Perfect example of how out of touch Kamala Harris is

It was a straight up lie. Your “he shouldn’t have said that” is a lame excuse.

Officer Sicknick did die. I find it pretty hard to believe his death had nothing to do with the riot.

Trump just rolls with straight up fabrications. He just makes it up entirely. He’s not twisting the truth. He’s creating a whole new reality.

Right wing media is off in lala land. You have your own representatives saying the government controls the weather. We just got over the cats and dogs thing with Springfield. Trump is saying that Jamie Dimon endorsed him.

And we haven’t even touched the big lie about election fraud which the MAGA acolytes still can’t say Trump lost because they’re afraid of him.
The autopsy report believed that he died of an unrelated stroke. Are you a pathologist in your spare time?

Cackles made up the fact that she owned a gun, yet never explained . When questioned, she claimed it was a Glock, but she didn't say what kind. The fact that she lives in a government provided housing on a military facility tells you for certain that she cannot possess a firearm in her home. Where does she keep it? In Washington DC, she would need a permit, which she doesn't have.

It was just a convenient lie that she keeps doubling down on.
Harris repeatedly makes statements that make absolutely no sense. When she doesn’t have the answer to a question, she rambles and it evidently works on the low IQ and/or indoctrinated masses.

They are inside the most tightly sealed echo chamber Cult ever know.
Do you think your age somehow insulates you from indoctrination? That is the kind of hubris that makes someone especially susceptible to disinformation.

Young children are by far the most easily influenced, which is why the left(and Communist countries) focus so much on indoctrination in the educational system. You won't get it because you are likely a a product of it. I am old enough to have escaped it, especially being from the South and attending a private school for much of my early education. I did see some in college as well, but I had not been brainwashed since grade school to go along with whatever the teacher/professor said. I was taught to think for myself. That is not a common characteristic of today's under 40 crowd.
Young children are by far the most easily influenced, which is why the left(and Communist countries) focus so much on indoctrination in the educational system. You won't get it because you are likely a a product of it. I am old enough to have escaped it, especially being from the South and attending a private school for much of my early education. I did see some in college as well, but I had not been brainwashed since grade school to go along with whatever the teacher/professor said. I was taught to think for myself. That is not a common characteristic of today's under 40 crowd.
Oh, buddy. I’ll be the first to tell you that many people who have been thoroughly indoctrinated also believe they are thinking for themselves. It’s that misplaced confidence that can result in worse outcomes. Someone like yourself may never even consider that you are susceptible.

But you are. We all are.
Oh, buddy. I’ll be the first to tell you that many people who have been thoroughly indoctrinated also believe they are thinking for themselves. It’s that misplaced confidence that can result in worse outcomes. Someone like yourself may never even consider that you are susceptible.

But you are. We all are.
Sure we all are. I'm just making the point at children are the most susceptible. That is common knowledge. I'm suggesting you should entertain the idea that kids who've grown up in schools that indoctrinate them are more likely to remain indoctrinated throughout their entire lives. That too is well documented.
Sure we all are. I'm just making the point at children are the most susceptible. That is common knowledge. I'm suggesting you should entertain the idea that kids who've grown up in schools that indoctrinate them are more likely to remain indoctrinated throughout their entire lives. That too is well documented.
Okay. So you’re less susceptible than a child. What have you proved here?

You have this broad reaching conspiracy that kids are turned into dopey liberals is just a self-serving narrative with so many holes it’s entirely useless.

The fact remains that people of all ages are susceptible to disinformation and that unless you are checking yourself very carefully, it could very well be you who are brainwashed into a phony narrative.

Conservatism has become awash with these phony narratives. Just totally inundated. As I was saying earlier, conservatives are totally detached from reality in terms of economic facts. You yourself are susceptible to this narrative given you declared a recession a few years ago. When we point out these facts, the response isn’t reconsideration of your view. The response is to accuse the government of fabricating the facts. We’ve seen this for years, dating back to 2012 when unemployment dipped before Obama’s reelection in a conspiracy by the BLS to help reelect him. This eventually morphed into the “deep state” conspiracy.

Tell me why your grand conservative education hasn’t protected you from false narratives?

Trump’s speeches are getting longer and longer, rambling on and on, where run on sentences morph and change topic between totally unconnected ideas bouncing around his head.

He thinks tax cuts, drilling oil and tariffs will literally solve everything.

That’s because those are his only actual policies. Everything else is unknown.
The people that hear his speeches know your breath smells like shit. Trump is giving a Major speech at Madison Square Garden. Maybe NY can go the way PA went. You know Harris lost PA and Michigan.

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