Pennsylvania man arrested for "I did that" sticker

So you're stating that people not being arrested for for the riots and the millions in damages and destruction has no impact on those deciding to continue doing it, or doing it in the future? lol
Yep....Burn...loot...murder for no consequences because its social justice. Put a paper sticker on a gas pump stating the truth and you get the death sentence because truthfully....down deep inside....all lefties want people who disagree with them to be dead. There's absolutely no middle ground with a progressive.

They are working...they are very , very effective. Even Kids are asking their parents why the stickers are there and what they mean. LOL.... the fact that they want to destroy this guy for doing it shows that they understand how deadly these things really are. That's good to know.

You bet! Their desperation is a marvel to behold and the fact that the whining little trolls here are trying to convince us that popping a sticker on a gas pump is to be considered a high crime is absolutely precious free entertainment! I'm loving it! Listen to them squeal!
You bet! Their desperation is a marvel to behold and the fact that the whining little trolls here are trying to convince us that popping a sticker on a gas pump is to be considered a high crime is absolutely precious free entertainment! I'm loving it! Listen to them squeal!
The Dems will most likely go after Amazon fact Elizabeth Warren wants to grab Bezo's money as we speak.

I put the same stickers on gas pumps too

oops, can I say that without the Biden Deep State knocking on my door?

its a pretty mild example of vandalism but if the store objects its on me

and he was wrong to resist arrest
Anybody that cannot do that in a stealthy manner is lacking.

Why was he still there when the police arrived....must have been a upscale neighborhood.
I don’t think they are. Asking for consistency in law enforcement is not the same as justifying illegal behavior.
hehheh so on target.....a minority member could have gone in the store and filled a garbage bag with loot and strolled out un-molested.

I saw it the other day clerk asked another....should we call 911....the other replied...a waste of time.

The stores just pass the costs of thievery onto their honest customers.
This idiot (August West) thinks that placing a political sticker on a gas pump should be punishable by prison time.
It's much worse than that... the left secretly wants you to die if you don't share their viewpoints.
Often times they won't say it straight out but it doesn't take long to find out where they are if you poke around a bit. As far as their concerned high gas prices are a justified transition cost for a far more righteous future in energy. Not only should you agree with them you should gladly pay the extra cost in behalf of the collective good. They have convinced themselves that any who do not comply are actually perpetrating violence against them and that they are fully justified in defending themselves by taking your life. This sounds extreme because it is extreme.... It is the left.

I really don't give a shit what you consider, since you obviously are excusing the burning and looting of businesses that had nothing to do with Fentanyl Floyd.

Liberal outrage over a fucking sticker is pathetic.

Except no one is getting upset about your childish vandalism. I did see one of those on an ATM, I guess that MAGAt was too stupid to understand the difference between an ATM and a gas pump.

The riots happened because you had 10 years of cops getting away with that shit. Combine that with people being locked in their homes due to TRUMP PLAGUE and losing their jobs in TRUMP RECESSION, and you had TRUMP RIOTS.
It's much worse than that... the left secretly wants you to die if you don't share their viewpoints.
Often times they won't say it straight out but it doesn't take long to find out where they are if you poke around a bit. As far as their concerned high gas prices are a justified transition cost for a far more righteous future in energy. Not only should you agree with them you should gladly pay the extra cost in behalf of the collective good. They have convinced themselves that any who do not comply are actually perpetrating violence against them and that they are fully justified in defending themselves by taking your life. This sounds extreme because it is extreme.... It is the left.

"Oh, I'm going to DIE if I can't drive my big gas guzzler!"
"Um, you could always buy a more fuel efficient car!"
"What kind of fascism is that?"

The thing is, we never fucking learn. We had our first "oil shock" in 1974 when OPEC decided to punish us from saving the Zionist Entity in 1973. Instead of very sensibly trying to break our addiction to oil, we've tripled down on it.

"Oh, I'm going to DIE if I can't drive my big gas guzzler!"
"Um, you could always buy a more fuel efficient car!"
"What kind of fascism is that?"

The thing is, we never fucking learn. We had our first "oil shock" in 1974 when OPEC decided to punish us from saving the Zionist Entity in 1973. Instead of very sensibly trying to break our addiction to oil, we've tripled down on it.

View attachment 629946

I have nothing against electric cars. But I do stand firmly against any form of forced behavior that removes personal choice. Having failed to definitely make a case for anthropogenic global warming the left has resorted to more clandestine measures of getting what they think they need. Transitions are always happening and will continue to happen... the question we're facing here is not whether or not we make the transition but whether or not we have to bleed out to do it. Energy will always have a certain cost to it that cannot be avoided. Once all hydrocarbons have been taken offline (don't know what you're going to do about China) we will still face that cost. According to some we will face that cost with a cleaner environment. I highly doubt that.

I have nothing against electric cars. But I do stand firmly against any form of forced behavior that removes personal choice.

Nobody said anything about electric cars. Here's the thing. The government mandated greater fuel efficiencies for all vehicles, but foolishly left a loophole for "SUV'" (Sports Utility Vehicles). So the car companies started marketing SUV's to people who weren't doing any off-roading to get around the new standards.

Having failed to definitely make a case for anthropogenic global warming the left has resorted to more clandestine measures of getting what they think they need.

Actually, the case for AGW is slam dunk. Even the oil companies stopped funding deniers.

Transitions are always happening and will continue to happen... the question we're facing here is not whether or not we make the transition but whether or not we have to bleed out to do it.



Holy shit, man, are you fucking serious? "Oh, I can't drive my big gas guzzler! Oh, the pain, oh the agony!"

I could imagine what you'd have been like during WWII, when everything was rationed.

Energy will always have a certain cost to it that cannot be avoided.

Actually, it more like supply and demand. Make things more fuel efficient, come up with alternative forms of energy that don't increase the carbon footprint. This isn't fucking complicated.

Once all hydrocarbons have been taken offline (don't know what you're going to do about China) we will still face that cost. According to some we will face that cost with a cleaner environment. I highly doubt that.

Actually, the Chinese are already massively investing in green energy. Probably another area where they are going to outstrip us.
He may not set the price, but opening up drilling again would sure effect it

The oil companies are sitting on thousands of leases they aren't using.

Of course, they are making record profits they aren't being taxed on, why would they want to increase production?
Except no one is getting upset about your childish vandalism. I did see one of those on an ATM, I guess that MAGAt was too stupid to understand the difference between an ATM and a gas pump.

The riots happened because you had 10 years of cops getting away with that shit. Combine that with people being locked in their homes due to TRUMP PLAGUE and losing their jobs in TRUMP RECESSION, and you had TRUMP RIOTS.
No one is upset about the stickers?
The dozen threads about it say you are full of shit.
You are still excusing the destruction of businesses that had nothing to do with Fentanyl Floyd.
The only Trump Plague is the incurable TDS you still suffer from.

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