Pentagon admits that they are still investigating UFOs because they're real


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Pentagon Admits That They Are Still Investigating UFOs – Because They’re Real
  • The Facts:
    The Pentagon recently admitted that they still have programs to investigate and study UFOs.

  • Reflect On:
    Governments an those above them have been studying this phenomenon for more than 100 years. What have they found out? Have they had contact with extraterrestrials? Have they reverse engineered these craft?
In 1979, General Carlos Castro Cavero told the world that “Everything is in a process of investigation, both in the ................


As if this is anything new, we all know this esp if you have a brain lol The problem is teaching the mentally impaired when article like this start coming out all over the place and on TV etc, they prep the public for what's coming just the zombies aren't filled in , Preparing the public bahahh.
Navy and Marine corps pilots have been talking among themselves about UFO's for a very long time....
I've always assumed they were just in case. If there's even the slightest chance that an advanced civilization was scouting our planet it would be stupid for the most powerful countries in the world not to be investigating.

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