Pennsylvania man arrested for "I did that" sticker

By that logic, Nicole Simpson deserved it, as proven by a jury...

The only thing that trial proved is that if you spend enough money on lawyers and get a particularly inept judge in a backwater town who likes seeing himself on TV, you can get goofy verdicts.
You're ridiculous..
A Pennsylvania man fed up with rising gas prices was arrested after he put stickers on fuel pumps featuring a finger-pointing Joe Biden that say 'I did that!' in a protest gaining traction around the country.

Thomas Richard Glazewski, 54, of Manor Township, was arrested on March 31 after a confrontation with police that was caught on video and shared on social media by over 3,000 people as of Sunday.

The video shows Glazewski being tackled by cops at a Turkey Hill convenience store on 1503 Columbia Avenue in East Hempfield Township, Lancaster Online reported.

This looks like a Democrat Police State thought crime arrest.
People can loot stores in broad daylight, but they can't express their contempt for the Democrat Cult Leader.
That's true. Maybe they'll start arresting everyone who puts a political sticker on anything. And how long can it be before Pelosi starts another investigation with her usual disgruntled band of free speech suppressing idiots.
Why don't you want people arrested for vandalism?

This moron can express anything he wants as long as he isn;t defacing someone else's property.

That other people commit crimes is no reason for you or anyone else to commit crimes
so all BLM and Portland and other looters should be arrested and in jail for burning down buildings and worse.


anyone tearing down statues, arrested.

this can be fun!
No one is upset about the stickers?
The dozen threads about it say you are full of shit.
You are still excusing the destruction of businesses that had nothing to do with Fentanyl Floyd.
The only Trump Plague is the incurable TDS you still suffer from.

I don't excuse it... but I understand why it happened.

It's been nearly 30 years since cops were seen beating Rodney King within an inch of his life. Yet cops are just as bad now as they were then. That it took 30 years to have more riots is kind of amazing. I applaud them on their restraint.

Especially when white people have a meltdown over $4.00 gas while they idle in line to buy $5.00 coffee.
Nobody said anything about electric cars. Here's the thing. The government mandated greater fuel efficiencies for all vehicles, but foolishly left a loophole for "SUV'" (Sports Utility Vehicles). So the car companies started marketing SUV's to people who weren't doing any off-roading to get around the new standards.

Actually, the case for AGW is slam dunk. Even the oil companies stopped funding deniers.


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Holy shit, man, are you fucking serious? "Oh, I can't drive my big gas guzzler! Oh, the pain, oh the agony!"

I could imagine what you'd have been like during WWII, when everything was rationed.

Actually, it more like supply and demand. Make things more fuel efficient, come up with alternative forms of energy that don't increase the carbon footprint. This isn't fucking complicated.

Actually, the Chinese are already massively investing in green energy. Probably another area where they are going to outstrip us.
There is no slam dunk for AGW...there isn't even a slam dunk for GW. There's nothing conclusive to indicate that we are not simply going through a cycle that we were going to go through one way or another.

I never mentioned anything about gas guzzling cars but you did twice. Efficiency has its limits... energy transactions will cost a certain amount regardless of how you obtain them. Electric vehicles have a larger carbon footprint than the gas powered ones because they still need hydrocarbons to produce them and to charge them. People who claim that they charge only with solar or wind are full of shit. You're still Vested in the machinery. Yhe machinery requires massive hydrocarbon expenditure to produce it.

No it's not just about supply and demand because no one is going to produce at a loss for any length of time. Having said that there's no question that running on an all electric car economy will take a bigger chunk of free spending money per Capita household then hydrocarbons are currently taking.

You're wrong about simple efficiency as an alternative goal....the people who are pushing these things are definitely looking to shut down hydrocarbon combustion completely. You seem be more reasonable on the issue..
But the progressive left by and large is not.

You're Also completely wrong about China. It doesn't matter what they're producing for green energy.Their Hydrocarbon emissions are increasing by 5 to 7% annually along with India, Pakistan Indonesia and Russia. I mean what the fuck are you talking about man? Do you even know?

Let me repeat... the hydrocarbon emissions are increasing not decreasing so who gives a shit what they build for windmills or solar panels? That's like a rapist excusing himself for his activity because he donates to a center for women's health.
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There is no slam dunk for AGW...there isn't even a slam dunk for GW. There's nothing conclusive to indicate that we are not simply going through a cycle that we were going to go through one way or another.

Actually, no. 95% of climate scientists agree the planet is getting warmer, and humans are responsible. I don't even have to point to the dying coral reefs or the melting glaciers, I can just look at how much more mild winters here are in Chicago compared to when I was growing up 45 years ago. When I grew up, we had a healthy level of snow by Thanksgiving. Now we are lucky if we see snow by January.

Future generations will be confused by the song "Baby, it's cold outside", not because of it's tacit endorsement of date rape, but because it actually used to get cold outside.

I never mentioned anything about gas guzzling cars but you did twice. Efficiency has its limits... energy transactions will cost a certain amount regardless of how you obtain them. Electric vehicles have a larger carbon footprint than the gas powered ones because they still need hydrocarbons to produce them and to charge them. People who claim that they charge only with solar or wind are full of shit. You're still Vested in the machinery. Yhe machinery requires massive hydrocarbon expenditure to produce it.

Actually,we could also have more hydroelectric or nuclear power to reduce our carbon footprint. We can replace coal power with natural gas, which burns cleaner. We have a whole bunch of options, and we should be looking at ALL of them.

No it's not just about supply and demand because no one is going to produce at a loss for any length of time. Having said that there's no question that running on an all electric car economy will take a bigger chunk of free spending money per Capita household then hydrocarbons are currently taking.

Works on the assumption that technology will remain static. Electric cars are Far more efficient than they were 20 years ago.

You're wrong about simple efficiency as an alternative goal....the people who are pushing these things are definitely looking to shut down hydrocarbon combustion completely. You seem be more reasonable on the issue..
But the progressive left by and large is not.

You can always try to argue a point with the most radical straw man on either side. But let's get real. Our dependence on fossil fuels are damaging the environment AND are empowering guys like Putin and the Ayatollahs in Iran. This is an issue where there SHOULD be bipartisan agreement on. But when the GOP is anti-science, you generally have a problem.

When I was younger (god, how many times do I say that... I'm fucking old), Ozone Depletion was a big concern. Big Hydro Florine didn't pay billions for fake scientists to bullshit us. Ronald Reagan listened to the scientists, and despite his idealogical bent against government action, signed on to the Montreal accords and alternatives were found. As a result, Ozone damage has been arrested and is reversing.

Refusing to save the planet because it would impose on your lifestyle is not only selfish, it's foolish. Denying we have a problem in the face of evidence is even worse.

You're Also completely wrong about China. It doesn't matter what they're producing for green energy.Their Hydrocarbon emissions are increasing by 5 to 7% annually along with India, Pakistan Indonesia and Russia. I mean what the fuck are you talking about man? Do you even know?

That's like keeping your stereo on 11 because your neighbor won't turn his down... you still end up with busted eardrums... but you showed 'em, didn't you.

Let me repeat... the hydrocarbon emissions are increasing not decreasing so who gives a shit what they build for windmills or solar panels? That's like a rapist excusing himself for his activity because he donates to a center for women's health.

Again, not really a good metaphor. A better metaphor is that an overweight person might still be eating more calories than a healthy person, but at least they are making the effort to cut intake and lose weight. If we develop the technologies, China will adopt them, eventually.
Refusing to save the planet because it would impose on your lifestyle is not only selfish, it's foolish.
Save the planet?

I think liberals buy into the grandiose ideas because most are godless and their lives are empty and lacking purpose

of course 99.99% of the environmentalists shouting “ITS THE END OF THE WORLD” will claim to be in the .01% exception

But thats how libs roll
And if they dont agree they wont be climate scientists for long

Yeah, because they'd be incompetent at their jobs.

Save the planet?

I think liberals buy into the grandiose ideas because most are godless and their lives are empty and lacking purpose

of course 99.99% of the environmentalists shouting “ITS THE END OF THE WORLD” will claim to be in the .01% exception

But thats how libs roll

Or we actually, you know, understand science.

Will planet Earth still orbit the sun? Yes. But will it be inhabitable? Maybe not.
The oil companies are sitting on thousands of leases they aren't using.

Of course, they are making record profits they aren't being taxed on, why would they want to increase production?

That's what you've been told by MSM and you believe it.

What you've been also told, and you ignored it is that Biden admin froze all new drilling as soon he got in the office, so those permits are useless.

Biden puts freeze on new oil, gas leases on federal land, will tie climate to foreign policy

Biden administration freezes new oil and gas drilling leases after court rules against key climate tool
That's what you've been told by MSM and you believe it.

What you've been also told, and you ignored it is that Biden admin froze all new drilling as soon he got in the office, so those permits are useless.

That's new drilling. They have plenty of old leases they haven't used yet.
This idiot thinks that Biden sets the global price on a barrel of oil. It`s people like him that give the whole Polish race a bad name.
Joe Xiden’s policies most certainly do influence the price of gas. You’re a fool if you think otherwise.
I don't excuse it... but I understand why it happened.

It's been nearly 30 years since cops were seen beating Rodney King within an inch of his life. Yet cops are just as bad now as they were then. That it took 30 years to have more riots is kind of amazing. I applaud them on their restraint.

Especially when white people have a meltdown over $4.00 gas while they idle in line to buy $5.00 coffee.
rodney king wasn't beat within an inch of his life you liar. He refused to be arrested after being snagged drunk/drug driving AGAIN. He wouldn't put his hands behind his back---hence why the cops weren't convicted of any crimes. The videos shown to idiot want to be victims like you to get you to think that King was abused were doctored, cut, and edited. Kings two buddies who didn't refuse to be arrested weren't manhandled. King went onto to drunk/drug driving after though. Your choice is heros is disgusting.
rodney king wasn't beat within an inch of his life you liar. He refused to be arrested after being snagged drunk/drug driving AGAIN. He wouldn't put his hands behind his back---hence why the cops weren't convicted of any crimes. The videos shown to idiot want to be victims like you to get you to think that King was abused were doctored, cut, and edited. Kings two buddies who didn't refuse to be arrested weren't manhandled. King went onto to drunk/drug driving after though. Your choice is heros is disgusting.

Nobody said he was a hero. And, yes, King continued to have substance abuse problems, even after he was given a huge award from the city.

Oh, two of those cops DID go to jail after their federal trial. Try to keep up.

Here's the unedited video... it's pretty awful.

And 30 years later, we had this.

It shouldn't take a riot to get justice... but it does.

Here's a crazy idea, let's fix the problems before the next riot... Just to be whacky.
A Pennsylvania man fed up with rising gas prices was arrested after he put stickers on fuel pumps featuring a finger-pointing Joe Biden that say 'I did that!' in a protest gaining traction around the country.

Thomas Richard Glazewski, 54, of Manor Township, was arrested on March 31 after a confrontation with police that was caught on video and shared on social media by over 3,000 people as of Sunday.

The video shows Glazewski being tackled by cops at a Turkey Hill convenience store on 1503 Columbia Avenue in East Hempfield Township, Lancaster Online reported.

This looks like a Democrat Police State thought crime arrest.
People can loot stores in broad daylight, but they can't express their contempt for the Democrat Cult Leader.
The police will do whatever the politicians they serve tell them to do. The ones who won't live under the shadow of the those who do.
Suddenly the people who defended BLM graffiti all over major metropolitan areas, besides the usual burning and looting are now concerned about vandalism.
And just as suddenly Trumpsters will whine that their free speech is being violated. Stupidity abounds.
Nobody said he was a hero. And, yes, King continued to have substance abuse problems, even after he was given a huge award from the city.

Oh, two of those cops DID go to jail after their federal trial. Try to keep up.

Here's the unedited video... it's pretty awful.

And 30 years later, we had this.

It shouldn't take a riot to get justice... but it does.

Here's a crazy idea, let's fix the problems before the next riot... Just to be whacky.

Still don't get it?

your love of criminals is stupid and immoral.

King need only comply---lay on the ground and put his hands behind his back to be arrested for the drunk drug driving that he was doing AGAIN.

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