People of color

We already agree that people are different in more ways than just skin color and the SCIENCE has been that those differences DO have a bearing on diagnosis and treatment.

Once again. You going back to telling me what people are. Let's talk about what should be done.

It should be KEPT that way. And I for one will just RIDICULE any labcoat that thinks by renaming stuff -- that they're "healing" anything.

Once again. You going back to telling me what people are., Let's talk about what should be done

Other than that, we should be focusing on the ECONOMICAL and CULTURAL differences that have a BIGGER impact on the health of POC.

What do you mean ? Look. Talk direct. Don't be scared. Talk like the way you talk when there are no black people around. Just bring it. You are being to scared and wishy washy.

It just means we all have to start NAGGING you about putting down all that stuff fried in lard and EATING YOUR VEGETABLES -- without a couple 20 ounce sugary drinks.

What are you on about ?

You really do not listen, so what;s the point? You take what I say and tell me what you WANTED me to say.

But the biggest disappointment here is -- that when I TELL YOU that "focusing on ECONOMICAL and CULTURAL differences that have a BIGGER impact on the health of the black community than geneaology does -- you DRAW A BLANK. Want me to go to ganster language to REFINE that.

Than I give you SPECIFICALLY examples of diet ARE Cultural and Economic effects and how NAGGING is really the ONLY CURE to HEALTH EQUITY in terms diabetes and heart disease (all studied and proven by RACE) --- you just blank out again.

Ever heae of "food deserts"? The disproportionate amount of diabetes and Heart disease in the lower economical classes?

Having a predilection for stuff fried? Like any good SOuthern diet.

YEAH -- there's uniqueness in every "class". YEAH -- it's a bit of generalization. But the ENTIRE SCIENCE of Public Health HAS to make generalizations in order to REMEDY the health problems where THEY EXIST.

You expect white people who went to school to BE public health officials want to just IGNORE the disproportionate RATES of disease and SEVERITY of disease in the black community because they are RACIST?

NO -- they NEED to RAG on people to choose healthy,
How about you call somebody black what you think you want to call them and end up getting embalmed?
OOoooooooooh, big talker! Talkie, talkie, talkie. Talking is a lot easier than doing anything.

Speaking to others more sensible, though, this issue is puffing up in the media about the word "Latinx." Apparently Latinos don't like it; I'm sure they don't! It implies the speaker is including all sorts of weird sex perverts in with normal Latinos. I guess it's like calling our types "blax," including all the guys on the down-low. And the ones who pretend they turn into women so they can win races against all the girls. I don't know if the colored would like that or not, but it is a mildly interesting issue.

Anyway, these are not words I would ever use, since I know what the Left is up to here.
You really do not listen, so what;s the point? You take what I say and tell me what you WANTED me to say.

But the biggest disappointment here is -- that when I TELL YOU that "focusing on ECONOMICAL and CULTURAL differences that have a BIGGER impact on the health of the black community than geneaology does -- you DRAW A BLANK. Want me to go to ganster language to REFINE that.

Than I give you SPECIFICALLY examples of diet ARE Cultural and Economic effects and how NAGGING is really the ONLY CURE to HEALTH EQUITY in terms diabetes and heart disease (all studied and proven by RACE) --- you just blank out again.

Ever heae of "food deserts"? The disproportionate amount of diabetes and Heart disease in the lower economical classes?

Having a predilection for stuff fried? Like any good SOuthern diet.

YEAH -- there's uniqueness in every "class". YEAH -- it's a bit of generalization. But the ENTIRE SCIENCE of Public Health HAS to make generalizations in order to REMEDY the health problems where THEY EXIST.

You expect white people who went to school to BE public health officials want to just IGNORE the disproportionate RATES of disease and SEVERITY of disease in the black community because they are RACIST?

NO -- they NEED to RAG on people to choose healthy,
Spot on.

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