Penn and Teller on the value of a college education

It supported the contention that Obama was not thinking of average Americans when he says he wants to fix unemployment by making college more available. Some people, like yourself, are really just not cut out for college. Santorum thinks that job creation is the best approach to lowering unemployment rates, while Obama has focused on lowering the total number of people counted in the labor pool instead which is the statistical game by which he has 'lowered' unemployment.

Santorum, like the conservatives he panders to, is an ass

Obama did not speak of sending everyone to college but making post secondary education which includes trade schools available to everyone. Available not forced

Santorum spoke to his base and his base responded as he expected.....intimidated by the prospect of advanced education.......Snobs

"They think they are better than us"

It already is.

Those struggling to pay the bills would beg to differ
Santorum, like the conservatives he panders to, is an ass

Obama did not speak of sending everyone to college but making post secondary education which includes trade schools available to everyone. Available not forced

Santorum spoke to his base and his base responded as he expected.....intimidated by the prospect of advanced education.......Snobs

"They think they are better than us"

It already is.

Those struggling to pay the bills would beg to differ

Do you have any idea how many federal job training programs exist or how easy it is to get cheap financial assistance.......not to mention what is avaialbe at the state level?

I won't go into the gory details here again, because I have posted it her numerous times. Because of how much we make, our son's college education is costing us about $17k per year which is offset by a $2K merit scholarship for being a 4.0 GPA high school student. On the other side of the equation, kids whose parents make less than $50K per year combined can sign their 8th grade kids up for a program called Oklahoma's Promise. As long as mom and dad make under $50K at the time of application, the kid takes a handful of prerequisite classes in high school and maintains a 2.5 GPA, they can get the same education as my son at no cost. How many people take advantage of such an enormous gift, I don't know. I just know I'm paying almost all of my son's educational expenses out of pocket as well as their kid's education thru my taxes.

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education | Students | Oklahoma's Promise

Tell me again about how hard it is for people to get an education if they want one.
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It already is.

Those struggling to pay the bills would beg to differ

Do you have any idea how many federal job training programs exist or how easy it is to get cheap financial assistance.......not to mention what is avaialbe at the state level?

I won't go into the gory details here again, because I have posted it her numerous times. Because of how much we make, our son's college education is costing us about $17k per year which is offset by a $2K merit scholarship for being a 4.0 GPA high school student. On the other side of the equation, kids whose parents make less than $50K per year combined can sign their 8th grade kids up for a program called Oklahoma's Promise. As long as mom and dad make under $50K at the time of application, the kid takes a handful of prerequisite classes in high school and maintains a 2.5 GPA, they can get the same education as my son at no cost. How many people take advantage of such an enormous gift, I don't know. I just know I'm paying almost all of my son's educational expenses out of pocket as well as their kid's education thru my taxes.

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education | Students | Oklahoma's Promise

Tell me again about how hard it is for people to get an education if they want one.

Those graduating with tens of thousands in student debt would beg to differ
I love the logic behind this attack on higher education.

Willy Mays didn't go to college so if you don't go perhaps you too will become a great outfielder.

what attack?

not everyone is cut out for college the same as not everyone can be a god cabinet maker

jeez :cuckoo:
Those struggling to pay the bills would beg to differ

Do you have any idea how many federal job training programs exist or how easy it is to get cheap financial assistance.......not to mention what is avaialbe at the state level?

I won't go into the gory details here again, because I have posted it her numerous times. Because of how much we make, our son's college education is costing us about $17k per year which is offset by a $2K merit scholarship for being a 4.0 GPA high school student. On the other side of the equation, kids whose parents make less than $50K per year combined can sign their 8th grade kids up for a program called Oklahoma's Promise. As long as mom and dad make under $50K at the time of application, the kid takes a handful of prerequisite classes in high school and maintains a 2.5 GPA, they can get the same education as my son at no cost. How many people take advantage of such an enormous gift, I don't know. I just know I'm paying almost all of my son's educational expenses out of pocket as well as their kid's education thru my taxes.

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education | Students | Oklahoma's Promise

Tell me again about how hard it is for people to get an education if they want one.

Those graduating with tens of thousands in student debt would beg to differ

So would those with tens of thousands in car loans and home loans. Things of value costs money and an education is a thing of value. Conservatives understand that you have to work for it and that you can't have everything you want while liberals tend to think you can have everything you want by simply going out in the backyard and picking a few leaves off of the money tree (government). They don't realize that the money tree is you and me since the government has nothing other than what they take from us.

As far as those student loans go......which my son has simply because we believe it is good for him to have skin in the game.....they are low interest and you have decades to pay them off. Get an education in a field where you can actually get a job and make a good living (not basket weaving) and you can pay them off pretty quickly.
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Do you have any idea how many federal job training programs exist or how easy it is to get cheap financial assistance.......not to mention what is avaialbe at the state level?

I won't go into the gory details here again, because I have posted it her numerous times. Because of how much we make, our son's college education is costing us about $17k per year which is offset by a $2K merit scholarship for being a 4.0 GPA high school student. On the other side of the equation, kids whose parents make less than $50K per year combined can sign their 8th grade kids up for a program called Oklahoma's Promise. As long as mom and dad make under $50K at the time of application, the kid takes a handful of prerequisite classes in high school and maintains a 2.5 GPA, they can get the same education as my son at no cost. How many people take advantage of such an enormous gift, I don't know. I just know I'm paying almost all of my son's educational expenses out of pocket as well as their kid's education thru my taxes.

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education | Students | Oklahoma's Promise

Tell me again about how hard it is for people to get an education if they want one.

Those graduating with tens of thousands in student debt would beg to differ

So would those with tens of thousands in car loans and home loans. Things of value costs money and an education is a thing of value. Conservatives understand that you have to work for it and that you can't have everything you want while liberals tend to think you can have everything you want by simply going out in the backyard and picking a few leaves off of the money tree (government). They don't realize that the money tree is you and me since the government has nothing other than what they take from us.

As far as those student loans go......which my son has simply because we believe it is good for him to have skin in the game.....they are low interest and you have decades to pay them off. Get an education in a field where you can actually get a job and make a good living (not basket weaving) and you can pay them off pretty quickly.

Conservatives want College educations only to be available to the wealthiest Americans. Just like it used to be. The rest of America they just say...Suck it up....thats your problem
Those graduating with tens of thousands in student debt would beg to differ

So would those with tens of thousands in car loans and home loans. Things of value costs money and an education is a thing of value. Conservatives understand that you have to work for it and that you can't have everything you want while liberals tend to think you can have everything you want by simply going out in the backyard and picking a few leaves off of the money tree (government). They don't realize that the money tree is you and me since the government has nothing other than what they take from us.

As far as those student loans go......which my son has simply because we believe it is good for him to have skin in the game.....they are low interest and you have decades to pay them off. Get an education in a field where you can actually get a job and make a good living (not basket weaving) and you can pay them off pretty quickly.

Conservatives want College educations only to be available to the wealthiest Americans. Just like it used to be. The rest of America they just say...Suck it up....thats your problem

Wrongwinger, you're so full of shit you're eyes are brown. The problem with you is that you think a college education magically creates high paying jobs for everyone who gets one.....when the reality is that we have lots of college graduates without even a low paying job. A good education is only part of the answer, but liberals want to believe it is a magic pill. Pumping out thousands and thousands or art and history majors does not necassarily equate to employable people. Tell me the employment rate and earnability of an english major as opposed to a mechanical engineer or even a HVAC guy? Liberal arts and critical thinking skills will always be needed, but they have to be married to the skills and knowledge of jobs of the present and future. And that is a combination of college and trade schools. This is something conservatives understand and value. Liberals just want to pump kids thru college for the sake of pumping them thru college thinking it translates into a job. This isn't unlike the same idea that welfare and food stamps will lift people out of poverty. It hasn't. Stop trying the same old failed policies.
His comment about Obama being a snob was clearly a joke, ass hole.

Playing to his base

The rest of his rant supported his "snob" comment

It supported the contention that Obama was not thinking of average Americans when he says he wants to fix unemployment by making college more available. Some people, like yourself, are really just not cut out for college. Santorum thinks that job creation is the best approach to lowering unemployment rates, while Obama has focused on lowering the total number of people counted in the labor pool instead which is the statistical game by which he has 'lowered' unemployment.

Because the average American doesn't go to technical schools, Jr. Colleges and trade schools?

Obama calls for focus on vocational training | Reuters

Community College Reform: Obama Seeks $12 Billion in Aid - TIME

It's OK. I accept your apology.
So would those with tens of thousands in car loans and home loans. Things of value costs money and an education is a thing of value. Conservatives understand that you have to work for it and that you can't have everything you want while liberals tend to think you can have everything you want by simply going out in the backyard and picking a few leaves off of the money tree (government). They don't realize that the money tree is you and me since the government has nothing other than what they take from us.

As far as those student loans go......which my son has simply because we believe it is good for him to have skin in the game.....they are low interest and you have decades to pay them off. Get an education in a field where you can actually get a job and make a good living (not basket weaving) and you can pay them off pretty quickly.

Conservatives want College educations only to be available to the wealthiest Americans. Just like it used to be. The rest of America they just say...Suck it up....thats your problem

Wrongwinger, you're so full of shit you're eyes are brown. The problem with you is that you think a college education magically creates high paying jobs for everyone who gets one.....when the reality is that we have lots of college graduates without even a low paying job. A good education is only part of the answer, but liberals want to believe it is a magic pill. Pumping out thousands and thousands or art and history majors does not necassarily equate to employable people. Tell me the employment rate and earnability of an english major as opposed to a mechanical engineer or even a HVAC guy? Liberal arts and critical thinking skills will always be needed, but they have to be married to the skills and knowledge of jobs of the present and future. And that is a combination of college and trade schools. This is something conservatives understand and value. Liberals just want to pump kids thru college for the sake of pumping them thru college thinking it translates into a job. This isn't unlike the same idea that welfare and food stamps will lift people out of poverty. It hasn't. Stop trying the same old failed policies.

Stop repeating bullshit. People will think you are too weak minded to overcome the propaganda.
Those struggling to pay the bills would beg to differ

Do you have any idea how many federal job training programs exist or how easy it is to get cheap financial assistance.......not to mention what is avaialbe at the state level?

I won't go into the gory details here again, because I have posted it her numerous times. Because of how much we make, our son's college education is costing us about $17k per year which is offset by a $2K merit scholarship for being a 4.0 GPA high school student. On the other side of the equation, kids whose parents make less than $50K per year combined can sign their 8th grade kids up for a program called Oklahoma's Promise. As long as mom and dad make under $50K at the time of application, the kid takes a handful of prerequisite classes in high school and maintains a 2.5 GPA, they can get the same education as my son at no cost. How many people take advantage of such an enormous gift, I don't know. I just know I'm paying almost all of my son's educational expenses out of pocket as well as their kid's education thru my taxes.

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education | Students | Oklahoma's Promise

Tell me again about how hard it is for people to get an education if they want one.

Those graduating with tens of thousands in student debt would beg to differ

It gets a lot higher than that, fraud
Conservatives want College educations only to be available to the wealthiest Americans. Just like it used to be. The rest of America they just say...Suck it up....thats your problem

Wrongwinger, you're so full of shit you're eyes are brown. The problem with you is that you think a college education magically creates high paying jobs for everyone who gets one.....when the reality is that we have lots of college graduates without even a low paying job. A good education is only part of the answer, but liberals want to believe it is a magic pill. Pumping out thousands and thousands or art and history majors does not necassarily equate to employable people. Tell me the employment rate and earnability of an english major as opposed to a mechanical engineer or even a HVAC guy? Liberal arts and critical thinking skills will always be needed, but they have to be married to the skills and knowledge of jobs of the present and future. And that is a combination of college and trade schools. This is something conservatives understand and value. Liberals just want to pump kids thru college for the sake of pumping them thru college thinking it translates into a job. This isn't unlike the same idea that welfare and food stamps will lift people out of poverty. It hasn't. Stop trying the same old failed policies.

Stop repeating bullshit. People will think you are too weak minded to overcome the propaganda.

Rdean, everyone here except the noobs and libtards know that you are a partisan leftwing fascist and could not care less what you try to think.
Playing to his base

The rest of his rant supported his "snob" comment

It supported the contention that Obama was not thinking of average Americans when he says he wants to fix unemployment by making college more available. Some people, like yourself, are really just not cut out for college. Santorum thinks that job creation is the best approach to lowering unemployment rates, while Obama has focused on lowering the total number of people counted in the labor pool instead which is the statistical game by which he has 'lowered' unemployment.

Because the average American doesn't go to technical schools, Jr. Colleges and trade schools?

That isn't college level education and you know it.

It's OK. I accept your apology.

That will be a cold cold day in Hell, fuckface.
So would those with tens of thousands in car loans and home loans. Things of value costs money and an education is a thing of value. Conservatives understand that you have to work for it and that you can't have everything you want while liberals tend to think you can have everything you want by simply going out in the backyard and picking a few leaves off of the money tree (government). They don't realize that the money tree is you and me since the government has nothing other than what they take from us.

As far as those student loans go......which my son has simply because we believe it is good for him to have skin in the game.....they are low interest and you have decades to pay them off. Get an education in a field where you can actually get a job and make a good living (not basket weaving) and you can pay them off pretty quickly.

Conservatives want College educations only to be available to the wealthiest Americans. Just like it used to be. The rest of America they just say...Suck it up....thats your problem

Wrongwinger, you're so full of shit you're eyes are brown. The problem with you is that you think a college education magically creates high paying jobs for everyone who gets one.....when the reality is that we have lots of college graduates without even a low paying job. A good education is only part of the answer, but liberals want to believe it is a magic pill. Pumping out thousands and thousands or art and history majors does not necassarily equate to employable people. Tell me the employment rate and earnability of an english major as opposed to a mechanical engineer or even a HVAC guy? Liberal arts and critical thinking skills will always be needed, but they have to be married to the skills and knowledge of jobs of the present and future. And that is a combination of college and trade schools. This is something conservatives understand and value. Liberals just want to pump kids thru college for the sake of pumping them thru college thinking it translates into a job. This isn't unlike the same idea that welfare and food stamps will lift people out of poverty. It hasn't. Stop trying the same old failed policies.

I know, its incredible isn't it?

These ass holes just make shit up and throw it out there as though if they say it it is true no doubts allowed.
Wrongwinger, you're so full of shit you're eyes are brown. The problem with you is that you think a college education magically creates high paying jobs for everyone who gets one.....when the reality is that we have lots of college graduates without even a low paying job. A good education is only part of the answer, but liberals want to believe it is a magic pill. Pumping out thousands and thousands or art and history majors does not necassarily equate to employable people. Tell me the employment rate and earnability of an english major as opposed to a mechanical engineer or even a HVAC guy? Liberal arts and critical thinking skills will always be needed, but they have to be married to the skills and knowledge of jobs of the present and future. And that is a combination of college and trade schools. This is something conservatives understand and value. Liberals just want to pump kids thru college for the sake of pumping them thru college thinking it translates into a job. This isn't unlike the same idea that welfare and food stamps will lift people out of poverty. It hasn't. Stop trying the same old failed policies.

Stop repeating bullshit. People will think you are too weak minded to overcome the propaganda.

Rdean, everyone here except the noobs and libtards know that you are a partisan leftwing fascist and could not care less what you try to think.

Everyone except libtards and noobs? You mean real people, like you? Smart people, like you? Honest people, like you?

Seriously dude. Look at what you wrote. You're a fool. Don't you know that? Read your nonsense out loud and see if that helps.
Those graduating with tens of thousands in student debt would beg to differ

So would those with tens of thousands in car loans and home loans. Things of value costs money and an education is a thing of value. Conservatives understand that you have to work for it and that you can't have everything you want while liberals tend to think you can have everything you want by simply going out in the backyard and picking a few leaves off of the money tree (government). They don't realize that the money tree is you and me since the government has nothing other than what they take from us.

As far as those student loans go......which my son has simply because we believe it is good for him to have skin in the game.....they are low interest and you have decades to pay them off. Get an education in a field where you can actually get a job and make a good living (not basket weaving) and you can pay them off pretty quickly.

Conservatives want College educations only to be available to the wealthiest Americans. Just like it used to be. The rest of America they just say...Suck it up....thats your problem

Not everyone needs a college education.

The fucking government has sold that bill of goods to the masses then the sheep whine about having to take student loans for which the fucking government charges a higher than the going rate of interest.

Yeah the good ole government is looking out for you again.
I love the logic behind this attack on higher education.

Willy Mays didn't go to college so if you don't go perhaps you too will become a great outfielder.

Why does a plumber or a steamfitter need to go to college? Why does a stock trader or an entry level buisness person need to go to college?

Some things are better taught via apprenticeships. Later in life if the person shows ability in management or leadership, they can go back and get a buisness or management degree.

No doubt.

Did it take the genius of Penn and Teller for us to realize that?

I guess my problem is that I find the smug obviousness of Penn and Teller simply annoying as hell.

Some people don't need college. No shit
Some college drop out do very well. No Shit
Some people like Henry Ford had no college. No shit
College is too expensive. No shit.

You see my complaint?

Not that they're wrong, simply that they're smug about pointing out something that is bloody obvious.
So would those with tens of thousands in car loans and home loans. Things of value costs money and an education is a thing of value. Conservatives understand that you have to work for it and that you can't have everything you want while liberals tend to think you can have everything you want by simply going out in the backyard and picking a few leaves off of the money tree (government). They don't realize that the money tree is you and me since the government has nothing other than what they take from us.

As far as those student loans go......which my son has simply because we believe it is good for him to have skin in the game.....they are low interest and you have decades to pay them off. Get an education in a field where you can actually get a job and make a good living (not basket weaving) and you can pay them off pretty quickly.

Conservatives want College educations only to be available to the wealthiest Americans. Just like it used to be. The rest of America they just say...Suck it up....thats your problem

Not everyone needs a college education.

The fucking government has sold that bill of goods to the masses then the sheep whine about having to take student loans for which the fucking government charges a higher than the going rate of interest.

Yeah the good ole government is looking out for you again.

Who the fuck has ever said that everyone HAS to go to College? or everyone SHOULD go to college?

You guys are one trick ponies repeating the same lies hoping they stick

Education is a GOOD thing and should be encouraged by our society. What is so hard with that?
Conservatives want College educations only to be available to the wealthiest Americans. Just like it used to be. The rest of America they just say...Suck it up....thats your problem

Not everyone needs a college education.

The fucking government has sold that bill of goods to the masses then the sheep whine about having to take student loans for which the fucking government charges a higher than the going rate of interest.

Yeah the good ole government is looking out for you again.

Who the fuck has ever said that everyone HAS to go to College? or everyone SHOULD go to college?

You guys are one trick ponies repeating the same lies hoping they stick

Education is a GOOD thing and should be encouraged by our society. What is so hard with that?

Education and college have nothing to do with one another.
Not everyone needs a college education.

The fucking government has sold that bill of goods to the masses then the sheep whine about having to take student loans for which the fucking government charges a higher than the going rate of interest.

Yeah the good ole government is looking out for you again.

Who the fuck has ever said that everyone HAS to go to College? or everyone SHOULD go to college?

You guys are one trick ponies repeating the same lies hoping they stick

Education is a GOOD thing and should be encouraged by our society. What is so hard with that?

Education and college have nothing to do with one another.

Bull Shit

More Conservative "College is a waste" propaganda.

Take two identical groups of students graduating High School. Send one group to College/Trade School and send the other group into the workforce without training.

Tell me which group will do better
Who the fuck has ever said that everyone HAS to go to College? or everyone SHOULD go to college?

You guys are one trick ponies repeating the same lies hoping they stick

Education is a GOOD thing and should be encouraged by our society. What is so hard with that?

Education and college have nothing to do with one another.

Bull Shit

More Conservative "College is a waste" propaganda.

Take two identical groups of students graduating High School. Send one group to College/Trade School and send the other group into the workforce without training.

Tell me which group will do better

Apprenticeships are just as effective as trade school.

And for many college is a waste of money. Just ask anyone with a BA in women's studies.

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