PERJURY TRAP REBELLION: Mueller's Victims Refuse To Trade Lies / Betrayal For 'Leniency'

"That's what you democrats have been calling yours for decades".......what are you talking about? Where have we ever called convicted criminals "victims"?
Quite true - Democrats protect Democrats from ever getting indicted / convicted in the 1st place...

You can't indict someone for conspiracy theories.
then how did mueller do it?
'Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his team are facing new complications in the final stretch of their investigation into Russian meddling and potential collusion with Trump campaign associates during the 2016 presidential election, as targets allegedly breach agreements and balk at plea deals.'

The biased co-conspirator with a documented history of intentionally sending innocent people to jail now faces rebellion from the victims of his Perjury Traps that have nothing to do with 'Illegal Russian Collusion' he was appointed Special Counsel to investigate but were instead manufactured / manipulated 'gottcha' indictments / convictions designed to strong-arm / extort testimony / evidence from them that could be used against the President in successfully carrying out the Democrats' 'Soft Coup'!

Having found no evidence to support the false accusations of non-existent 'Russian Collusion' by President Trump, Mueller's entire case seems to depend on the 'extorted' participation / testimony by those snared in his Perjury Traps. Without them, Mueller is seemingly left with ZERO evidence against, intentionally ignored evidence of Democrat crimes, and his own potential indictment for Obstruction for refusing to comply with Congressional subpoenas earlier in his witch, investigation.

"The complications only served to stoke President Trump’s persistent allegations that the investigation is being unfairly run. The president tweeted early Tuesday that the special counsel’s office is treating people “viciously” and “ruining lives for them refusing to lie,” an apparent reference to Corsi's reported claims about why he won't strike a deal."

President Trump once stated he thought he was being spied on. Democrats responded by railing against the President, declaring he was lying / ignorant. As it turns out, the President was right.

Now, once again, the President has pointed out another seemingly obvious FACT: Mueller has been living up to his reputation for being willing to jail innocent people to get what he wants by ensnaring Trump Associates in Perjury Traps. The response from Democrats / snowflakes / Trump-Haters will not be any different from when he correctly declared he was being spied upon.

"Mueller is widely expected to be nearing the final stages of the investigation in the wake of the November midterms.

But in a late twist, a court filing Monday night said Manafort, who was convicted on multiple counts of financial fraud over the summer in connection with work he completed in Ukraine as a political consultant, breached the plea deal agreed upon earlier this year.

“After signing the plea agreement, Manafort committed federal crimes by lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Special Counsel’s Office on a variety of subject matters, which constitute breaches of the agreement,” Mueller’s office said."

Faced with being left holding a 'sh!t sandwich' should all the victims of his Perjury Traps refuse to now cooperate, Mueller is desperately trying to make an example of Manafort so the others will not follow his lead. Mueller is trying to claim Manafort 'lied to the FBI' by not giving him what he wants. Lying and not giving you what you want are 2 separate things!

If his Perjury Trap victims refuse to participate Mueller will be left with NOTHING, leaving his only option in resolving this case being to write what amounts to a bitter, opinionated, scathing political attempt to undermine the President based n ZERO evidence....after which we can expect the President to appropriately issue a Pardon to Mueller's victims - his latest addition to a list of innocent people Mueller was willing to send to prison to get what he wants.

Mueller faces new complications in final stretch, as targets balk and Trump turns up heat

"Victims" eh? Is that what you call ALL convicted criminals now? "Victims"?

Even after Mueller shredded Trump's attorney/client privilege, he still has ... NOTHING!

Good thing Trump is an "Ah shucks, it's OK for you to take shots after my family and people, I'll just forget all about it" kind of guy

....or maybe he isn't
You can't indict someone for conspiracy theories.

You are right - you can NOT indict someone for an unproven 'conspiracy', but you can indict and convict them based on the evidence of their actual crimes.

The FBI declared they had retrieved over 15,000 OFFICIAL SUBPOENAED DOCUMENTS Hillary had tried to destroy (documents Hillary falsely claimed where 'personal data'), documents / e-mails that were required to have been turned in according to the FOIA and Federal Records Act BUT HAD NOT BEEN.
--- Over 15,000 Counts of Obstruction - 1 per document destroyed / hidden
--- Over 15,000 Counts of violations of the FOIA
--- Over 15,000 Counts of violations of the Federal Records Act
*** That's not counting illegally mishandling classified, and - by definition - Espionage

Comey publicly declared Hillary had committed crimes but attempted to excuse those crimes away by declaring she was TOO STUPID TO KNOW SHE WAS BREAKING THE LAW

CIA Director Brennan
Caught committing Felony Perjury TWICE: 1st time was when he lied under oath to Congress about illegally spying on the US Senate. After being caught, to avoid indictment / prison he had to stand in front of Congress and admit he had committed perjury and had illegally spied on the US senate, violating the Separation of Powers and conducting illegal surveillance. The 2nd time was when he testified he knew nothing about the Russian-authored Dossier...despite the fact that DOJ Oher testified and official Federal Logs proved that he and the FBI's Strzok had worked together to write ICAs and ICRs based on the Dossier and Brennan briefed Congress on the Dossier / ICR, lying to them to get them to open an investigation and appoint waiting co-conspirator Mueller as Special Counsel.

NIA Director Clapper
Caught TWICE committing Felony Perjury before Congress

US AG Eric Holder
1st US Presidential Cabinet Member in US History to ever be Censured - bi-partisanly - for committing Felony Perjury in an attempt to keep Obama's 'Fast and Furious' scandal covered-up. Despite Obama's refusal to allow Holder to be indicted, Congress still gave him the dubious 'honor' of being the 1st US Presidential Cabinet Member in US History to ever be Censured

US AG Lynch
Proven Perjury before Congress, about - among other things - her pre-scheduled 'spur of the moment' tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton....

Deputy US AG Rosenstein
Obstruction of Justice - refusal to comply with Congressional Subpoenas
Falsifying Official Documents / Conspiracy - he signed the FISA Paperwork in which the DOJ and FBI lied to the FISA court by presenting Russian-authored Dossier propaganda as 'Legitimate Intel' in order to illegally acquire search warrants to spy on Trump and his team during an election.

DOJ's Oher
Conspiracy - testified he and his wife collaborated with foreign Spy Steele, who was working for the FBI, and all were in communication with Mueller before an investigation was opened and before Mueller was appointed Special Couinsel

Obstruction - refusal to comply with Congressional Subpoenas
Tampering with Evidence - changing witness testimony after the fact (US IG report)
False Imprisonment
Leaking - (Strzok's text regarding a 'Leak Strategy' being part of their conspiratorial plan)

Obstruction, Perjury, Conspiracy, etc....

Already recommended for indictment by the US IG fro crimes to include Perjury but continued to be protected by Rosenstein....

Obstruction, Falsfying official documents, witness / evidence tampering, sedition, conspiracy, Perjury...

Caught red-handed lying to Congress - a recording of his earlier testimony was played back for him to have him face the evidence of his own perjury. Like with Brennan, Democrats and republican politicians made an ILLEGAL DEAL to keep him out of prison....

All of these are documented, recorded, reported, proven....undeniable.
One thing the DEMs and the REP both agree on is: President Trump NEVER FORGIVES AND HE NEVER FORGETS!
God help those who have crossed Trump.
Miss Karma has farmed out some of her President Trump!
"That's what you democrats have been calling yours for decades".......what are you talking about? Where have we ever called convicted criminals "victims"?
Quite true - Democrats protect Democrats from ever getting indicted / convicted in the 1st place...


You know half the people there are registered Republicans or originally nominated by a Republican.

Hillary - Investigated how many times by Republicans. (NOT PROTECTED)
Brennan - Director of the National Counterterrorism Center Nominated by GW Bush (Republican)
Clapper - Under Sec. of Defense by GW Bush (Republican)
Holder - What position does he hold in the Trump Admin?
Lynch - What position does he hold in the Trump Admin?
Rosenstein - Registered Republican
Oher - WHO???
Mueller - Registered Republican
Comey - Registered Republican
McCabe - You mean the guy Trump promoted?
Strzok - How far are you going down the ladder now... There was a Janitor that didn't vote for Trump too, he cleans the toilets, deep state!!!!
'Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his team are facing new complications in the final stretch of their investigation into Russian meddling and potential collusion with Trump campaign associates during the 2016 presidential election, as targets allegedly breach agreements and balk at plea deals.'

The biased co-conspirator with a documented history of intentionally sending innocent people to jail now faces rebellion from the victims of his Perjury Traps that have nothing to do with 'Illegal Russian Collusion' he was appointed Special Counsel to investigate but were instead manufactured / manipulated 'gottcha' indictments / convictions designed to strong-arm / extort testimony / evidence from them that could be used against the President in successfully carrying out the Democrats' 'Soft Coup'!

Having found no evidence to support the false accusations of non-existent 'Russian Collusion' by President Trump, Mueller's entire case seems to depend on the 'extorted' participation / testimony by those snared in his Perjury Traps. Without them, Mueller is seemingly left with ZERO evidence against, intentionally ignored evidence of Democrat crimes, and his own potential indictment for Obstruction for refusing to comply with Congressional subpoenas earlier in his witch, investigation.

"The complications only served to stoke President Trump’s persistent allegations that the investigation is being unfairly run. The president tweeted early Tuesday that the special counsel’s office is treating people “viciously” and “ruining lives for them refusing to lie,” an apparent reference to Corsi's reported claims about why he won't strike a deal."

President Trump once stated he thought he was being spied on. Democrats responded by railing against the President, declaring he was lying / ignorant. As it turns out, the President was right.

Now, once again, the President has pointed out another seemingly obvious FACT: Mueller has been living up to his reputation for being willing to jail innocent people to get what he wants by ensnaring Trump Associates in Perjury Traps. The response from Democrats / snowflakes / Trump-Haters will not be any different from when he correctly declared he was being spied upon.

"Mueller is widely expected to be nearing the final stages of the investigation in the wake of the November midterms.

But in a late twist, a court filing Monday night said Manafort, who was convicted on multiple counts of financial fraud over the summer in connection with work he completed in Ukraine as a political consultant, breached the plea deal agreed upon earlier this year.

“After signing the plea agreement, Manafort committed federal crimes by lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Special Counsel’s Office on a variety of subject matters, which constitute breaches of the agreement,” Mueller’s office said."

Faced with being left holding a 'sh!t sandwich' should all the victims of his Perjury Traps refuse to now cooperate, Mueller is desperately trying to make an example of Manafort so the others will not follow his lead. Mueller is trying to claim Manafort 'lied to the FBI' by not giving him what he wants. Lying and not giving you what you want are 2 separate things!

If his Perjury Trap victims refuse to participate Mueller will be left with NOTHING, leaving his only option in resolving this case being to write what amounts to a bitter, opinionated, scathing political attempt to undermine the President based n ZERO evidence....after which we can expect the President to appropriately issue a Pardon to Mueller's victims - his latest addition to a list of innocent people Mueller was willing to send to prison to get what he wants.

Mueller faces new complications in final stretch, as targets balk and Trump turns up heat


Perjury is only a 'trap' if you're lying.

Which is why Trump won't testify.
You know half the people there are registered Republicans or originally nominated by a Republican.

...and that pertains to all of the existing evidence of their proven crimes HOW? Nice attempt to focus on who HIRED them instead of actually on their proven crimes and their parts in the proven / exposed Witch Hunt conspiracy.
Perjury is only a 'trap' if you're lying.


After Flynn's interview with the FBI, FBI Counter-Intelligence Expert / Hillary supporter / Trump-Hater Strzok indicted Flynn for 'Lying to the FBI'.

When FBI Director James Comey testified under oath to Congress he testified that his FBI Agents stated Flynn did NOT lie during interview.


As I said at the beginning, your ignorance is duly noted.
trump has all the power to not fall for a "perjury trap."

All he has to do is not lie.

See how simple that is?

Meanwhile keep believing the far right lies. It won't change reality but I get the feeling it helps you to sleep a night.

Democrats control the House and all legislation in the senate because of the filibuster.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Oher - WHO???

It is amazing that you would attempt to participate in such a debate when you just proved you are completely ignorant of some of the most key parts of the evidence and testimony that has been exposed / presented in this case, evidence that the Special Counsel in charge of investigating Illegal Collusion has and the Deputy Director of the DOJ has desperately attempted to ignore.

OHER works for the DOJ.

His wife, a so-called 'Russian Expert' worked / works for Fusion GPS.

Fusion GPS had the Russians as a Client.

Fusion GPS is at the heart of Hillary paying foreign spies and Russians for their help in 2016.

Oher's wife was working on Fusion GPS' part in the acquisition of the Russian-authored dossier from Steele for Hillary and the Obama co-conspirators.

Oher - thus the DOJ - was connected to Steele through his 1st.

Oher testified under oath before Congress that:
- Steele worked for the FBI, information Steele made public during an interview.

- The FBI / Comey then 'FIRED' Steele to eliminate the visible link between the FBI and the foreign spy/Russia-Dossier connection....except Oher testified that Comey NEVER FIRED Steele, that Steele continued to work for the FBI and that he (Oher) was the 'go-between' between the FBI and Steele.

- Oher also testified that he and Steele were also in direct contact / communications with Mueller BEFORE THE TRUMP INVESTIGATION HAD OFFIICALLY BEEN OPENED AND BEFORE MUELLER WAS NAMED SPECIAL COUNSEL.

If you are not bright enough to follow all of this, let me break it down:

Hillary was illegally colluding with / paying foreign spies and Russians for their help in trying to win the 2016, in the form of a Russian-authored piece of propaganda called the 'Dossier'

This 'foreign spy' - Steele - was connected to Oher within the DOJ through Oher's wife who worked for Fusion GPS and worked on the whole purchase of the Dossier by Fusion GPS.

The 'foreign spy' - Steele - was working for the FBI the whole time he was working for Fusion GPS and working with the Russians, paid by Hillary Clinton to deliver the Dossier.

Oher - the DOJ - and Steele - the foreign spy - were already working with Mueller BEFORE THE INVESTIGATION BEGAN AND BEFORE MUELLER WAS APPOINTED SPECIAL COUNSEL.

Just at this point we have evidence / testimony that the DOJ, FBI, Fusion GPS (with Oher's wife), a foreign spy, and Russia were all involved in / collaborating / colluding / conspiring / working on acquiring a Russian-authored document that would eventually be provided to Obama's FBI and used illegally by Obama's DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI to open the investigation based on the Dossier that was sold to Congress as 'Legitimate Intel' when it was not and used illegally to acquire warrants to spy n Trump and his associates - illegally - during the election....AND MUELLER KNEW ABOUT IT / WAS WORKING WITH / CONNECTED TO OHER AND STEELE BEFORE MUELLER WAS EVER APPOINTED SPECIAL COUNSEL.

Mueller, according to Oher, was in on all of this from the start.....

'Oher WHO?'

trump has all the power to not fall for a "perjury trap."

All he has to do is not lie.

See how simple that is?

Meanwhile keep believing the far right lies. It won't change reality but I get the feeling it helps you to sleep a night.

Democrats control the House and all legislation in the senate because of the filibuster.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.


After Flynn's interview with the FBI, FBI Counter-Intelligence Expert / Hillary supporter / Trump-Hater Strzok indicted Flynn for 'Lying to the FBI'.

When FBI Director James Comey testified under oath to Congress he testified that his FBI Agents stated Flynn did NOT lie during interview.

Meanwhile keep believing the far right lies. It won't change reality but I get the feeling it helps you to sleep a night.


We have been waiting for over 2 years for any evidence that a crime of Illegal Collusion was ever perpetrated by President Trump, and Mueller still does not have any.

The closest thing the Democrats / Mueller / snowflakes have is that Trump Jr attended a 7-minute meeting with a Russian lawyer - a meeting made possible by Obama over-riding his own Dept of Immigration, who had banned the Lawyer from entering the US, just so the meeting could take place - during which time no information / opposition research ever exchanged hands. Snowflakes still insist, however:

1. 'Collusion' is a crime.

2. 'The 7-minute meeting was a crime'.

3. 'Hillary colluding with and paying foreign spies and Russians for their help in 2016 / a Russian-authored document illegally used by Obama's DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI is / was not a crime.'

Having zero evidence of any crime Mueller was forced back into his old habits - intentionally manufacturing crimes / hiding evidence to indict / convict innocent people in order to extort / blackmail them into giving him what he wants. According to Corsi and others, what Mueller wants is lies against Trump in order to successfully carry out his soft coup against the President.

Now that his Perjury Trap victims are rebelling Mueller is panicking because without them he really does have NOTHING to justify his witch hunt.
The FBI declared they had retrieved over 15,000 OFFICIAL SUBPOENAED DOCUMENTS Hillary had tried to destroy (documents Hillary falsely claimed where 'personal data'), documents / e-mails that were required to have been turned in according to the FOIA and Federal Records Act BUT HAD NOT BEEN.
do you ever stop lying? The emails were not destroyed because anyone wanted to hide them, thus destroying them....

Comey testified that the emails he found that were not turned over were emails that did not copy correctly when they upgraded her server, thus they were not in the emails that her staff was ordered to go through and separate government from personal, so to turn in the gvt ones. The FBI found them scrambled in some file that was created in the upgrade process.

That was not a crime....
The special counsel HAS PROOF that Manafort lied... physical, tangible PROOF.
Now go back to sleep!
if Trump got to Manafort thru his lawyers or whomever telling him he was going to pardon him if he reneged cooperation, Pres Trump obstructed justice...
do you ever stop lying? The emails were not destroyed because anyone wanted to hide them, thus destroying them....
Do you ever stop lying, denying, justifying, and kissing / protecting Hillary's ass?

The FBI reported they had RETRIEVED them .., from the server from which Hillary DELETED THEM - intentionally deleting SUBPOENAED DOCUMENTS / E-MAILS IN AN ATTEMPT TO HIDE THEM....after which she used Bleach Bit in an attempt to wipe her server clean to make sure the deleted documents were really completely gone.

Are you actually surprised the woman 'too stupid to know she was breaking the law' was 'too stupid to successfully wife files off of her illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured TOP SECRET server'?


She deleted these e-mails that she falsely claimed were personal e-mails.
- They WEREN'T 'personal'. They were part of the official documents that had been Subpoenaed.

She used Bleach Bit on the subpoenaed server in an attempt to ensure all the data she tried to hide was really gone.
- 'Too stupid to know she had broken laws'? She was intentionally hide the evidence of her crimes!


She took the classified chips out of some of the devices she eventually turned in, withholding subpoenaed data / equipment - OBSTRUCTION.

Anyone with the IQ of a 3yo can not actually intelligently credibly attempt to make the pathetic argument / defense you just made ... which is why I guess that leaves you out and why you attempted to make such an embarrassingly STUPID claim / defense.

if Trump got to Manafort ...

...and If frogs had wings he wouldn't bump his ass on the ground every time he jumped / landed.....


:yourpointsmile: Thank you for that desperate tin foil hat un-supported conspiracy liberal 'what if' BS.... :p
Perjury trap. A made up term by the raging hypocrite Giuliani, who used "perjury traps" himself as a prosecutor to jail mobsters. Now the parroting tards blindly mimic his bullshit without a clue what they are talking about.

Perjury trap. You mean like lying about a blowjob in the Oval Office? That kind of perjury trap?

Those are good enough for impeachment, you know. The precedent has been set.

The parroting rubes are scared. They cannot hide their trembling fear.

Very. Scared.

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