People that survived the Hamas massacre are killing themselves.


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Good new for all the Jew haters out there. For those that survived the Hamas massacre, they all have PTSD and to date about 50 have already killed themselves.

Hard to imagine what they must have gone through and are going through knowing that such evil exists in the world that wants them all dead.

Good new for all the Jew haters out there. For those that survived the Hamas massacre, they all have PTSD and to date about 50 have already killed themselves.

Hard to imagine what they must have gone through and are going through knowing that such evil exists in the world that wants them all dead.
That's terrible that these people continue to suffer because of a band of murderous animals. Fuck Hamas, and everyone who condones their massacre. MAGA
The bigger shame is we could of landed our troops to rescue those still in Gaza, but instead we are landing and distributing Energy Bars and Coca Cola?

The USA, fails to protect those taken by the evil in the world. A sad period in the USA's history.
Perhaps train the survivors of .mil age up and use them as shock troops.....In their case revenge might save them.

Good new for all the Jew haters out there. For those that survived the Hamas massacre, they all have PTSD and to date about 50 have already killed themselves.

Hard to imagine what they must have gone through and are going through knowing that such evil exists in the world that wants them all dead.
Part of it may have to do with some of these people supporting Palestinians and being anti-Israeli government, only to have their world come crashing down on them Oct 7th.
I did not ask you to be upset.....The kill ratio is firmly with the IDF.

Um, yeah, I guess. They've successfully created millions of people who will hate Zionists, and have demolished Israel's reputation around the world.

The world has gone from flying Israeli flags in October to demonstration in favor of Palestine today.

Part of it may have to do with some of these people supporting Palestinians and being anti-Israeli government, only to have their world come crashing down on them Oct 7th.

I'm not sure why someone who is anti-Israeli would be living in Israel...
Um, yeah, I guess. They've successfully created millions of people who will hate Zionists, and have demolished Israel's reputation around the world.

The world has gone from flying Israeli flags in October to demonstration in favor of Palestine today.


I'm not sure why someone who is anti-Israeli would be living in Israel...
Seriously? You don't think their are anti-US people living in the US?
If you don't care about aborting babies it's hard to believe you care about dead children in Palestinian.
Fetuses aren't babies.

If you guys were really serious about reducing abortions, you'd support paid family leave, universal health care, contraception availability and sex education. That's how I think we need to reduce abortions, because the Europeans have done that and it works just fine.
If you don't care about aborting babies it's hard to believe you care about dead children in Palestinian.
Great point, not much difference between being blown-up or scissored-up is it?

That said I support the utility of abortion so maybe that's why I don't care. ;)

Add to that every kid pushed-out by the Palis is just another male Hamas fighter or a female that will spit out a number of them in the future.

That's why their birth rate is so high, Arafat often said the greatest weapon against Zionism is the womb of a Pali woman.

Good new for all the Jew haters out there. For those that survived the Hamas massacre, they all have PTSD and to date about 50 have already killed themselves.

Hard to imagine what they must have gone through and are going through knowing that such evil exists in the world that wants them all dead.
-people are saying

these guys know the attack was a false flag operation and must be epsteined.

i actually worked for a suspect in the jfk assassination. the sign in his office was a quote from "poor richard's almanac"

"three can keep a secret,
if 2 of them are dead.."
It’s always a shame when someone is suffering from mental illness/trauma and doesn’t seek the help they need.
I did not ask you to be upset.....The kill ratio is firmly with the IDF.
Who came up with the notion that a kill ratio should be planned? Should we have thought okay Japan killed X number of Americans at Pearl Harbor so we can kill X number of Japanese? How stupid is that? The war against a malicious aggressor should be swift, hard, thorough, and won. Any other course only leaves a wounded and dangerous enemy.

If Hamas had not placed their weapons around civilians, especially women and children, and/or had allowed the civilians to get out of the way, there would be virtually zero Palestinian civilian casualties. And that is a fact.

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