Pentagon: new laser tech cann make people hear voice commands


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Pentagon: new laser tech can make people hear voice commands

The Pentagon is working on a weapon that uses lasers and plasma to transmit sound files, even human speech, directly to individual people at great distances.

Tech. this is old old technology sheep are just so dumbed down they believed it to be a conspiracy half the stupid m f . ssss today think it is still......
Why do you keep posting this ancient news? This is only like a decade old.

A Voice Only You Can Hear: DARPA's Sonic Projector

Like MK ULTRA time frame old bahaah
To me and you t's old as hell LOL

Do you expect anything less from sheep?
Why do you keep posting this ancient news? This is only like a decade old.

A Voice Only You Can Hear: DARPA's Sonic Projector

Like MK ULTRA time frame old bahaah
To me and you t's old as hell LOL
View attachment 277501
Do you expect anything less from sheep?

Interesting chit . lol

The Road to Tyranny is All Downhill From Here

You don't need me to tell you that the federal government was originally designed to be much smaller and much less powerful than it is today. (Well... maybe some of you do.) Certainly the founding fathers intended it to be far less intrusive and costly. But today we have arrived at a point where the federal government micro-manages numerous little details, including a law — the Comprehensive Energy Policy Act of 1994 — requiring that new toilets use only 1.6 gallons per flush. (As long as swimming pools are legal and golf courses are irrigated with drinking water, 1.6 gallon toilets should not be mandatory.) Very gradually, more and more laws and regulatory agencies are being created, and one day even the most gullible citizen will wake up and realize that he is ruled by tyrants.

Subtopics on this or other pages:

Abuse of Power by Ordinary Cops
USA Patriot Act
Operation Choke Point and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Obamacare opens the door to tyranny
The Invasion of the Food Police
Domestic surveillance
Obama's use of HUD to forcibly integrate wealthy neighborhoods
Operation Jade Helm 15
Operation Choke Point and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
The Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Act
Obama vs Gibson Guitar

The enforcement problems with gun-grabbing 'red flag' laws are even worse than you think. Everyone is debating "red flag" laws like they're some new thing, but California has had variations of them for decades. We call them domestic violence restraining orders, civil

The Road to Tyranny is All Downhill From Here

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