Petraeus Takes Command in Afghanistan


Quod Erat Demonstrandum
Jul 8, 2009
McChrystal Said to Be Replaced by Petraeus in Command - BusinessWeek

June 23 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama stripped Army General Stanley McChrystal of his command of U.S. troops in Afghanistan, replacing him with General David Petraeus, an administration official said.

McChrystal, whose criticism of the civilian leadership of the war he is directing in Afghanistan drew condemnation from Obama and Defense Secretary Robert Gates, met today with Obama at the White House.

Obama is to make a statement after meeting with his top security advisers, according to the White House.
I believe that Obama has made a wise decision...choosing the man who brought Iraq back from the brink.

If Petraeus cannot save Afghanistan, nobody can. This gives me hope.


On a side about irony:

[ame=]YouTube - Hillary Disses Patraeus[/ame]

I'm no fan so I won't be a hypocrite.

But I will say I bet he will never whine to his aides that Obama didn't "know who he is" and I bet he'll never drink while a reporter interviews him...nor claim that his boss is intimidated by him.

I'm no fan so I won't be a hypocrite.

But I will say I bet he will never whine to his aides that Obama didn't "know who he is" and I bet he'll never drink while a reporter interviews him...nor claim that his boss is intimidated by him.


Who was the one who chose McChrystal? I seem to have forgotten.

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