Persian Gulf may soon be too hot for human life, climate simulation shows


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Persian Gulf may soon be too hot for human life, climate simulation shows
Now a notoriously oil-rich region, the Persian Gulf might become uninhabitable by the next century under the current global warming trends. It is thought that they will create humid heat conditions at a level incompatible with human existence, a new study reveals.

According to research published in the journal Nature Climate Change, the heat generated by greenhouse gas emissions would create conditions in the Gulf where a healthy person would not be unable to maintain a normal body temperature.

“Our results expose a specific regional hot spot where climate change, in the absence of significant [carbon cuts], is likely to severely impact human habitability in the future,” said Jeremy Pal and Elfatih Eltahir of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Researchers believe that the Gulf’s geographical position will result in such unlivable moist-but-hot conditions. Authors said that under these circumstances, the annual Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca would become life-threatening and almost impossible to undertake by the year 2100.
Persian Gulf may soon be too hot for human life, climate simulation shows

Edit: NYT article:

Well, maybe they'll breed less and islam will become extinct?
So you believe it is bad science to study what a change in climate can do? Really? The people are this board are nuts.

if it good science then greedy corporations will jump all over it like BJ on an intern. We can't afford to pay for anyone else hobby. When they fix the meat and potatoes, then they could maybe expand.
Same old same old. Unpleasant Facts are presented, so the conspiracy crowd goes into overdrive to deflect.

Lethal heat wouldn't just be a problem in Mecca. This map shows worst-case projections for a century from now. With a 12C rise, the midwestern USA (the purplish areas) would be seeing days where any human who can't get into air conditioning dies.


And even if you can put the humans in air conditioning, you can't air condition the livestock. So all the animals die. Not to mention that such heat would also kill the crops.

But hey, no big deal, right? It's would only make a quarter of the USA uninhabitable. Only dirty liberals would think that's some kind of a problem, even though it's the conservative part of the nation getting baked.
Same old same old. Unpleasant Facts are presented, so the conspiracy crowd goes into overdrive to deflect.

Lethal heat wouldn't just be a problem in Mecca. This map shows worst-case projections for a century from now. With a 12C rise, the midwestern USA (the purplish areas) would be seeing days where any human who can't get into air conditioning dies.


And even if you can put the humans in air conditioning, you can't air condition the livestock. So all the animals die. Not to mention that such heat would also kill the crops.

But hey, no big deal, right? It's would only make a quarter of the USA uninhabitable. Only dirty liberals would think that's some kind of a problem, even though it's the conservative part of the nation getting baked.


This idiot is part of the cult:uhoh3:
Same old same old. Unpleasant Facts are presented, so the conspiracy crowd goes into overdrive to deflect.

Lethal heat wouldn't just be a problem in Mecca. This map shows worst-case projections for a century from now. With a 12C rise, the midwestern USA (the purplish areas) would be seeing days where any human who can't get into air conditioning dies.


And even if you can put the humans in air conditioning, you can't air condition the livestock. So all the animals die. Not to mention that such heat would also kill the crops.

But hey, no big deal, right? It's would only make a quarter of the USA uninhabitable. Only dirty liberals would think that's some kind of a problem, even though it's the conservative part of the nation getting baked.

12deg Centigrade avg baseline ambient temp rise above normal? huh? That is huge. Room temp is 25 deg C.
Persian Gulf may soon be too hot for human life, climate simulation shows
Now a notoriously oil-rich region, the Persian Gulf might become uninhabitable by the next century under the current global warming trends. It is thought that they will create humid heat conditions at a level incompatible with human existence, a new study reveals.

According to research published in the journal Nature Climate Change, the heat generated by greenhouse gas emissions would create conditions in the Gulf where a healthy person would not be unable to maintain a normal body temperature.

“Our results expose a specific regional hot spot where climate change, in the absence of significant [carbon cuts], is likely to severely impact human habitability in the future,” said Jeremy Pal and Elfatih Eltahir of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Researchers believe that the Gulf’s geographical position will result in such unlivable moist-but-hot conditions. Authors said that under these circumstances, the annual Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca would become life-threatening and almost impossible to undertake by the year 2100.
Persian Gulf may soon be too hot for human life, climate simulation shows

Edit: NYT article:

Well, maybe they'll breed less and islam will become extinct?

So climate change is to blame for the rise of ISIS and the refugee problem.

Who knew?
Persian Gulf may soon be too hot for human life, climate simulation shows
Now a notoriously oil-rich region, the Persian Gulf might become uninhabitable by the next century under the current global warming trends. It is thought that they will create humid heat conditions at a level incompatible with human existence, a new study reveals.

According to research published in the journal Nature Climate Change, the heat generated by greenhouse gas emissions would create conditions in the Gulf where a healthy person would not be unable to maintain a normal body temperature.

“Our results expose a specific regional hot spot where climate change, in the absence of significant [carbon cuts], is likely to severely impact human habitability in the future,” said Jeremy Pal and Elfatih Eltahir of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Researchers believe that the Gulf’s geographical position will result in such unlivable moist-but-hot conditions. Authors said that under these circumstances, the annual Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca would become life-threatening and almost impossible to undertake by the year 2100.
Persian Gulf may soon be too hot for human life, climate simulation shows

Edit: NYT article:

Well, maybe they'll breed less and islam will become extinct?

LOL, ok, TELL us DEGROWTHER, take the "may" out of your post, it IS, it is NOT! Quit trying to have it both ways just cause Al Gore got hosed. Take a stand. Put your opinion down. Take out the "may" and tell us in DEGROWTHER MATTHEW SPEAK what is going to happen, and when we can see it!
I think under the worst case that this is possible. Of course, it is more likely that we will just warm up a few degrees and have to deal with just a little bit of the worse case.

"may" or may not is the question we have a choice in.
12deg Centigrade avg baseline ambient temp rise above normal? huh? That is huge. Room temp is 25 deg C.

Yep. And if humans were to keep increasing CO2 emissions exponentially, it's definitely a possibility a century from now. If it didn't get quite that hot, it would still be pretty awful. That would be the point, that it's not some minor problem.

Remember, the models have been right on the money for over 50 years. Denier cultists say otherwise, but denier cultists just fake all their data (and some will probably respond here with that faked data). The reason climate science has such credibility across the globe is that it's been getting everything right for decades. And the reason deniers are laughed at is they've been getting everything totally wrong for decades. For example, most of the deniers have been predicting imminent cooling for years, yet that cooling never happens. It just keeps warming strongly.

Also understand that global warming is proven without a single model. The directly measured evidence proves it. Denier cultists would have no way of knowing that, of course, being their cult masters didn't tell them, and it's not like a denier is permitted to go outside the cult for information.

No matter, because the rational people of the world do know it, and that's why the denier fringe cult is just ignored now. Given that their decades of propaganda have failed so completely, do any of the deniers here have a Plan B to fall back on? Understand that repeating the same propaganda at higher levels of hysteria really isn't a Plan B, being that one definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
Here, you want to know who/what you are talking to when you engage ASTRO TURFER Matthew in debate? Well check it out. At least now you know where someone like this comes from, and yes, it is scary!

"DEGROWTH" - The Ultimate Leftist End Game


China is growing at over 7% per year. Most nations that invest in themselves are kicking our ass.

Who are you to call me a degrower? Because you want unregulated capitalism that will in fact decrease the size of the economy as you force most competition to die out is what is the real degrower!!!
you move this planet 12 deg C and I got some land I want to sell ya'

never happened and never could.

Earth is a giant rock on fire in the middle spinning thru space around a bigger ball of fire. you think you gonna affect it because you drive a Prius?
Persian Gulf may soon be too hot for human life, simulation shows
Now a notoriously oil-rich region, the Persian Gulf might become uninhabitable by the next century under the current global warming trends. It is thought that they will create humid heat conditions at a level incompatible with human existence, a new study reveals.

According to research published in the journal Nature Climate Change, the heat generated by greenhouse gas emissions would create conditions in the Gulf where a healthy person would not be unable to maintain a normal body temperature.

“Our results expose a specific regional hot spot where climate change, in the absence of significant [carbon cuts], is likely to severely impact human habitability in the future,” said Jeremy Pal and Elfatih Eltahir of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Researchers believe that the Gulf’s geographical position will result in such unlivable moist-but-hot conditions. Authors said that under these circumstances, the annual Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca would become life-threatening and almost impossible to undertake by the year 2100.
Persian Gulf may soon be too hot for human life, climate simulation shows

Edit: NYT article:

Well, maybe they'll breed less and islam will become extinct?
Not until we have mandatory DNA testing and expell every Ashkenazi from the West, can we hope to dwindle the numbers of muslims in the world.

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