Pew: Majority now believes federal gov’t a threat to their freedom

I just wonder how brain dead the 43% who DIDN'T think the government was a threat to personal liberty are. Oh wait...They're well represented at USMB so I don't have to wonder. I already know.

Pew: Majority now believes federal gov’t a threat to their freedom

As Barack Obama begins his second term in office, trust in the federal government remains mired near a historic low, while frustration with government remains high. And for the first time, a majority of the public says that the federal government threatens their personal rights and freedoms.

The latest national survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, conducted Jan. 9-13 among 1,502 adults, finds that 53% think that the federal government threatens their own personal rights and freedoms while 43% disagree.

In March 2010, opinions were divided over whether the government represented a threat to personal freedom; 47% said it did while 50% disagreed. In surveys between 1995 and 2003, majorities rejected the idea that the government threatened people’s rights and freedoms.

Pew: Majority now believes federal gov?t a threat to their freedom « Hot Air

Are you diagnosed as a Paranoid Schizophrenic? If not, go see a shrink; if so, get back on your meds.

I notice that you failed to address the OP. I guess the question is..Did you decide to troll this thread in Current Events where it was started or did you decide to break the new rules after it was moved to Politics?
Pew: Majority now believes federal gov’t a threat to their freedom

The majority of Republicans believe this because, they, more than anyone, understand they ARE the threat.
You don't like polls when they show that people are beginning to believe me?

I've decided that Obama supporters are like frogs in a stock pot. They're just swimming around thinking how awesome it is that the water is getting all nice and warm.

Come on. Republicans are nut jobs. When they are in charge, everything they touch they fuck up. It's why they hate government. Because they can't run it. They don't have the wisdom, knowledge, understanding or temperament.

and I suppose you think this post of your has all four of those you listed
Public Trust in Government: 1958-2013 | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

Got to PEW and actually look at their study. Notice, under Clinton, trust in government rose, but during Bush, it nose dived. It looks like it's once again on it's way up.

That explains why, for the first time in history, more than half the population thinks the federal government is a threat to freedom, because more pople trust the government now.

Did you know that 41% of Democrats are Young Earth Creationists?


From PEW.

You claim to be older than 21, do you remember the 60s and how hippies all knew that government was bad, and how conservatives all supported the government no matter what? Can you tell me why those hippies grew up to be Republicans instead of Democrats?
Pew: Majority now believes federal gov’t a threat to their freedom

The majority of Republicans believe this because, they, more than anyone, understand they ARE the threat.

Put that alleged education of yours to work and figure out what percentage of independents agree with the Republicans on this issue. Did you see the breakdwon where self described moderate Democrats are more likely to believe that than Liberal Democrats? Aren't Liberals supposed to care about freedom? Why are they more likely to support the PATRIOT Act than moderates?

I just wonder how brain dead the 43% who DIDN'T think the government was a threat to personal liberty are. Oh wait...They're well represented at USMB so I don't have to wonder. I already know.

that's the rightwingnut echo chamber... because you have worked yourself into a tizzy

from the poll:

Currently 76% of conservative Republicans say that the federal government threatens their personal rights and freedoms and 54% describe the government as a “major” threat.

Majority Says the Federal Government Threatens Their Personal Rights | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

don't use the insanity of the rightwingnuts as proof that rightwingnut insanity is somehow justified. (its like using the bible as proof of what's in the bible).

...... while those same rightwingnuts try to take away women's freedoms over their own bodies... and the freedom to vote from anyone they don't agree with.

Have you ever stopped to think about the rights that you took for granted while growing up that are no longer there for our children. For example, when I was in high school, if the school administration wanted to search your locker, it required a police presence and students themselves could not be searched. Do students have those protections now? Is the world a better and safer place than the world you grew up in? Think about it.

That reminds me of the teacher who actually looked under the girl's prom dresses as they entered the dance to make sure they weren't wearing thong underwear. The school actually banned certain underwear, as if it was any of their business.

I used to carry aspirin in my purse when I was in high school. Now a student can't even carry an asthma inhaler or they could be suspended. My son had to leave his with the school nurse and hoped that he didn't need it when they were outside for PE. Schools apparently have the right to search lockers, purses and pockets these days. Of course, drawings or pieces of paper vaguely shaped like a gun will get you in deep trouble.
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Peeyeew is more like it. Hysteria and alarmist rants have people all worked up. get specific in questions and the public backs off this nonsense.

Well, that tells us you're a leftist statist, for sure. Only leftist statists could be so utterly out of touch with reality.

How in the world do you figure the liberty of a people strapped with a $17-trillion-dollar debt, just for starters, isn't seriously threatened?
that's the rightwingnut echo chamber... because you have worked yourself into a tizzy

from the poll:

Majority Says the Federal Government Threatens Their Personal Rights | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

don't use the insanity of the rightwingnuts as proof that rightwingnut insanity is somehow justified. (its like using the bible as proof of what's in the bible).

...... while those same rightwingnuts try to take away women's freedoms over their own bodies... and the freedom to vote from anyone they don't agree with.

Have you ever stopped to think about the rights that you took for granted while growing up that are no longer there for our children. For example, when I was in high school, if the school administration wanted to search your locker, it required a police presence and students themselves could not be searched. Do students have those protections now? Is the world a better and safer place than the world you grew up in? Think about it.

That reminds me of the teacher who actually looked under the girl's prom dresses as they entered the dance to make sure they weren't wearing thong underwear. The school actually banned certain underwear, as if it was any of their business.

I used to carry aspirin in my purse when I was in high school. Now a student can't even carry an asthma inhaler or they could be suspended. My son had to leave his with the school nurse and hoped that he didn't need it when they were outside for PE. Schools apparently have the right to search lockers, purses and pockets these days. Of course, drawings or pieces of paper vaguely shaped like a gun will get you in deep trouble.

You forgot to mention this getting you arrested.

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Ever notice how the sheep blindly trust the government and think anyone who doesn't is paranoid?
Peeyeew is more like it. Hysteria and alarmist rants have people all worked up. get specific in questions and the public backs off this nonsense.

Well, that tells us you're a leftist statist, for sure. Only leftist statists could be so utterly out of touch with reality.

How in the world do you figure the liberty of a people strapped with a $17-trillion-dollar debt, just for starters, isn't seriously threatened?

us? are you a Queen?

The debt is manageable...

when it finally goes down what will be your rallying cry? "Cuckoo-4cocoa puffs!"?
Public Trust in Government: 1958-2013 | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

Got to PEW and actually look at their study. Notice, under Clinton, trust in government rose, but during Bush, it nose dived. It looks like it's once again on it's way up.

anyone with half a brain and thinking in the terms of context wouldnt find this study/poll really all that shocking.

The right feels when they are not in power that the government is more of a threat. Which is interesting given most of these bad policies started under Bush, and have Obama pushing them onward.

You would think the percent would be about the same. Given independents are about the same as in 2010.

Republicans feel more of threat coming because, well they lost and are butthurt.

Remember the Obama is a dictator/tyrant that asked congress to pass new gun regulations. That took over a year to pass the healthcare bill.

Or you know how the right wants to spend more on military, and then claim Obama would use said military to put down anyone who may own a gun. You know thats after we make a list of everyone who owns a gun, so we can go door to door and take them out according to one fellow on here.

These people are fucking morons, and their opinions and feeling change like the tides.

Typical of the OP not to understand her own source. moron
I just wonder how brain dead the 43% who DIDN'T think the government was a threat to personal liberty are. Oh wait...They're well represented at USMB so I don't have to wonder. I already know.

Pew: Majority now believes federal gov’t a threat to their freedom

As Barack Obama begins his second term in office, trust in the federal government remains mired near a historic low, while frustration with government remains high. And for the first time, a majority of the public says that the federal government threatens their personal rights and freedoms.

The latest national survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, conducted Jan. 9-13 among 1,502 adults, finds that 53% think that the federal government threatens their own personal rights and freedoms while 43% disagree.

In March 2010, opinions were divided over whether the government represented a threat to personal freedom; 47% said it did while 50% disagreed. In surveys between 1995 and 2003, majorities rejected the idea that the government threatened people’s rights and freedoms.

Pew: Majority now believes federal gov?t a threat to their freedom « Hot Air

Believe me, Everyone of these arrogant asshole Liberals who call you Paranoid, or crazy for believing the Fed is a threat. Will 100% agree the fed is a threat, just as soon as a Liberal Democrat is not in the WH anymore.

You have to be a fucking brain dead idiot, and blind to History, to not always regard the Fed as a potential threat to liberty. The founders knew that, Thinking people know that, hell even the Liberals who deny it today know it, it's just more politically profitable for them to pretend there is no threat.

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