Petraeus Says Florida Church Koran Burning Threatens Troops

Look at who you are supporting. Wake up.

I'm supporting General Petraeus, sociopath.

No you're not you are supporting the people who want nothing better then to exterminate a group of people so that makes you no better then them.
Deal with it sociopath

I can understand that someone who wants to kill a billion men, women and children because of their religion may have a few cognitive problems grasping simple concepts, but its a stretch to say that General Petraeus supports terrorists. Or is this what passes as "thought" on the extreme right these days?
I'm supporting General Petraeus, sociopath.

No you're not you are supporting the people who want nothing better then to exterminate a group of people so that makes you no better then them.
Deal with it sociopath

I can understand that someone who wants to kill a billion men, women and children because of their religion may have a few cognitive problems grasping simple concepts, but its a stretch to say that General Petraeus supports terrorists. Or is this what passes as "thought" on the extreme right these days?

How many Jews are there in the world? If you can find out the number that is how many the muslims want to kill. One would be my Grandson. He's half Jewish or didn't I tell you that?
I agree.

Burning Korans is stupid, hateful and un-Christian.

Unfortunately, according to the left NO ONE should try speak out against them because they have a constitutional right to freedom of expression.

Too bad, because I think we could have done some good here. :eusa_silenced:

OMG, you turned this into an Obama thing? Wow.

Bet you won't here this from Obama:
[Christians] have the same right to [their first amendment right to freedom of expression] as everyone else in this country." "That includes the right to [burn the Koran] on private property in [central Florida], in accordance with local laws and ordinances," he said. "This is America, and our commitment to [freedom of speech] must be unshakable."

"I was not commenting and I will not comment on the wisdom of making a decision to [burn the Koran]. I was commenting very specifically on the right that people have that dates back to our founding."​
Obama said that "my intention was simply to let people know what I thought. Which was that in this country we treat everybody equally and in accordance with the law, regardless of race, regardless of religion."

What we'll hear from Obama is:
"Those Christians are acting stupidly?"​
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This is what we're headed for in America if every time the muslims whine about being offended, we piss our pants and cower like a bunch of spinelss fucking jelly fish...








let's never forget
[ame=]YouTube - Arabs celebrating 9/11[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Palestinians celebrating the fall of the twin towers on 911[/ame]
The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan said the planned burning of Qurans on Sept. 11 by a Florida church could put the lives of American troops in danger and damage the war effort.

Gen. David Petraeus said the Taliban would exploit the demonstration for propaganda purposes, drumming up anger toward the U.S. and making it harder for allied troops to carry out their mission of protecting Afghan civilians.

"It could endanger troops and it could endanger the overall effort," Gen. Petraeus said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal. "It is precisely the kind of action the Taliban uses and could cause significant problems. Not just here, but everywhere in the world we are engaged with the Islamic community."

Hundreds of Afghans attended a demonstration in Kabul on Monday to protest the plans of Florida pastor Terry Jones, who has said he will burn the Quran on Sept. 11.

Afghan protesters chanted "death to America" and speakers called on the U.S. to withdraw its military convoy. Some of the protesters threw rocks at a passing military convoy, although officials told the rock-throwers to stop.

Military officials fear the protests are likely to spread beyond Kabul to other Afghan cities. In interviews with various media outlets, Mr. Jones has denied his protest will put troops in danger. Mr. Jones has been denied a permit for the demonstration but has said he plans to go forward with the his protest anyway.

Mr. Jones leads a tiny church of just 50 people, but his threat to burn the Muslim holy book has been condemned around the world and has garnered him international attention.

Gen. Petraeus declined to elaborate on precisely what kinds of threats or violence could occur in the wake of such a demonstration. But westerners in Afghanistan have been warned away from restaurants and other public places as tensions arise over the matter.


Petraeus Condemns U.S. Church's Plan to Burn Qurans -

Who are you going to believe, General Petraeus or this dumbass pastor?

General Pat is likely correct.

And on top of that that publicity stunt undermines the mission.

If this was a real war then the alien and sedition act would be retrieved and used to land that pastor in prison.
The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan said the planned burning of Qurans on Sept. 11 by a Florida church could put the lives of American troops in danger and damage the war effort.

Gen. David Petraeus said the Taliban would exploit the demonstration for propaganda purposes, drumming up anger toward the U.S. and making it harder for allied troops to carry out their mission of protecting Afghan civilians.

"It could endanger troops and it could endanger the overall effort," Gen. Petraeus said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal. "It is precisely the kind of action the Taliban uses and could cause significant problems. Not just here, but everywhere in the world we are engaged with the Islamic community."

Hundreds of Afghans attended a demonstration in Kabul on Monday to protest the plans of Florida pastor Terry Jones, who has said he will burn the Quran on Sept. 11.

Afghan protesters chanted "death to America" and speakers called on the U.S. to withdraw its military convoy. Some of the protesters threw rocks at a passing military convoy, although officials told the rock-throwers to stop.

Military officials fear the protests are likely to spread beyond Kabul to other Afghan cities. In interviews with various media outlets, Mr. Jones has denied his protest will put troops in danger. Mr. Jones has been denied a permit for the demonstration but has said he plans to go forward with the his protest anyway.

Mr. Jones leads a tiny church of just 50 people, but his threat to burn the Muslim holy book has been condemned around the world and has garnered him international attention.

Gen. Petraeus declined to elaborate on precisely what kinds of threats or violence could occur in the wake of such a demonstration. But westerners in Afghanistan have been warned away from restaurants and other public places as tensions arise over the matter.


Petraeus Condemns U.S. Church's Plan to Burn Qurans -

Who are you going to believe, General Petraeus or this dumbass pastor?

General Pat is likely correct.

And on top of that that publicity stunt undermines the mission.

If this was a real war then the alien and sedition act would be retrieved and used to land that pastor in prison.

Stop it. Muslims will stop at nothing until their goals are met. Will you allow this to happen?
It's the right of that church to burn those books on their proprety. Or do you wish to start Sharia Law in America?
Stop it. Muslims will stop at nothing until their goals are met. Will you allow this to happen?
It's the right of that church to burn those books on their proprety. Or do you wish to start Sharia Law in America?

I prescribe Zoloft for this condition most of the time.

In your case I may recommend you DO drink alcohol and operate heavy machinery as well.
Seriously though, if these thumpers down in Florida want to do this right, they should also burn the Prophet Muhammad in effigy.
I have to wonder what does someone that does this hope to accomplish. Can't they see that the only possible result is stirring up hatred among those that we have to depend on in this war.
Really Stupid!!

I dont want to have to depend on an allie whose loyalty is based on the length of their bread.
Lets call off the war until they can figure out who the enemy is and why.
Ok, let's call off the war. Assume you are President with the full backing of Congress. You can do damn well whatever you want to deal with this this menace. What would you?
Seriously though, if these thumpers down in Florida want to do this right, they should also burn the Prophet Muhammad in effigy.

Agreed. In addition, they should face their backs to the east at 5pm and then collectively moon Mecca. This is one of those times that if you're going to go retard, then you should go full retard.
The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan said the planned burning of Qurans on Sept. 11 by a Florida church could put the lives of American troops in danger and damage the war effort.

Gen. David Petraeus said the Taliban would exploit the demonstration for propaganda purposes, drumming up anger toward the U.S. and making it harder for allied troops to carry out their mission of protecting Afghan civilians.

"It could endanger troops and it could endanger the overall effort," Gen. Petraeus said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal. "It is precisely the kind of action the Taliban uses and could cause significant problems. Not just here, but everywhere in the world we are engaged with the Islamic community."

Hundreds of Afghans attended a demonstration in Kabul on Monday to protest the plans of Florida pastor Terry Jones, who has said he will burn the Quran on Sept. 11.

Afghan protesters chanted "death to America" and speakers called on the U.S. to withdraw its military convoy. Some of the protesters threw rocks at a passing military convoy, although officials told the rock-throwers to stop.

Military officials fear the protests are likely to spread beyond Kabul to other Afghan cities. In interviews with various media outlets, Mr. Jones has denied his protest will put troops in danger. Mr. Jones has been denied a permit for the demonstration but has said he plans to go forward with the his protest anyway.

Mr. Jones leads a tiny church of just 50 people, but his threat to burn the Muslim holy book has been condemned around the world and has garnered him international attention.

Gen. Petraeus declined to elaborate on precisely what kinds of threats or violence could occur in the wake of such a demonstration. But westerners in Afghanistan have been warned away from restaurants and other public places as tensions arise over the matter.


Petraeus Condemns U.S. Church's Plan to Burn Qurans -

Who are you going to believe, General Petraeus or this dumbass pastor?

So where was he for Piss Christ? Or that blood one against Jews? Ohh wait, I forgot, Islam the religion of Peace KILLS people for offending them Jews and Christians do not.
So where was he for Piss Christ? Or that blood one against Jews? Ohh wait, I forgot, Islam the religion of Peace KILLS people for offending them Jews and Christians do not.

Its just a guess but I imagine Piss Christ or that blood whatever against the Jews weren't threatening American troops under his command.
So where was he for Piss Christ? Or that blood one against Jews? Ohh wait, I forgot, Islam the religion of Peace KILLS people for offending them Jews and Christians do not.

Its just a guess but I imagine Piss Christ or that blood whatever against the Jews weren't threatening American troops under his command.

Ok, REMIND us how Islam is a religion of peace but burning a Koran is a direct threat to US troops?
So where was he for Piss Christ? Or that blood one against Jews? Ohh wait, I forgot, Islam the religion of Peace KILLS people for offending them Jews and Christians do not.

Its just a guess but I imagine Piss Christ or that blood whatever against the Jews weren't threatening American troops under his command.

Ok, REMIND us how Islam is a religion of peace but burning a Koran is a direct threat to US troops?

Read what General Petraeus said in the OP.
Its just a guess but I imagine Piss Christ or that blood whatever against the Jews weren't threatening American troops under his command.

Ok, REMIND us how Islam is a religion of peace but burning a Koran is a direct threat to US troops?

Read what General Petraeus said in the OP.

I don't need to. His comments DIRECTLY oppose the very concept that Islam is a religion of peace. And you know it.
Ok, REMIND us how Islam is a religion of peace but burning a Koran is a direct threat to US troops?

Read what General Petraeus said in the OP.

I don't need to.
His comments DIRECTLY oppose the very concept that Islam is a religion of peace. And you know it.

No, I'm sure you don't need to. Why bother reading anything that might contradict what you believe? I'm sure your mind is made up and nothing would ever possibly change it.

Of course, outside of America, narrow-minded people see book burning and think all Americans are redneck idiots. And outside of Christendom, ignorant people see all American Christians as intolerant and hypocritical. Its no different than some Americans' views of the outside world.

And no, given that the typical playbook here is for you or someone of your ilk to make an accusation of moral equivalence, just let me pre-empt that book burning and beheading are not equal, and that those who would try to kill Americans should be wiped out.

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