Perry Points to ‘Idiotic’ U.S. Rule That Doesn’t Exist

So in order to deflect against what Perry did, bring up what President Obama once did.

It shows that Obama is just as bad as Perry but you should still vote for Perry because…well…you just should.

I suppose nobody bothered to actually read the article.

That might lead to some of those facts things – the right doesn’t take kindly to facts.
heres another example- we could go the route where in a farmer in Iowa made a comment to obama at a townhall about dust pollution regs and how they didn't need to be choked by anymore regs...obama told him;

“If you hear something is happening, but it hasn’t happened, don’t always believe what you hear.”

When the room broke into soft laughter, the president added, “No — and I’m serious about that.”

Saying that “folks in Washington” like to get “all ginned up” about things that aren’t necessarily happening (“Look what’s comin’ down the pipe!”), Obama’s advice was simple: “Contact USDA.”

“Talk to them directly. Find out what it is that you’re concerned about,” Obama told the man. “My suspicion is, a lot of times, they’re going to be able to answer your questions and it will turn out that some of your fears are unfounded.”


apparently the EPA was considering regulations to do just that, as there is a bill in congress waiting on a vote to block such a move;

H.R.1633 - Farm Dust Regulation Prevention Act of 2011

To establish a temporary prohibition against revising any national ambient air quality standard applicable to coarse particulate matter, to limit Federal regulation of nuisance dust in areas in which such dust is regulated under State, tribal, or local law, and for other purposes.

H.R.1633: Farm Dust Regulation Prevention Act of 2011 - U.S. Congress - OpenCongress
a bill that would prevent such a thing is by no means indication or evidence that there was ever any intention to do it in the first place.
heres another example- we could go the route where in a farmer in Iowa made a comment to obama at a townhall about dust pollution regs and how they didn't need to be choked by anymore regs...obama told him;

“If you hear something is happening, but it hasn’t happened, don’t always believe what you hear.”

When the room broke into soft laughter, the president added, “No — and I’m serious about that.”

Saying that “folks in Washington” like to get “all ginned up” about things that aren’t necessarily happening (“Look what’s comin’ down the pipe!”), Obama’s advice was simple: “Contact USDA.”

“Talk to them directly. Find out what it is that you’re concerned about,” Obama told the man. “My suspicion is, a lot of times, they’re going to be able to answer your questions and it will turn out that some of your fears are unfounded.”


apparently the EPA was considering regulations to do just that, as there is a bill in congress waiting on a vote to block such a move;

H.R.1633 - Farm Dust Regulation Prevention Act of 2011

To establish a temporary prohibition against revising any national ambient air quality standard applicable to coarse particulate matter, to limit Federal regulation of nuisance dust in areas in which such dust is regulated under State, tribal, or local law, and for other purposes.

H.R.1633: Farm Dust Regulation Prevention Act of 2011 - U.S. Congress - OpenCongress
a bill that would prevent such a thing is by no means indication or evidence that there was ever any intention to do it in the first place.

Air pollution: Bipartisan House coalition tells EPA to lay off farm dust -- 09/27/2010 --
The very first thing I did was point out he was upset about a non-existent rule... yet I am deflecting & defending?

Certainly. The majority of your post was spent on President Obama and how Democrats do the same thing.

The first thing I did was point out that Perry was upset about something that did not exist. usually, the first thing you post or say is the more important part of the post. That's kinda why it comes first.

The next I did was post an example of Obama doing the same thing, detailing the situation, to show both sides do it. I could have just said 'Obama did the same thing', but then you'd whine and complain that he didn't and demand an example. I saved you a few tears.

And now you're gonna whine like a little bitch that my post was all geared towards Obama and I was deflecting from Perry?

THAT is your argument?

Wow. You seriously suck at this.
The loony left is following the same exact script they've used for 50 years.
Call the Republican "crazy". Call the Republican "stupid". Call the Republican "racist".
The loony left is following the same exact script they've used for 50 years.
Call the Republican "crazy". Call the Republican "stupid". Call the Republican "racist".
Then, they demand that anyone who calls them on their crap maintain a "civil dialogue". :bs1:
So in order to deflect against what Perry did, bring up what President Obama once did. :lol:

President Obama was wrong in that case, just like Rick Perry was in this case. However, the fact your first response was to defend Perry says everything I need to know. :lol:

re-read my first sentence in my post...

A Republican, upset about a mythical rule.

The very first thing I did was point out he was upset about a non-existent rule... yet I am deflecting & defending?

Don't you all just love how 'some posters' outright lie about others... then flee their own threads when they are called on it?

A proposal is not a rule.
First column headed "Application of the Commercial Drivers License Rules to Farm Vehicle Drivers Under a Farm Share Crop Lease Agreement" to end of section.

Ok, I admit, I have not read this freakin proposed rule/legislation/law or whatever it is. Just the title gives me license to comment. Leave the farmers alone. Why would a farmer in a rural setting need a commercial license except if you are trying to scrape more cash out of him/her? Generally a farm community has low traffic and since they are the major commercial interest in the area they should be given traffic preference anyway.

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