Petition to investigate whether Trump bribed Attorney's General in Florida and Texas

You suppose. You don't actually know.

What we know is what the people involved and media tell us. That's what's being reported.

And if Powell ever erased anything to avoid government investigation and to avoid the Freedom of Information Act, he should be prosecuted too. This is the second time the Democrats have pulled this hard drive nonsense to get away with murder, and have gotten away with it under this administration.

If this were a Republican administration doing the exact same thing, you would be outraged.
100% certain Colin Powell deleted his personal emails and did not send them to the State Dept/National archives....just like Hillary, she deleted her personal emails and did not send them to the State Dept/National per the rules...(though, because the FBI has her server and nothing was wiped from it, the FBI has them)

Do you know why I am 100% certain Powell deleted them and did not send them to the State dept/natl archives,

BECAUSE it is the rule and reg for all government employees...DO NOT SEND any personal emails to be saved and archived....only send gvt emails or gvt documents to be saved and archived.

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