Percentage of Young People Who Vote Democrat is Shrinking Precipitously

Joe has been kissing young people's asses for a long time now, LYING to them promising to make their loans go away! Many said now that he can't make them disappear, they are NOT going to pay them! Thanks Joe for turning this country into LAZY snivelling Liberals who never want to pay their obligations,.
What does it say?
It says They panic
It does not say what I believe. Because I comment on someone I else’s action does not mean I believe in what they are disputing.
Plus, that’s close to three years ago I made the observation
So what details should Dems have been panicking about regarding Dominion?
Republicans ... Don't need their vote?

Did I stutter?

If basket weaving majoring flunkies don't get their "forgiveness" and stay home on Election Day*, it still helps the GOP defeat Biden without actually winning them over.

See, I can say that, cuz I'm not a politician. ;)

*(Which is why Democrats need election months to supplant election day.)
IKR? Six swing states where Trump is way ahead all call a halt to the counting under the flimsiest of excuses, and in the middle of the night, and when they restart the count, Biden is way ahead.

Nothing to see here.

Yep, I still remember that foreboding moment at 2am where I looked over at the wife and said, "And so it begins".

The live action coup in real time, and the victors don't care to delve into it because of political inconvenience.

Such dedicated truth seekers and patriotic citizens comprise the Left these days.

Makes ya proud.
Yes. You’re trying to tell me they were too stupid to anticipate a late night and have a relief staff in place? And a water main break that turned out to be a toilet leaking on the other side of the building? And four OTHER states that also needed to shut down the count?

Add in them literally blockading ballot counting centers and not allowing right-leaning poll workers to audit the count.

And "The News" not calling FL for like fucking ever even though it was obvious Biden had a 3 point deficit. (In FL they call that a landslide.)

Their deceptive treachery was right out in the open.

But even if you remove all that from the discussion, the utilization of the US Intelligence Agencies to lie about the Hunter Biden laptop qualifies as election interference all on its own.

They know they can't win fair and square, so they've created this mass marketing machine that tells us it was the most secure election in history, and everyone hates Trump.

It's gaslighting of the highest order, and no matter how they attempt to endlessly permeate the entire culture with their lies - they've overplayed their hand.

People are waking up.
No, it would be prudent and responsible - given the unprecedented number of mail-in ballots.
Why? There’s no urgency. It’s not like there’s a requirement to count the ballots in one night. The deadline to count the ballots is weeks after the election.
You would not know a fact if it crawled up you anus and came flying out of your wiener.
I see you believe your feelings are more important than facts.

The things you describe on election night simply didn’t happen.
That would be extremely unnecessary, expensive and wasteful.
Lookie….all of a sudden a Leftist is worried about unnecessary, wasteful spending.

Be honest. Would you have had the same reaction if Biden was comfortably ahead in six swing states, and then in the middle of the night when most voters had gone to sleep thinking Biden was the winner, you learned that Republicans halted the count in all six swing states, and when the count resumed, Trump was ahead, and in all six swing states?
Lookie….all of a sudden a Leftist is worried about unnecessary, wasteful spending.

Be honest. Would you have had the same reaction if Biden was comfortably ahead in six swing states, and then in the middle of the night when most voters had gone to sleep thinking Biden was the winner, you learned that Republicans halted the count in all six swing states, and when the count resumed, Trump was ahead, and in all six swing states?
What state did anything like this happen in 2020?
Oh come on. You’re clearly a cultist when you’re whining about the “stolen” election.

Now you’re just being pissy.

And you're rapidly becoming redundant.

I could just place your posts on "Repeat" using an AI, and there would be no real distinction.


I hereby dub you irredeemably boring.
And you're rapidly becoming redundant.

I could just place your posts on "Repeat" using an AI, and there would be no real distinction.


I hereby dub you irredeemably boring.
Right, like your posts are unique.

All you people do is kiss Trump’s ass, blame Biden for everything, and whine about the “stolen” election.

And you wonder why you get called a cultist.

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