Petition to investigate whether Trump bribed Attorney's General in Florida and Texas

No, it is not and no it won't.
. Of course you would say that.
Of course I would, because it is the truth.
. The truth as seen through your left-wing looking glass maybe, but not a truth when it comes to the overwhelming facts of what left-wing liberalism has done to this nation over time.
You are babbling. You are a far right reactionary ideologue who views world through rigid social constructs that time and again collapse under the pressure of life.
What you are hoping is that they can't connect the donation with Texas and Florida dropping the case.

But just like it doesn't matter if hillary is indicted, it doesn't matter if trump is found guilty in a court of law. All we care about is the court of public opinion.

And why isn't the so called liberal media talking more about this?

Because it's a non-story.
How's that petition coming? Got enough signatures for anyone to take you seriously yet?
In liberal America, people are investigated for crimes only when enough people sign a petition showing enough concern that a crime may have been committed. If you don't have enough signatures and do not present the petition no one should care if a crime was committed and no investigation should be held.

Welcome to the f*ed up liberal justice system. :p
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Is Trump a criminal?
. Well we know Hillary and Bill is, so why not add one more to the list right ? The only problem Hillary has in it, is the weight or the balance of the offenses found in it all. Her and Bills exploits far out weigh anything the Donald could have ever accomplished in his career I'm guessing, but then again maybe not. The Clintons are super old pro's at pulling the wool over this nations eyes, and they are trying to do it again. Sanders is an old socialist butt kissing buffoon as well, so what in the world will this crazy nation do this time around ? Wow.
The trump foundation charity broke the law/rules by donating money to a political PAc....

And may have done so for quid pro quo.
If it's not a government server, then it's private. Colin's AOL account was on a private server.

The difference is Powell never erased data from it because the government wanted to see what was on there. Furthermore is that any government information he had he forwarded to a government account.
Sign the petition: US Dept of Justice and FBI please Investigate potential Trump bribes or other crimes in FL and TX

The new disclosure from Attorney General Pam Bondi’s spokesman to the Associated Press on Monday provides additional details around the unusual circumstances of Trump’s $25,000 donation to Bondi. After the money came in, Bondi’s office nixed suing Trump.

The money came from a Trump family foundation in apparent violation of rules surrounding political activities by charities. A political group backing Bondi’s re-election, called And Justice for All, reported receiving the check Sept. 17, 2013 — four days after Bondi publicly announced she was considering joining a New York state probe of Trump University’s activities."


Texas Governor Linked To Trump University Fraud Case


This goes way beyond just a civil case. Seems it might be a felony.

Where's the petition to investigate whether Rdean paddles quadrupeds while dressed in a tutu? You can't make salacious accusations made out of thin air.
whats the matter?

afraid hillary can't win?

don't be, the media will lie about her until the day she dies.
Bribery is a crime. It should be investigated..
. Private e-mail servers is a serious crime, and it should be prosecuted.
If it's not a government server, then it's private. Colin's AOL account was on a private server.
. Illegal to do government business on a private server, especially in Hillary's position that she had.
If it's not a government server, then it's private. Colin's AOL account was on a private server.

The difference is Powell never erased data from it because the government wanted to see what was on there. Furthermore is that any government information he had he forwarded to a government account.
You suppose. You don't actually know.
whats the matter?

afraid hillary can't win?

don't be, the media will lie about her until the day she dies.
Bribery is a crime. It should be investigated..
. Private e-mail servers is a serious crime, and it should be prosecuted.
If it's not a government server, then it's private. Colin's AOL account was on a private server.
. Illegal to do government business on a private server, especially in Hillary's position that she had.
You mean like Colin and George? Or it's only illegal when Democrats do it?
You suppose. You don't actually know.

What we know is what the people involved and media tell us. That's what's being reported.

And if Powell ever erased anything to avoid government investigation and to avoid the Freedom of Information Act, he should be prosecuted too. This is the second time the Democrats have pulled this hard drive nonsense to get away with murder, and have gotten away with it under this administration.

If this were a Republican administration doing the exact same thing, you would be outraged.

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