Pentagon Announces Leave, Travel Expenses For Troops Seeking Abortion

Another example of this members pathological hate and hypocrisy as his claim that he rejects again "First, do no harm".
You are utterly incoherent per usual.

The first principle of medical ethics is unquestionably violated every time a physician commits a purposeful homicide. That former, disgraced physician should be stripped of any license and put in a prison cell until death, period, every time.
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Was always trash, and now anything said in it resides in the wastebin where it belongs. Oh well.

Barbaric filth such as you not liking it is not a defect of the overturn, it's a feature.
So you'll be equally as supportive someday when a different Supreme Court rules that 2A cases lije Heller were faulty and the Constitution does not, after all, mean that Americans do not have a right to own firearms?

You know.
Same deal.

The SCOTUS revisiting and rewriting established law for political reasons.
And you seem to be fine with that.
So you'll be equally as supportive someday when a different Supreme Court rules that 2A cases lije Heller were faulty and the Constitution does not, after all, mean that Americans do not have a right to own firearms?
Course not. That would be retarded. The Constitution is plain on that topic - "the right OF THE PEOPLE... to KEEP AND BEAR ARMS... SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED."

It is also plain through silence, through omission, that there is no "right to abortion" and the federal government has no authority on this topic. 10th Amendment. Dobbs was unquestionably and objectively correct. You are being histrionic and ridiculous.
Course not. That would be retarded. The Constitution is plain on that topic - "the right OF THE PEOPLE... to KEEP AND BEAR ARMS... SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED."

It is also plain through silence, through omission, that there is no "right to abortion" and the federal government has no authority on this topic. 10th Amendment. Dobbs was unquestionably and objectively correct. You are being histrionic and ridiculous.
You forgot the "WELL REGULATED militia" part of 2A.
That is fairly common among people who pay lip service to loving the Constitution and the Second Amendment.....but not so much when it comes to the opening qualifier of 2A.

And Roe was based upon the constitutional guarantee of personal LIBERTY.
It's also in there.
You are utterly incoherent per usual.

The first principle of medical ethics is unquestionably violated every time a physician commits a purposeful homicide. That former, disgraced physician should be stripped of any license and put in a prison cell until death, period, every time.
So according to this logic of "personhood" being assigned to the fetus illegal immigrants no longer have to give birth here for the baby to be declared an American citizen.
They only need to place one foot on the north side of the border and the "baby" within them becomes a citizen.
At that point nobody can legally send her back.
You know.....since she is carrying an American citizen with her.
You are utterly incoherent per usual.

The first principle of medical ethics is unquestionably violated every time a physician commits a purposeful homicide. That former, disgraced physician should be stripped of any license and put in a prison cell until death, period, every time.
You show your true colors, and they're very dark.
You are utterly incoherent per usual.

The first principle of medical ethics is unquestionably violated every time a physician commits a purposeful homicide. That former, disgraced physician should be stripped of any license and put in a prison cell until death, period, every time.
Harper What is abortion ? Why abortion is not murder. April 13th.,2018. Even if we granted the most generous possible terms to the anti-abortion camp, even if we pretended a fetus was completely rational and contemplating Shakespeare in the womb, abortion would still not be murder. This is a very good article the counters the anti-abortion crowd nonsense.
Harper What is abortion ? Why abortion is not murder. April 13th.,2018. Even if we granted the most generous possible terms to the anti-abortion camp, even if we pretended a fetus was completely rational and contemplating Shakespeare in the womb, abortion would still not be murder. This is a very good article the counters the anti-abortion crowd nonsense.
You forgot the "WELL REGULATED militia" part of 2A.
The reason for the 2nd Amendment? To have the people be familiar with their own personal weapons in the event of the need of the militia to defend against attack or overthrow a tyrannical government?

Still valid as a reason, very valid, but doesn’t have any legal weight to it. Learn how a sentence diagram works, moron? And the two lickspittles who “liked” your bullshit? I mean I suppose I could say the same, but tweedle dee and dumb are kind of hopeless.
opening qualifier of 2A.
“Opening qualifier.” Oh wow.

Nevermind. It can’t learn to do a sentence diagram. It’s fucking retarded.

And Roe was based upon the constitutional guarantee of personal LIBERTY.
It's also in there.
It’s fucktarded beyond all reason. That brain isn’t just soft, it’s purée.

In that case I have a personal LIBERTY to have stupidity like yours silenced forever, it’s just “in there,” fucko, don’t question it.
You are utterly incoherent per usual.

The first principle of medical ethics is unquestionably violated every time a physician commits a purposeful homicide. That former, disgraced physician should be stripped of any license and put in a prison cell until death, period, every time.

New York Penal Law​

Sec. 125.27​

Murder in the First Degree​

§ 125.27 Murder in the first degree. A person is guilty of murder in the first degree when:

With intent to cause the death of another person,​

Now, if a State decides to write in their Penal Code specifically the abortion of a fetus, then the Dr. and the women no matter the circumstances - rape, incest, the woman's health - what you stated would be punished as you claimed. NY, CA and other blue states would support abortions under circumstances you and those on the Supreme Court didn't think of the consequences.

Consider if you could that the Supreme Court Decision on R. v. W. was not a considered decision, and the outcome on this wedge issue was not well thought out. Note to the comment in the paragraph above, abortions could be written in the Several States that abortions could be at any time prior to birth.
You show your true colors, and they're very dark.

The same, "Right To Life" Cons are the same Cons who think that the violent attack against Paul Pelosi is all kinds of fine, well, right, good and of course Mr. Pelosi deserved it. These pick and choose who does and does not have the "Rght To Life".
Wow, did you grab that one out of your ass or did you ask a third grade drop out to write for you!
Noting that it is not in anyway “darkness” to oppose doctors being contract killers for hire and mocking utter retardation like yours is not something I would ever need to outsource.

It is darkness to say that doctors should kill, as you scum do.
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The reason for the 2nd Amendment? To have the people be familiar with their own personal weapons in the event of the need of the militia to defend against attack or overthrow a tyrannical government?

Still valid as a reason, very valid, but doesn’t have any legal weight to it. Learn how a sentence diagram works, moron? And the two lickspittles who “liked” your bullshit? I mean I suppose I could say the same, but tweedle dee and dumb are kind of hopeless.

“Opening qualifier.” Oh wow.

Nevermind. It can’t learn to do a sentence diagram. It’s fucking retarded.

It’s fucktarded beyond all reason. That brain isn’t just soft, it’s purée.

In that case I have a personal LIBERTY to have stupidity like yours silenced forever, it’s just “in there,” fucko, don’t question it.
Then why did one of thel efforts of the nearly formed government disarm the Tories among them.
So according to this logic of "personhood" being assigned to the fetus illegal immigrants no longer have to give birth here for the baby to be declared an American citizen.
They only need to place one foot on the north side of the border and the "baby" within them becomes a citizen.
At that point nobody can legally send her back.
You know.....since she is carrying an American citizen with her.

You are arguing logic vs. MAGA MAGGOT politics. Cons will also have a double standard. And they use that double standard every chance they can get.

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