Penology and Male Libido


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
I read an article recently about a phenomenon at a jail in - I think it was - Chicago. The inmates have taken to exposing themselves and masturbating in the presence of female staff...lawyers, guards, nurses, whatever. Of course, this makes the females "uncomfortable." My suggestion - not entirely tongue-in-cheek is to simply remove females from the environment. All male guards, lawyers, nurses, and staff. Done.

But to my knowledge - and my degree is in penology - the penal system in general has never directly addressed the fact of male libido. Men naturally get horny. The longer it has been since ejaculation, the hornier they get. It gets so bad the even the SIGHT of a homely old woman is a sexual stimulant.

And it's not because the men are "bad," or because they are "perverts" or sexual predators, men just have NEEDS. And locking them up for a period of years without addressing those needs. is a recipe for disaster, disaster which takes the form of inmate rape and kinds of behavior complained of in the Chicago jail.

One might even argue that the lack of a sexual outlet is one of the biggest inhumane aspects of punishment in the System. We could just say, "Fuck it," which is. basically what we are doing now, but honestly, isn't there some humane way of addressing the male libido in jail/prison?
There is a saying that hell is the other people. Prison is special in that that is the only place where you can't get away from other people. The leftists invented prison, for the purpose of bringing hell onto earth. The leftists succeeded and will always succeed.

This libido problem though can be fixed even easier, just castrate all prisoners.

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