Peter Kirsanow on Illegal Alien Criminality


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Illegal aliens lower our standard of living, increase unemployment among Americans, and cost mucho Dinaro in welfare and support, plus huge costs to the prison system.
Yet, Liberals/Democrats welcome, encourage, and invite same for one reason:
they vote....and they vote Democrat.

The Mollie Tibbetts murder shows a darker aspect of the problem.

1.The single most dangerous of the lies Liberals tell is this one:
They commit far fewer crimes than our own citizens

Until now, it was hard to pin the tail on that donkey, because the government has assiduously hidden the data.

2. The government collects any and all data related to the needs of authorized 'victims' of general nastiness by white America, but somehow it neglects to collect data about criminality of illegal aliens...who, by definition....are criminals!
Seems all Democrats rely on illegal aliens do to is what they were allowed to come here to do: vote Democrat.
And they do.

If you'd like to see how scrupulous the data-miners have been, to actually hide the crime statistics on illegal aliens, pick any infinitesimal bit of information you'd like to know about inhabitants of America ....oh, how many occupants of American Samoa have battery powered radios in their homes.....
Wanna know? It's actually here: American FactFinder - Using FactFinder
(2,651 in 2010)

Now try to find data on how many legal and illegal aliens are arrested and convicted for crimes...and what those crimes are.

3. And, based on this obfuscation and/or outright refusal to collect this data, Liberals can simply sneer at the logic and experience of the other side's attempts to estimate the numbers of illegal aliens, how many vote, the financial burden they place on the public services they require, the costs to the judicial system, increases in police forces, prison guards.....and rape counselors.

Until now.

4. “Peter N. Kirsanow (born October 30, 1953) is an attorney and a member of the United States Commission on Civil Rights.”
Peter Kirsanow - Wikipedia

Kirsanow was Interviewed by Tucker Carlson,

Beginning at 16:00 minutes in.

I’ll give the details he reveals, next….

5. “To what extent do people here illegally add to our crime problem?”

Using “the state criminal assistance program…shows that illegal aliens commit crimes at a higher rate than lawful residents…more serious crimes…murder, rape, aggravated assault…

In New York, 27% of incarcerated illegal aliens are incarcerated for murder.”

6. In a study of five of the largest states to see how many illegal aliens were incarcerated for homicide, Texas, New 5York, Florida, California, and Arizona. The number was 5,400.

“There are over 300,000 illegal aliens incarcerated, …billions of dollars.”

7. “There are millions of other crimes committed by illegal aliens such as document theft, social security, drivers licenses, illegal appropriate of welfare benefits, …..billions of dollars.”

Illegal aliens lower our standard of living, increase unemployment among Americans, and cost mucho Dinaro in welfare and support, plus huge costs to the prison system.
Yet, Liberals/Democrats welcome, encourage, and invite same for one reason:
they vote....and they vote Democrat.
8. “John Lott did one of the rigorous and methodologically comprehensive analysis using Arizona Dept of Corrections data…over a 30 year period…

…showed that illegal aliens don’t just commit more crime, more serious crime, ….by 250% more than legal residents.”

9. Latest statistics from the US Sentencing Commission [ Topic]

Non-Citizens Federal Crimes:

22% of Murders

18% of Fraud

33% of Money Laundering

29% of Drug Trafficking

72% of Drug Possession

Get it????
Non-Citizens are FAR more likely to commit crimes that Americans are.

Which party hid this from you????

Which party hates Americans?

Poor Mollie Tibbetts, may she rest in peace..... yet another example of the desire of the Left….Democrats/Liberals…. to exchange the lives of innocent, law-abiding citizens for the votes of illegal aliens.
Illegal aliens lower our standard of living, increase unemployment among Americans, and cost mucho Dinaro in welfare and support, plus huge costs to the prison system.
Yet, Liberals/Democrats welcome, encourage, and invite same for one reason:
they vote....and they vote Democrat.

The Mollie Tibbetts murder shows a darker aspect of the problem.

1.The single most dangerous of the lies Liberals tell is this one:
They commit far fewer crimes than our own citizens

Until now, it was hard to pin the tail on that donkey, because the government has assiduously hidden the data.

2. The government collects any and all data related to the needs of authorized 'victims' of general nastiness by white America, but somehow it neglects to collect data about criminality of illegal aliens...who, by definition....are criminals!
Seems all Democrats rely on illegal aliens do to is what they were allowed to come here to do: vote Democrat.
And they do.

If you'd like to see how scrupulous the data-miners have been, to actually hide the crime statistics on illegal aliens, pick any infinitesimal bit of information you'd like to know about inhabitants of America ....oh, how many occupants of American Samoa have battery powered radios in their homes.....
Wanna know? It's actually here: American FactFinder - Using FactFinder
(2,651 in 2010)

Now try to find data on how many legal and illegal aliens are arrested and convicted for crimes...and what those crimes are.

3. And, based on this obfuscation and/or outright refusal to collect this data, Liberals can simply sneer at the logic and experience of the other side's attempts to estimate the numbers of illegal aliens, how many vote, the financial burden they place on the public services they require, the costs to the judicial system, increases in police forces, prison guards.....and rape counselors.

Until now.

4. “Peter N. Kirsanow (born October 30, 1953) is an attorney and a member of the United States Commission on Civil Rights.”
Peter Kirsanow - Wikipedia

Kirsanow was Interviewed by Tucker Carlson,

Beginning at 16:00 minutes in.

I’ll give the details he reveals, next….

Well again, if there are thirteen million illegals in the country, they are each criminals. That’s a very high figure.
Illegal aliens lower our standard of living, increase unemployment among Americans, and cost mucho Dinaro in welfare and support, plus huge costs to the prison system.
Yet, Liberals/Democrats welcome, encourage, and invite same for one reason:
they vote....and they vote Democrat.

The Mollie Tibbetts murder shows a darker aspect of the problem.

1.The single most dangerous of the lies Liberals tell is this one:
They commit far fewer crimes than our own citizens

Until now, it was hard to pin the tail on that donkey, because the government has assiduously hidden the data.

2. The government collects any and all data related to the needs of authorized 'victims' of general nastiness by white America, but somehow it neglects to collect data about criminality of illegal aliens...who, by definition....are criminals!
Seems all Democrats rely on illegal aliens do to is what they were allowed to come here to do: vote Democrat.
And they do.

If you'd like to see how scrupulous the data-miners have been, to actually hide the crime statistics on illegal aliens, pick any infinitesimal bit of information you'd like to know about inhabitants of America ....oh, how many occupants of American Samoa have battery powered radios in their homes.....
Wanna know? It's actually here: American FactFinder - Using FactFinder
(2,651 in 2010)

Now try to find data on how many legal and illegal aliens are arrested and convicted for crimes...and what those crimes are.

3. And, based on this obfuscation and/or outright refusal to collect this data, Liberals can simply sneer at the logic and experience of the other side's attempts to estimate the numbers of illegal aliens, how many vote, the financial burden they place on the public services they require, the costs to the judicial system, increases in police forces, prison guards.....and rape counselors.

Until now.

4. “Peter N. Kirsanow (born October 30, 1953) is an attorney and a member of the United States Commission on Civil Rights.”
Peter Kirsanow - Wikipedia

Kirsanow was Interviewed by Tucker Carlson,

Beginning at 16:00 minutes in.

I’ll give the details he reveals, next….

Well again, if there are thirteen million illegals in the country, they are each criminals. That’s a very high figure.

Yup....and there are far more than 13 million.

Democrats couldn't care less about the criminality, as long as they perform the function they were brought here to do: vote Democrat.
10. Let's do the math.

If the (bogus) figure cited ...."11 million illegal aliens live in the country"....which neither changes nor is questioned, is accepted….

"... no number has been given greater certitude and less investigation than that. Not even the number of planets in our solar system has enjoyed such constancy and acceptance.

….that is about 0.03 % of the population committing 22% of federal murder convictions.…..committing crime WAY out of proportion: that would be over 700 times their representation in the population....

Per the US Sentencing Commission [ Topic]

Non-Citizens Federal Crimes:

22% of Murders

18% of Fraud

33% of Money Laundering

29% of Drug Trafficking

72% of Drug Possession

And these are only federal statistics.
11. The truth is, in fact, that non-citizens commit a massively greater proportion of crime than American citizens.
Certainly, that would prompt a thinking individual to question why the Democrats/Liberal have hidden the data, and actually advance an out-and-out fabrication for so long.

The answer doesn't require the abilities of a rocket scientist. Illegal aliens are the Democrats' constituents.

If one has no fear of drawing conclusions from these statistics…..meaning no fear of

a. having a considered opinion that runs counter to that of the elites

b. no fear of being called names…'bigot, nativist, racist, anti-immigrant, whatever….

c. no fear of fitting this Coulter description: "The mob mentality is irresistible to people with a desperate need to be popular, and are perennially afraid of getting a bloody nose on the playground of life. A tell-tale sign is the use of terms like “us” and “we” when they write, or speak…as these pronouns speak of popularity, of membership in the larger group…i.e. the mob."

d. no fear of admitting that the Democrat Party has only their own power as a priority, not America's safety nor benefit….

...then, admit the truth about illegal immigrants: they, and the Democrats, are a detriment to America.

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