Petraeus Says Florida Church Koran Burning Threatens Troops

Well one thing is for sure. Thanks to this pastor, the shit is already hitting the fan here!! Thanks to him, we're all going to have to work harder at even greater risk. The biggest tragedy, however, is a lot of the good that is now being undone. Talk about how to throw away the opportunity to win hearts and minds. I hope he is proud of himself. I hope he is also proud of what he is doing to the image of the USA throughout the world. Make your voices heard people...loud and clear!

So you blame the pastor? And, not the ones throwing the shit at the fan blades? Guess we can flush free speech (however vile) down the toilet. And whatever made you think you could win the hearts and minds of these folk? Didn't they murder a Danish man for a cartoon? Does that sound reasonable to you?

My god Willow. I thought you were better than that. Do you really think the boys and girls in Afghanistan are trying to win the hearts and minds of extremists. They are the ones they hunt down and kill. You'll find Bootneck is talking about the ordinary peoiple who just want to get on with their lives. The villagers and townspeople that were being turned, who will now be worked upon by the Taliban propaganda machine. The trouble with some of you people is you really don't know what you're talking about. Bigotry and self interest rules your lives.

You need to stop and think a moment. A book is paper and ink. Easily re printed. So, the kook pastor burns a hundred? Is it really reasonable to go on a rampage and murder innocent people because of it? Isn't it more reasonable to just print some more? And I an not the one who murdered that Danish guy over a cartoon. You are targeting me as extreme and missing the target by a hundred miles.
It depends on the form of the political statement.

The pastor said it is meant to be a warning to moderate Muslims.

I can't see how you can claim his aim is not to intimidate.

So every warning of any kind is Intimidation?
I do not believe the Supreme Court agrees with you. Nor the law.
Where did I say that?
So you blame the pastor? And, not the ones throwing the shit at the fan blades? Guess we can flush free speech (however vile) down the toilet. And whatever made you think you could win the hearts and minds of these folk? Didn't they murder a Danish man for a cartoon? Does that sound reasonable to you?

My god Willow. I thought you were better than that. Do you really think the boys and girls in Afghanistan are trying to win the hearts and minds of extremists. They are the ones they hunt down and kill. You'll find Bootneck is talking about the ordinary peoiple who just want to get on with their lives. The villagers and townspeople that were being turned, who will now be worked upon by the Taliban propaganda machine. The trouble with some of you people is you really don't know what you're talking about. Bigotry and self interest rules your lives.

You need to stop and think a moment. A book is paper and ink. Easily re printed. So, the kook pastor burns a hundred? Is it really reasonable to go on a rampage and murder innocent people because of it? Isn't it more reasonable to just print some more? And I an not the one who murdered that Danish guy over a cartoon. You are targeting me as extreme and missing the target by a hundred miles.

WillowTree is not extreme, but I think Willow does not understand the situation.

The Bible, while important to us, is simply material paper and ink, and so who cares (other than book burning - the idea - is evil).

The Koran, to a Muslim, is the revelation. The words are to a Muslin what the Christ is to the true believer. That is why some Christians get so mad at Mormons who suggest that the Christ is not the only God: to the traditional Christian, God is Alpha and Omega, no other deity can ever exist.

But to the Muslim the book itself is a holy revelation from Allah's prophet. It is sacred, maybe as sacred to them as the Christ is to the true believer. Burn it would be like smacking Christ around, perhaps.
Retired Seargeant said:
Islam forced to show Respect and Tollerance where the benchmark is burning its holiest Book. The underlying message of your definition of Respect and Tollerance in this case already shows that radicalism in your brain has already passed the point of no return.

Go ahead dumb ass do the same, announce to the world you will burn as many Bibles as you can afford. (...)

I would never come to the idea burning books. Why should I, is there any normal reason that someone would come to the idea to burn books? I don't think so.
It's the certificate for you, that you passed already an unhealthy degree of radicalism.
I'm not surprised, that people like you, who support this book-burning as "freedom of speech" concede their own radicalism.
It depends on the form of the political statement.

The pastor said it is meant to be a warning to moderate Muslims.

I can't see how you can claim his aim is not to intimidate.

So every warning of any kind is Intimidation?
I do not believe the Supreme Court agrees with you. Nor the law.
Where did I say that?

Then provide actual facts that support your claim.
My god Willow. I thought you were better than that. Do you really think the boys and girls in Afghanistan are trying to win the hearts and minds of extremists. They are the ones they hunt down and kill. You'll find Bootneck is talking about the ordinary peoiple who just want to get on with their lives. The villagers and townspeople that were being turned, who will now be worked upon by the Taliban propaganda machine. The trouble with some of you people is you really don't know what you're talking about. Bigotry and self interest rules your lives.

You need to stop and think a moment. A book is paper and ink. Easily re printed. So, the kook pastor burns a hundred? Is it really reasonable to go on a rampage and murder innocent people because of it? Isn't it more reasonable to just print some more? And I an not the one who murdered that Danish guy over a cartoon. You are targeting me as extreme and missing the target by a hundred miles.

WillowTree is not extreme, but I think Willow does not understand the situation.

The Bible, while important to us, is simply material paper and ink, and so who cares (other than book burning - the idea - is evil).

The Koran, to a Muslim, is the revelation. The words are to a Muslin what the Christ is to the true believer. That is why some Christians get so mad at Mormons who suggest that the Christ is not the only God: to the traditional Christian, God is Alpha and Omega, no other deity can ever exist.

But to the Muslim the book itself is a holy revelation from Allah's prophet. It is sacred, maybe as sacred to them as the Christ is to the true believer. Burn it would be like smacking Christ around, perhaps.

Is it worth murdering innocent people? That's the question. Is that reasonable behavior?
Well one thing is for sure. Thanks to this pastor, the shit is already hitting the fan here!! Thanks to him, we're all going to have to work harder at even greater risk. The biggest tragedy, however, is a lot of the good that is now being undone. Talk about how to throw away the opportunity to win hearts and minds. I hope he is proud of himself. I hope he is also proud of what he is doing to the image of the USA throughout the world. Make your voices heard people...loud and clear!

I don't believe that their is any winning their hearts and minds. It is amazing however that they are having tantrums already about something that has not even occurred.

Have you not heard of how skilful the Taliban have become at PR. They will be using this to inflame ordinary people against all Westerners.

Colin i understand what you are saying, i too have family in the military there in the thick of it.

Let them do all the spin they want. If it not this it will be something else. This is a good thin in a way can all see just how peaceful these people and their religion truly are.
Well one thing is for sure. Thanks to this pastor, the shit is already hitting the fan here!! Thanks to him, we're all going to have to work harder at even greater risk. The biggest tragedy, however, is a lot of the good that is now being undone. Talk about how to throw away the opportunity to win hearts and minds. I hope he is proud of himself. I hope he is also proud of what he is doing to the image of the USA throughout the world. Make your voices heard people...loud and clear!

I don't believe that their is any winning their hearts and minds. It is amazing however that they are having tantrums already about something that has not even occurred.

These muslim terrorists are a bunch of cowards because they never fact their enemy. They are whimps because they are crying about some silly book burning. They are idiots, but unfortunately they are making us look like idiots. They have us fighting each other, and protect them. We are fools if we allow that to continue.

I say, no Mosque, and no burning of the Quran.

They have the right to build the mosque and the nut case has the right to burn the qurans.
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You need to stop and think a moment. A book is paper and ink. Easily re printed. So, the kook pastor burns a hundred? Is it really reasonable to go on a rampage and murder innocent people because of it? Isn't it more reasonable to just print some more? And I an not the one who murdered that Danish guy over a cartoon. You are targeting me as extreme and missing the target by a hundred miles.

WillowTree is not extreme, but I think Willow does not understand the situation.

The Bible, while important to us, is simply material paper and ink, and so who cares (other than book burning - the idea - is evil).

The Koran, to a Muslim, is the revelation. The words are to a Muslin what the Christ is to the true believer. That is why some Christians get so mad at Mormons who suggest that the Christ is not the only God: to the traditional Christian, God is Alpha and Omega, no other deity can ever exist.

But to the Muslim the book itself is a holy revelation from Allah's prophet. It is sacred, maybe as sacred to them as the Christ is to the true believer. Burn it would be like smacking Christ around, perhaps.

Is it worth murdering innocent people? That's the question. Is that reasonable behavior?

Excellent question. We Christians in our history murdered tens of millions of other Christians and non-Christians in proslytyzing the "true" Christianity. I am not suprised that many Muslims, which is socially and culturally three centuries behind us, thinks as our ancestors did.
I have the solution. Tell Imam Rauf that the Quran doesn't get burned if he moves the mosque.


Now that is intimidation that Ravi was talking about. How about if the Muslims say, "Pastor Jones, you get to live if you don't burn the Koran."

Really now, you think they are the same? Interesting.

And i am sure that is just what is being said about the nut case. If you burn the stupid books your fatwa and death sentence are next.
Military personnel are paid a set amount per month based on rank and time in service, and, because we are considered to be on duty 24 hours a day, there is no such thing as overtime........that's a civilian perk.

Bootneck has just told you that things are ramping up over there and that they are having to take extra safety measures because of this idiot preacher.

What are you stupid fucks advocating for the book burning going to do when a whole bunch of troops end up taking a suicide bombing, and then the Taliban comes out and announces the reason they did it was retaliation for this idiot in Florida?

Are you still going to tout free speech even though it kills several of our soldiers over there? Are you going to be like the preacher and say "sorry, but we can't back down"?

I'm sure that will be great consolation for the dead soldier's family......"he died for free speech".

Biker! Relax man. Bootneck is my Godson and ward. The overtime line is one of our 'in' gags! As for the rest of what you say, I agree.
Your ward? Are you Batman or royalty or something?

Bootneck calls Colin "The Beav".

I have the solution. Tell Imam Rauf that the Quran doesn't get burned if he moves the mosque.


Now that is intimidation that Ravi was talking about.
Supposedly, this is what happened...the Pastor is claiming he won't burn the korans now that the mosque will be moved. Was the Imam intimidated or did Trump make an offer he couldn't refuse?


I wonder what Jones do with all those "evil" books he's been saving for the bonfire.

Now that is intimidation that Ravi was talking about.
Supposedly, this is what happened...the Pastor is claiming he won't burn the korans now that the mosque will be moved. Was the Imam intimidated or did Trump make an offer he couldn't refuse?


I wonder what Jones do with all those "evil" books he's been saving for the bonfire.

Rummage sale for missionary scholarships!
WillowTree is not extreme, but I think Willow does not understand the situation.

The Bible, while important to us, is simply material paper and ink, and so who cares (other than book burning - the idea - is evil).

The Koran, to a Muslim, is the revelation. The words are to a Muslin what the Christ is to the true believer. That is why some Christians get so mad at Mormons who suggest that the Christ is not the only God: to the traditional Christian, God is Alpha and Omega, no other deity can ever exist.

But to the Muslim the book itself is a holy revelation from Allah's prophet. It is sacred, maybe as sacred to them as the Christ is to the true believer. Burn it would be like smacking Christ around, perhaps.

Is it worth murdering innocent people? That's the question. Is that reasonable behavior?

Excellent question. We Christians in our history murdered tens of millions of other Christians and non-Christians in proslytyzing the "true" Christianity. I am not suprised that many Muslims, which is socially and culturally three centuries behind us, thinks as our ancestors did.

But you didn't answer the question. "Is it worth it"?
Has it occurred to anyone how ridiculous it is the fuss being made already about the very idea of this idiot burning a damned book? It's paper and ink and not exactly the only copy. If Islam is a peaceful and tolerant religion, then this is a great time for them to show it.

Islam forced to show Respect and Tollerance where the benchmark is burning its holiest Book. The underlying message of your definition of Respect and Tollerance in this case already shows that radicalism in your brain has already passed the point of no return.

So what you are saying is Burning the Book is grounds for Violence eh.


Now that is intimidation that Ravi was talking about.
Supposedly, this is what happened...the Pastor is claiming he won't burn the korans now that the mosque will be moved. Was the Imam intimidated or did Trump make an offer he couldn't refuse?


I wonder what Jones do with all those "evil" books he's been saving for the bonfire.

Now that the mosque will be moved? according to who? The IMAM was on TV today saying they can't move it or there will be violence through out the Muslim world.

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