Pervy Teacher sex pests teenage pupils - gets caught and isnt sacked

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
'Strict' school head sent flirty messages to 'cute', 'naughty' girls

The headteacher of a Welsh private school sent dozens of flirtatious messages to schoolgirls as young as 15.

Ruthin School principal Toby Belfield sent messages to female pupils on social media in which he talked about breasts, virginity and sexuality.

Mr Belfield, once called 'Britain's strictest headteacher for his stance on sickness and pupil relationships, also sent a private message to a girl joking about expelling her if he found out where her secret tattoo was.

North Wales Live reported that the married 47-year-old kept his job at the £35,000-a-year boarding school when the messages first came to light last May after a safeguarding investigation involving police and council officials.

Well how the mighty have fallen. Mr Bellend has spent the past few years telling us that learning Welsh in school hampers a childs development. He has yet to comment on how a middle aged perv sexting under age girls works on their achievement.

This is a school outside the control of the local council so it doesnt shock me that they havent sacked him yet .

But that will not be long coming and I would like to think this evil man will end up in front of the beaks in Mold. Where all of the Judges are Welsh Speakers.

I hope that none of the girls have been unduly traumatised by his attentions.

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