People living on $10.01-20 daily are classified as middle income

That isnt the same standard we use in America. Thats why people say the poor in America have it made compared to other countries.
From your link : The poor live on $2 or less daily
I'm only interested in the US income.

That would be real poor.

The poor live on $2 or less daily, low income on $2.01-10, middle income on $10.01-20, upper-middle income on $20.01-50, and high income on more than $50; figures expressed in 2011 purchasing power parities in 2011 prices.
That isnt the same standard we use in America. Thats why people say the poor in America have it made compared to other countries.
From your link : The poor live on $2 or less daily
I'm only interested in the US income.

That would be real poor.

The poor live on $2 or less daily, low income on $2.01-10, middle income on $10.01-20, upper-middle income on $20.01-50, and high income on more than $50; figures expressed in 2011 purchasing power parities in 2011 prices.
Thats not America. 2 dollars a day is less than 700 dollars yearly. Most families make that in food stamps alone, in 6 months.
We have so many poor because of how we do it. The more kids you have, the more likely you are to fall into the poor bracket, unless you make damn good money. We all know the poor loooove to breed.
That isnt the same standard we use in America. Thats why people say the poor in America have it made compared to other countries.
From your link : The poor live on $2 or less daily
I'm only interested in the US income.

That would be real poor.

The poor live on $2 or less daily, low income on $2.01-10, middle income on $10.01-20, upper-middle income on $20.01-50, and high income on more than $50; figures expressed in 2011 purchasing power parities in 2011 prices.

$50 a day is $18,250 a year, less than minimum wage in most states. These are the people you want to tax more. Despicable!

People living on $10.01-20 daily are classified as middle income​

7.4% of people in United States are middle income, compared with 13% globally​

People living on $10.01-20 daily are classified as middle income​

Population distribution by income, 2011
Low income3.4
Middle income7.4
Upper-middle income31.9
High income55.7

---------------------------------------------------The high income in 2011 is 55.7 %

That % tage should be the middle income!!

55.7% of people in United States are high income, compared with 7% globally​

LOL and Biden is raising their taxes

NOT on the people making under 400,000 .
Bullshit. The Demoncrats want hit the poor especially hard with hidden taxes by taxing the corporations that provide their basic needs such as food clothing and energy, who will then be forced to raise their prices.

That hurts the poor the most.
BS. No new taxes except on those making 400,000 or more.

The gas prices are on the companies, the gas tax was hiked in 1992 for the federal and stayed that way. In MI it was hiked in 2017, before the Dem. gov took effect.

The senate in MI is republican controlled since 1983, due to their gerrymandering.

Ya dimwit...the government makes far more money off a gallon of gas than the oil companies do.

People living on $10.01-20 daily are classified as middle income​

7.4% of people in United States are middle income, compared with 13% globally​

People living on $10.01-20 daily are classified as middle income​

Population distribution by income, 2011
Low income3.4
Middle income7.4
Upper-middle income31.9
High income55.7

---------------------------------------------------The high income in 2011 is 55.7 %

That % tage should be the middle income!!

55.7% of people in United States are high income, compared with 7% globally​

LOL and Biden is raising their taxes

NOT on the people making under 400,000 .
Bullshit. The Demoncrats want hit the poor especially hard with hidden taxes by taxing the corporations that provide their basic needs such as food clothing and energy, who will then be forced to raise their prices.

That hurts the poor the most.
BS. No new taxes except on those making 400,000 or more.

The gas prices are on the companies, the gas tax was hiked in 1992 for the federal and stayed that way. In MI it was hiked in 2017, before the Dem. gov took effect.

The senate in MI is republican controlled since 1983, due to their gerrymandering.

Ya dimwit...the government makes far more money off a gallon of gas than the oil companies do.
Please do not call Penelope names, her mother and father are also her brother and sister and she is severely developmentally disabled, and had schizophrenia while in the tuberculosis hospital so give the girls a break huh!

People living on $10.01-20 daily are classified as middle income​

7.4% of people in United States are middle income, compared with 13% globally​

People living on $10.01-20 daily are classified as middle income​

Population distribution by income, 2011
Low income3.4
Middle income7.4
Upper-middle income31.9
High income55.7

---------------------------------------------------The high income in 2011 is 55.7 %

That % tage should be the middle income!!

55.7% of people in United States are high income, compared with 7% globally​

Remember that when the DemoKKKrats tell you they're only raising taxes "the rich".
Thats right, they are raising them on the high income!!

Yup, $50 a day, according to your data. That's everyone making $18,250 a year or more you want to raise taxes on. You're a good DemoKKKrat!
Do you think you can live on it, if you have 2 kids.

Not really, so why do you want to raise taxes on folks like that?
Absolutely not ,and Biden knows that.

People living on $10.01-20 daily are classified as middle income​

7.4% of people in United States are middle income, compared with 13% globally​

People living on $10.01-20 daily are classified as middle income​

Population distribution by income, 2011
Low income3.4
Middle income7.4
Upper-middle income31.9
High income55.7

---------------------------------------------------The high income in 2011 is 55.7 %

That % tage should be the middle income!!

55.7% of people in United States are high income, compared with 7% globally​

LOL and Biden is raising their taxes

NOT on the people making under 400,000 .
Bullshit. The Demoncrats want hit the poor especially hard with hidden taxes by taxing the corporations that provide their basic needs such as food clothing and energy, who will then be forced to raise their prices.

That hurts the poor the most.
BS. No new taxes except on those making 400,000 or more.

The gas prices are on the companies, the gas tax was hiked in 1992 for the federal and stayed that way. In MI it was hiked in 2017, before the Dem. gov took effect.

The senate in MI is republican controlled since 1983, due to their gerrymandering.

Ya dimwit...the government makes far more money off a gallon of gas than the oil companies do.
They haven't raised the gas tax since 1993. The companies are raking it in and not the government.
That isnt the same standard we use in America. Thats why people say the poor in America have it made compared to other countries.
From your link : The poor live on $2 or less daily
I'm only interested in the US income.

That would be real poor.

The poor live on $2 or less daily, low income on $2.01-10, middle income on $10.01-20, upper-middle income on $20.01-50, and high income on more than $50; figures expressed in 2011 purchasing power parities in 2011 prices.
Thats not America. 2 dollars a day is less than 700 dollars yearly. Most families make that in food stamps alone, in 6 months.
I know, do you know anyone that's on $2 a day, not in the USA.

People living on $10.01-20 daily are classified as middle income​

7.4% of people in United States are middle income, compared with 13% globally​

People living on $10.01-20 daily are classified as middle income​

Population distribution by income, 2011
Low income3.4
Middle income7.4
Upper-middle income31.9
High income55.7

---------------------------------------------------The high income in 2011 is 55.7 %

That % tage should be the middle income!!

55.7% of people in United States are high income, compared with 7% globally​

LOL and Biden is raising their taxes

NOT on the people making under 400,000 .
On everyone. Biden ended Trumps tax cuts.
Let me repeat myself:

The high income in 2011 is 55.7 %

That should be the percentage of the middle income.

People living on $10.01-20 daily are classified as middle income​

7.4% of people in United States are middle income, compared with 13% globally​

People living on $10.01-20 daily are classified as middle income​

Population distribution by income, 2011
Low income3.4
Middle income7.4
Upper-middle income31.9
High income55.7

---------------------------------------------------The high income in 2011 is 55.7 %

That % tage should be the middle income!!

55.7% of people in United States are high income, compared with 7% globally​

LOL and Biden is raising their taxes

NOT on the people making under 400,000 .
On everyone. Biden ended Trumps tax cuts.
No he didn't, not yet. Probably won't get the votes to pass due to the republicans.

People living on $10.01-20 daily are classified as middle income​

7.4% of people in United States are middle income, compared with 13% globally​

People living on $10.01-20 daily are classified as middle income​

Population distribution by income, 2011
Low income3.4
Middle income7.4
Upper-middle income31.9
High income55.7

---------------------------------------------------The high income in 2011 is 55.7 %

That % tage should be the middle income!!

55.7% of people in United States are high income, compared with 7% globally​

Remember that when the DemoKKKrats tell you they're only raising taxes "the rich".
Thats right, they are raising them on the high income!!

Yup, $50 a day, according to your data. That's everyone making $18,250 a year or more you want to raise taxes on. You're a good DemoKKKrat!
Do you think you can live on it, if you have 2 kids.

Not really, so why do you want to raise taxes on folks like that?
Absolutely not ,and Biden knows that.

He wants to raise taxes on the struggling workers making $18K, and so do you. Waitresses, fast-food workers, janitors, struggling single moms working part time. You want to tax them all to death. You people are monsters.

People living on $10.01-20 daily are classified as middle income​

7.4% of people in United States are middle income, compared with 13% globally​

People living on $10.01-20 daily are classified as middle income​

Population distribution by income, 2011
Low income3.4
Middle income7.4
Upper-middle income31.9
High income55.7

---------------------------------------------------The high income in 2011 is 55.7 %

That % tage should be the middle income!!

55.7% of people in United States are high income, compared with 7% globally​

LOL and Biden is raising their taxes

NOT on the people making under 400,000 .
Bullshit. The Demoncrats want hit the poor especially hard with hidden taxes by taxing the corporations that provide their basic needs such as food clothing and energy, who will then be forced to raise their prices.

That hurts the poor the most.
BS. No new taxes except on those making 400,000 or more.

The gas prices are on the companies, the gas tax was hiked in 1992 for the federal and stayed that way. In MI it was hiked in 2017, before the Dem. gov took effect.

The senate in MI is republican controlled since 1983, due to their gerrymandering.

Ya dimwit...the government makes far more money off a gallon of gas than the oil companies do.
They haven't raised the gas tax since 1993. The companies are raking it in and not the government.

Oil companies only make 7-10 cents a gallon of gas while the gov gets around 43 cents.

People living on $10.01-20 daily are classified as middle income​

7.4% of people in United States are middle income, compared with 13% globally​

People living on $10.01-20 daily are classified as middle income​

Population distribution by income, 2011
Low income3.4
Middle income7.4
Upper-middle income31.9
High income55.7

---------------------------------------------------The high income in 2011 is 55.7 %

That % tage should be the middle income!!

55.7% of people in United States are high income, compared with 7% globally​

LOL and Biden is raising their taxes

NOT on the people making under 400,000 .
Bullshit. The Demoncrats want hit the poor especially hard with hidden taxes by taxing the corporations that provide their basic needs such as food clothing and energy, who will then be forced to raise their prices.

That hurts the poor the most.
BS. No new taxes except on those making 400,000 or more.

The gas prices are on the companies, the gas tax was hiked in 1992 for the federal and stayed that way. In MI it was hiked in 2017, before the Dem. gov took effect.

The senate in MI is republican controlled since 1983, due to their gerrymandering.

Ya dimwit...the government makes far more money off a gallon of gas than the oil companies do.
They haven't raised the gas tax since 1993. The companies are raking it in and not the government.

Oil companies only make 7-10 cents a gallon of gas while the gov gets around 43 cents.
You better watch your ass. What are you going to do if penelope comes to where you are and farts. Huh you ever think about that? So please be careful

People living on $10.01-20 daily are classified as middle income​

7.4% of people in United States are middle income, compared with 13% globally​

People living on $10.01-20 daily are classified as middle income​

Population distribution by income, 2011
Low income3.4
Middle income7.4
Upper-middle income31.9
High income55.7

---------------------------------------------------The high income in 2011 is 55.7 %

That % tage should be the middle income!!

55.7% of people in United States are high income, compared with 7% globally​

LOL and Biden is raising their taxes

NOT on the people making under 400,000 .
Bullshit. The Demoncrats want hit the poor especially hard with hidden taxes by taxing the corporations that provide their basic needs such as food clothing and energy, who will then be forced to raise their prices.

That hurts the poor the most.
BS. No new taxes except on those making 400,000 or more.

The gas prices are on the companies, the gas tax was hiked in 1992 for the federal and stayed that way. In MI it was hiked in 2017, before the Dem. gov took effect.

The senate in MI is republican controlled since 1983, due to their gerrymandering.

Ya dimwit...the government makes far more money off a gallon of gas than the oil companies do.
They haven't raised the gas tax since 1993. The companies are raking it in and not the government.

Oil companies only make 7-10 cents a gallon of gas while the gov gets around 43 cents.
You better watch your ass. What are you going to do if penelope comes to where you are and farts. Huh you ever think about that? So please be careful

I have a gas mask and know how to use it.

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