Incompetent anti-Trump Judge Loses one of the Jurors

A president pardoning himself makes impeachment moot

He just pardons himself for any High Crime and Misdemeanord
Even if a crime was required (we all know it's not, as the first Trump impeachment proves), a POTUS still cannot pardon anyone against impeachment.

Article II Section 2 Clause 1 states:

The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.
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We have to watch out for the left attacking and trying to cancel from the human race any juror who votes not guilty or is insufficiently anti-TRUMP!.
I guess that was the thought process when you guys harassed the Sandy Hook families for years huh?
You're begging. Democrats wish it was that easy to run off a political opponent, but Trump is another breed. The energy and focus he will use to fight these phony charges will also serve him well in being a great President once again. There aren't many patriots, other than Trump, with the ability to correct all the fuckups made in the last 3 1/2 years. MAGA
Trump is a typical criminal thug attempting to intimidate jurors & witnesses & he has the help of his idiot goon squad over at Fox such as that fucking moron Jesse Watters who has water on his brain.

Trump & Watters both have to reach up really high to get out from under the rock they live under. Here's how the judge should take care of shit gibbon Trump over this latest incident & others:


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Naw, that would be the democrats that I posted for your perusal and to refresh your memory, glad you enjoyed them.
No, you enjoy them. But guess what? It won't change a thing for your boy in this trial or the ensuing ones.

Sooooooooo, have your fun.
I guess that was the thought process when you guys harassed the Sandy Hook families for years huh?
I harassed no one, so you can put that where the sun don't shine. The left is notorious for harassing, cancelling and attacking those who think differently. Wear a red hat and see what they do. Write the name, "TRUMP!" on the sidewalk in chalk and watch the fireworks.
I harassed no one, so you can put that where the sun don't shine.
The MAGA/Alex Jones contingent sure as shit did. I think you know who I’m talking about. But maybe not. Sorry if I implied that you’re a psycho that will do anything to please his blob/overlord.
The left is notorious for harassing, cancelling and attacking those who think differently.
Wear a red hat and see what they do. Write the name, "TRUMP!" on the sidewalk in chalk and watch the fireworks.
Yet somehow when the blob lost the election, only blob supporters killed cops, injured cops, trashed the capitol. Even during non-election guys shoot up churches, shoot up Walmart’s, make kill lists, mail bombs to people, run over them in your cars, chant nazi slogans, etc...

MAGA is a sickness. I can’t blame anyone for not wanting to be on this jury. The names of the jurors will be leaked and they will be harassed.

PS: The left wing has its nut jobs too. We see it as a bug. You see it as a feature.

Do you remember when your blob said this?

"If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them," Trump said after warning of possible rabble-rousers. "I'll pay the legal fees," he added.

Yeah...tell me more lies about how you guys are just peace-loving and would never think of committing violence.
The MAGA/Alex Jones contingent sure as shit did. I think you know who I’m talking about. But maybe not. Sorry if I implied that you’re a psycho that will do anything to please his blob/overlord.


Yet somehow when the blob lost the election, only blob supporters killed cops, injured cops, trashed the capitol. Even during non-election guys shoot up churches, shoot up Walmart’s, make kill lists, mail bombs to people, run over them in your cars, chant nazi slogans, etc...

MAGA is a sickness. I can’t blame anyone for not wanting to be on this jury. The names of the jurors will be leaked and they will be harassed.

PS: The left wing has its nut jobs too. We see it as a bug. You see it as a feature.

Do you remember when your blob said this?

"If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them," Trump said after warning of possible rabble-rousers. "I'll pay the legal fees," he added.

Yeah...tell me more lies about how you guys are just peace-loving and would never think of committing violence.
We could trade horror stories all day long about how violent either group is because there's plenty of ammunition to go around. The bottom line is, there are a lot of good reasons to keep the jurors' identity private.
We could trade horror stories all day long about how violent either group is because there's plenty of ammunition to go around. The bottom line is, there are a lot of good reasons to keep the jurors' identity private.
And there is 0.0% chance that MAGA will do that. You guys crave violence.
How do you know? And how do you know she wasn't threatened by a couple people before she came forward. I know. You don't know. You just believe the things your monkey see, monkey do liberal mind allows you to. MAGA

You think everyone is a liar and that's sad.

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