Peter King R NY is a whiney pussy

Every time a camera is in front of him he's bitching and whining about this Republican or that Republican. The man can't articulate a point without pointing at someone else be they right or left.

Maybe you should think about the way you are articulating a point. It's worse than whiny.

Thread hit home I see. Good. As to me. I don't represent anyone nor do I hold a position of power over others.

Perhaps you should get a clue
The GOP needs to be attractive to more than white gomers in the ex-slave states, you buffoon. This means being more moderate, and liberal, than the low born Dixiecrats of the GOP would like them to be. Get past it.
There's our problem in a nutshell. Too many idiots are focused on likability rather than what matters. Rep's are sent to DC to represent us not a ducking popularity contest.
The GOP needs to be attractive to more than white gomers in the ex-slave states, you buffoon. This means being more moderate, and liberal, than the low born Dixiecrats of the GOP would like them to be. Get past it.
There's our problem in a nutshell. Too many idiots are focused on likability rather than what matters. Rep's are sent to DC to represent us not a ducking popularity contest.

If you don't play the popularity contest you won't get ANY of the policies you want...if you want to be a major political party that is capable of winning majorities you have to represent the majorities of America, or at least be attractive to the majority of America.

If the only people you cater to are the far right southerners then you'll only be a party with ~20%-30% representation and won't accomplish anything.
The GOP needs to be attractive to more than white gomers in the ex-slave states, you buffoon. This means being more moderate, and liberal, than the low born Dixiecrats of the GOP would like them to be. Get past it.
There's our problem in a nutshell. Too many idiots are focused on likability rather than what matters. Rep's are sent to DC to represent us not a ducking popularity contest.

If you don't play the popularity contest you won't get ANY of the policies you want...if you want to be a major political party that is capable of winning majorities you have to represent the majorities of America, or at least be attractive to the majority of America.

If the only people you cater to are the far right southerners then you'll only be a party with ~20%-30% representation and won't accomplish anything.

Cruz for instance is a southerner elected by southerners to represent........wait for it.....


Not progressives from the coasts.
Feel free to link me to proof of Rand Paul or Ted Cruz mocking others.

Nope, you don't get "just once more" when we are aware Cruz, Paul, you, and the other far right fringe losers do it all the time.

The other 80% of America despises you folks. Rightfully so.

What a surprise, fake Jake got natta

Got everything, son. From worse to worst for you reactionaries.,0,1301070.story#axzz2ix1wk1S6
There's our problem in a nutshell. Too many idiots are focused on likability rather than what matters. Rep's are sent to DC to represent us not a ducking popularity contest.

If you don't play the popularity contest you won't get ANY of the policies you want...if you want to be a major political party that is capable of winning majorities you have to represent the majorities of America, or at least be attractive to the majority of America.

If the only people you cater to are the far right southerners then you'll only be a party with ~20%-30% representation and won't accomplish anything.

Cruz for instance is a southerner elected by southerners to represent........wait for it.....


Not progressives from the coasts.

Okay? This doesn't address my point at all...if you want the Republicans to attain a majority in either house or ever take the presidency again you HAVE to have the moderate Republicans in the party otherwise you just cater to the extreme right of the country and will only get 30% representation at most. It's not a workable situation.
Nope, you don't get "just once more" when we are aware Cruz, Paul, you, and the other far right fringe losers do it all the time.

The other 80% of America despises you folks. Rightfully so.

What a surprise, fake Jake got natta

Got everything, son. From worse to worst for you reactionaries.,0,1301070.story#axzz2ix1wk1S6

Still nothing. There isn't a single quote in that link attributing name calling or any type of slander to ANYONE.

If you don't play the popularity contest you won't get ANY of the policies you want...if you want to be a major political party that is capable of winning majorities you have to represent the majorities of America, or at least be attractive to the majority of America.

If the only people you cater to are the far right southerners then you'll only be a party with ~20%-30% representation and won't accomplish anything.

Cruz for instance is a southerner elected by southerners to represent........wait for it.....


Not progressives from the coasts.

Okay? This doesn't address my point at all...if you want the Republicans to attain a majority in either house or ever take the presidency again you HAVE to have the moderate Republicans in the party otherwise you just cater to the extreme right of the country and will only get 30% representation at most. It's not a workable situation.

The party is FULL of so called moderates. Otherwise the debt ceiling wouldn't have been increased.

At the risk of being absurdly obvious it is the liberals and moderates who want the FEW actual conservatives out.

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