Pete Rose

Pete Rose's "crime" must be understood in context. When he was playing and managing, every team was briefed during Spring Training that gambling in public was frowned upon, sports betting was "sinful," and betting on professional baseball was a figurative CAPITAL OFFENSE! Doesn't matter whether it's your team or not - NO BETTING ON BASEBALL! YOU WILL BE EXCOMMUNICATED FROM BASEBALL!

So ignoring all that, you might say that the real danger of him betting on baseball would be if someone placed bets AGAINST his own team, then managed the team (or played the game) in a way to lose on purpose. That would be the ultimate crime. If you bet on YOUR OWN team, what harm could that do? You are even more incentivized to win! Pete Rose could have bet on OTHER TEAMS, using his own personal knowledge as a baseball insider, which might have been unfair to other betters, but seriously, WGAS?

So bottom line, Pete Rose did nothing criminal or sinful, or even unethical, when he bet on baseball games in which his teams were not involved. But he broke the rules. HE WAS TOLD in no uncertain terms that betting on baseball was a "capital offense," and when he was confronted with that, he agreed to accept banishment for life.

But it's a new world now. The Leftist cancer has infected even the National Pastime, Baseball, so Rose should be allowed in the Hall of Fame, based on his BB accomplishments, which are undeniable. If dirtbags were not allowed, the place could be much smaller.
Oh shut the fuck up. It has nothing to do with politics.
Love him or hate him, this video interview is classic. Rose speaks of how baseball is SUPPOSED to be played! Rose is cut from a mold like no other. He belongs in the Hall of Fame whether he bet on baseball or his own team or whatever. The hall of fame should be reserved for what you accomplished on the diamond and for Rose, he is ABSOLUTELY one of the greatest players ever. For his skills and his attitude. There has never been a player I knew of who would run down to first base on a walk before Rose or after. He played the game hard and played with passion. You just don't see that in ANY sport these days.

:thankusmile: excellent stuff well said. Its a fucked up world when the cheatriots commit crime after crime and go unpunished for their actions ON THE FIELD and do not get banned from the sport yet Rose for his actions off the field just for betting is banned from baseball for life. You are so correct,other than the world series,sense the days of Rose,you never see a player running to first base on a walk,for sure not during the regular season. Yeah that is so correct,there has ever been a player even before his time and for sure after his time that ran to first base on a walk during the regular season. That was the main reason why he was able to pass Ty cobb as the all time hits leader because he played the game with passion like nobody in the history of the game and thats why nobody will ever pass his hit total either.
No question he is a Hall of Famer, but it's troubling to me that when he was in his 40's and still racking up all those hits that he was a close friend to a known steroid dealer. They were not casual acquaintances. I used to think he got the hit record the old fashioned way, but I'm sure Pete was on the juice.
steroids dont make you see the ball better......
But they make the ball go BOOM when you hit it
We see the results steroids produced. We don’t even need to wonder. Maybe steroids don’t make you see the ball better. Maybe they do. Harry acts like he’s been on steroids. They make you feel invincible. And clearly they make men hit the ball farther.

Steroids also prolonged guys careers. Without them they would have quit years sooner.
We see the results steroids produced. We don’t even need to wonder. Maybe steroids don’t make you see the ball better. Maybe they do. Harry acts like he’s been on steroids. They make you feel invincible. And clearly they make men hit the ball farther.

Steroids also prolonged guys careers. Without them they would have quit years sooner.
Steroids enhanced performance

Made you hit the ball farther, recover from injuries faster, extend your career

Players jumped at the chance. Nobody cared.

Management and MLB ignored it and took advantage of the jump in HRs and pitching to sell tickets

When the Shit hit the fan, management blamed the players and pretended they were shocked
How would you know? You’re in the zone when you’re juiced up. I hear sugar ray leonard boxed high on cocaine.
you ever done steroids? hear a lot of things dont you?.....

Scientists say they do not believe steroids improve hand-eye coordination, but because they agree the drugs help build strength, some extrapolate that steroids would also quicken bat speed. Better bat speed gives the hitter more time to wait on a pitch, to read it and follow it.Jun 14, 2004
The annoying thing about the banning of Pete Rose and the apparent ban of Bonds and Clemens is that there is cheating on some level that is accepted--called gamesmanship. Big Poppy used steroids but he's in the hall. Craig Biggio was notorious for crowding the plate--so much so he wore a huge pad on his elbow. His team mate Bagwell was long rumored to have taken PEDs.

Maybe give the writers a third option. Something like a yea vote but delay the admission by 10 years for "infamous career" or whatever.
you ever done steroids? hear a lot of things dont you?.....

Scientists say they do not believe steroids improve hand-eye coordination, but because they agree the drugs help build strength, some extrapolate that steroids would also quicken bat speed. Better bat speed gives the hitter more time to wait on a pitch, to read it and follow it.Jun 14, 2004
Yes I did a pill called Anavar the month I dropped weight from 190 to 155. They said it would help me retain my strength. It worked. I was benching 350, squat 405 deadlift 505
In the same game, by the way, the Yankees were playing the Blue Jays....the same team that has Cavan Biggio in the starting line up. Craig Biggio's son... Man do I feel old.
Yeah didnt Rose feud with one of he MLB commissioners at one point after the initial incident and that's what has ultimately lead to him being kept out even now?
That was like 3 commissioners ago or whatever. It's time to put him in the Hall of Fame.

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