Percentage of Young People Who Vote Democrat is Shrinking Precipitously

Did these “lots of people” ever prove that the election was stolen? No?

You guys fell for a lie. You’re in a cult.

We have Left wing polls that show us if people had known the truth about Hunter's laptop, 16 percent of folks who voted for China Joe would have either switched their vote or stayed home.

That's the ball game.

So, actually, we do have proof - and you fell for the lie.

You're in a cult.
Doesn't mean they're all becoming Republicans. Most are probably not.

But the honeymoon with ole' Joey is clearly dead and buried.

Republicans don't need their votes, but Dems desperately need them to show up.

Thus the mail-in ballot/early voting schemes.

More time to round up otherwise apathetic voters.

Things could get interesting, folks.
We have Left wing polls that show us if people had known the truth about Hunter's laptop, 16 percent of folks who voted for China Joe would have either switched their vote or stayed home.

That's the ball game.

So, actually, we do have proof - and you fell for the lie.

You're in a cult.
We have polls that show that if people had known the truth about Hunter Biden's laptop, they wouldn't vote for him.
Did Biden legitimately win? Yes or no.

What is this, "Meet the Press"?

Of course he didn't.

He used CIA spooks and a corrupt corporate media to lie to voters claiming his druggie son's laptop - that not only has evidence of Joe being bribed by the Chinese; but his son participating in a ton of illegal/illicit activities- was RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION.

That's not a legitimate victory, that's called a coup.
Doesn't mean they're all becoming Republicans. Most are probably not.

But the honeymoon with ole' Joey is clearly dead and buried.

Republicans don't need their votes, but Dems desperately need them to show up.

Thus the mail-in ballot/early voting schemes.

More time to round up otherwise apathetic voters.

Things could get interesting, folks.

When they're being punished economically and socially by a bunch of black and brown racists and demented faggots then yes, they will eventually revolt; times are getting very tough for working class people, and they have little room for sympathy and abuse from thugs and cretins, regardless of Party. And that doesn't mean it will be good for the GOP establishment, so be careful what you gloat over. Even robots can be destroyed in riots or just left to rust in a dead economy with no disposable incomes.
Anybody that votes Democrat is a friggin moron.

You can forgive the young college age kids because they think they know everything but don't really know their ass from a hole in the ground. Just dimiss it as youth stupidity.

If a kid gets to college and thinks she or he is a Liberal you can usually blame bad parenting.
Did Biden legitimately win? Yes or no.

Your answer may lead to more evidence that you’re in a cult.
Biden won
He did not do so in a manner that precludes scrutiny.
No one can to this day can explain how when the tabulations stopped in the wee hours with Trump ahead by about 250k and then resumed in several hours with Biden 250k ahead. The one answer of “we did stop…the swing to Biden was “old” votes still coming in”. That’s preposterous. States allowing extensions mid stream was not a confidence booster either.
But yes I do acknowledge that Biden did capture enough to be POTUD
Don’t lose your shit over scrutiny snd questioning. It makes you look suspect snd nervous
I assure you, what you clearly think is some kind of Hercule Poirot gotcha moment just went over like a lead balloon.

Or, maybe a Chinese spy balloon?
I don’t expect a cultist to admit they’re in a cult. But you clearly are.

You think the election was stolen. And you have no problem with the guy responsible for the only non-peaceful transition of power after he lost.

Definitely cult.
Biden won
He did not do so in a manner that precludes scrutiny.
No one can to this day can explain how when the tabulations stopped in the wee hours with Trump ahead by about 250k and then resumed in several hours with Biden 250k ahead. The one answer of “we did stop…the swing to Biden was “old” votes still coming in”. That’s preposterous. States allowing extensions mid stream was not a confidence booster either.
But yes I do acknowledge that Biden did capture enough to be POTUD
Don’t lose your shit over scrutiny snd questioning. It makes you look suspect snd nervous
Take your bullshit to the courts and settle it there.

Like Fox did with Dominion.

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