them? by James Q. Wilson, City Journal Winter 2008

:smiliehug: You're so precious, Guno. I know it is difficult to hear that from an evangelical, Guno, but it's the truth! - Jeri
Well here's another celeb I will now make sure doesn't get any of my entertainment dollars.

She'll of course now be a hero to American libs.

Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem sign open letter condemning Israel for 'genocide' in Gaza

Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem sign open letter condemning Israel for 'genocide' in Gaza - People - News - The Independent

Liberals? hint you stupid goyim over 70% of US Jews in america are liberals and leftists you stupid goyim are under the insane delusions that Jews like you vermin, just the opposite

Jews Cast Wary Eye on Evangelicals ?

Why Don’t Jews Like the Christians Who Like Them? by James Q. Wilson, City Journal Winter 2008

American Jews prefer Muslims over Evangelicals :eek:

Shock Pew Research Poll: American Jews prefer Muslims over Evangelicals

Evangelical Christians have a high opinion not just of the Jewish state but of Jews as people. That Jewish voters are overwhelmingly liberal doesn’t seem to bother evangelicals, despite their own conservative politics. Yet Jews don’t return the favor: in one Pew survey, 42 percent of Jewish respondents expressed hostility to evangelicals and fundamentalists. As two scholars from Baruch College have shown, a much smaller fraction—about 16 percent—of the American public has similarly antagonistic feelings toward Christian fundamentalists.
These idiots toss a word like genocide like they know what it means. That's liberals for you.
Liberals? hint you stupid goyim over 70% of US Jews in america are liberals and leftists you stupid goyim are under the insane delusions that Jews like you vermin, just the opposite

Jews Cast Wary Eye on Evangelicals ?

Why Don’t Jews Like the Christians Who Like Them? by James Q. Wilson, City Journal Winter 2008

American Jews prefer Muslims over Evangelicals :eek:

Shock Pew Research Poll: American Jews prefer Muslims over Evangelicals

Evangelical Christians have a high opinion not just of the Jewish state but of Jews as people. That Jewish voters are overwhelmingly liberal doesn’t seem to bother evangelicals, despite their own conservative politics. Yet Jews don’t return the favor: in one Pew survey, 42 percent of Jewish respondents expressed hostility to evangelicals and fundamentalists. As two scholars from Baruch College have shown, a much smaller fraction—about 16 percent—of the American public has similarly antagonistic feelings toward Christian fundamentalists.

It's nite nite time old man. Take your Geritol, crazy old man meds and put on a fresh set of Depends. Oh, and be sure to eat a bowl of Kosher shit before bed you Jew dog. Woof woof!
If Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem really want to understand what genocide is I suggest they look up the name Auschwitz.

Evangelical Christians have a high opinion not just of the Jewish state but of Jews as people. That Jewish voters are overwhelmingly liberal doesn’t seem to bother evangelicals, despite their own conservative politics. Yet Jews don’t return the favor: in one Pew survey, 42 percent of Jewish respondents expressed hostility to evangelicals and fundamentalists. As two scholars from Baruch College have shown, a much smaller fraction—about 16 percent—of the American public has similarly antagonistic feelings toward Christian fundamentalists.

It's nite nite time old man. Take your Geritol, crazy old man meds and put on a fresh set of Depends. Oh, and be sure to eat a bowl of Kosher shit before bed you Jew dog. Woof woof!

No shit, the guy is fucking :cuckoo:.

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