Pew: MSNBC far more biased than Fox News

I'm shocked ! The big oil funded pew center thinks climate change denier Fox News is less biased?

Big oil funded?

The Pew Research Center is an American think tank organization based in Washington, D.C. that provides information on issues, attitudes and trends shaping the United States and the world. Its president beginning January 2013 is Alan Murray, former deputy managing editor of The Wall Street Journal, replacing Andrew Kohut.[2]
The Center and its projects receive funding from The Pew Charitable Trusts.[3] In 1990, Donald S. Kellermann was named to serve as the first director of what was initially known as the Times Mirror Center. It was then part of the opinion polling operation run by Times Mirror, the parent of the Los Angeles Times.[4]
The Pew Global Attitudes Project is a series of worldwide public-opinion surveys and reports aimed at understanding worldwide attitudes on various issues. The Project is chaired by former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Danforth.[5] The project is funded by the Pew Charitable Trusts, with a supplemental grant from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.

Pew Research Center - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

having a bias or slant doesn't mean you're lying... it means you have a pov. msnbc has a pov.

fake news has a pov, too... they just happen to lie to advance it and won the right to do so in court.

but i've never heard anyone say that pew is a particularly unreliable poll... it's not rasmussen.
I just like to throw Fox a bone every now and then... People act like it is the only unbiased source of news in the history of the world
I just like to throw Fox a bone every now and then... People act like it is the only unbiased source of news in the history of the world

Noone says msnbc isn't is. However, they don't lie.

Furthermore, when they realize an error has been made, they IMMEDIATELY correct it. They apologize and move on.

TheFOXNEWS not only lies, but they don't apologize for their fact they typically double-down on their lies.

There's just no equivalency here.
I don't really disagree. NBC lies though, take the editing of Zimmerman's 911 call for example.
I don't really disagree. NBC lies though, take the editing of Zimmerman's 911 call for example.
I sense you're truly non-partisan...awesome.

With that said, that was an honest mistake.

With all the known facts about Zimmerman and the heniousness of the crime one could understand how they made that mistake.

I believe they did correct it, I mean...they did say the correct words after further investigation...right? They didn't double-down.
Yes once called out they claimed a mistake as you say. Who knows if it's true hehe. Not sure how you accidentally edit a recording and then don't listen to it once before you go live with it on national news but meh. I think it all sucks.
Yes once called out they claimed a mistake as you say. Who knows if it's true hehe. Not sure how you accidentally edit a recording and then don't listen to it once before you go live with it on national news but meh. I think it all sucks.
I remember when it was new. It did sound like he said the bad word. I honestly thought he did.

Keep in mind, it took experts some days or a week or so to finally get it right.
It shouldn't take the PEW research center to point this out. I watch many media sources including MSNBC and FOX. FOX in more cases offers counter points from the left... be it Beckel, or Kirstin and Dem strategists on panels. Maddow and Mr Tinglely and other shows on MSNBC rarely give the counter arguements from the right.
I'm shocked ! The big oil funded pew center thinks climate change denier Fox News is less biased?

Big oil funded?

The Pew Research Center is an American think tank organization based in Washington, D.C. that provides information on issues, attitudes and trends shaping the United States and the world. Its president beginning January 2013 is Alan Murray, former deputy managing editor of The Wall Street Journal, replacing Andrew Kohut.[2]
The Center and its projects receive funding from The Pew Charitable Trusts.[3] In 1990, Donald S. Kellermann was named to serve as the first director of what was initially known as the Times Mirror Center. It was then part of the opinion polling operation run by Times Mirror, the parent of the Los Angeles Times.[4]
The Pew Global Attitudes Project is a series of worldwide public-opinion surveys and reports aimed at understanding worldwide attitudes on various issues. The Project is chaired by former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Danforth.[5] The project is funded by the Pew Charitable Trusts, with a supplemental grant from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.

Pew Research Center - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

having a bias or slant doesn't mean you're lying... it means you have a pov. msnbc has a pov.

fake news has a pov, too... they just happen to lie to advance it and won the right to do so in court.

but i've never heard anyone say that pew is a particularly unreliable poll... it's not rasmussen.

I believe Sunoco oil is still the major contributor to Pew Charitable Trusts. Joseph Pew founder of Sunoco oil.
I'm shocked ! The big oil funded pew center thinks climate change denier Fox News is less biased?

Big oil funded?

The Pew Research Center is an American think tank organization based in Washington, D.C. that provides information on issues, attitudes and trends shaping the United States and the world. Its president beginning January 2013 is Alan Murray, former deputy managing editor of The Wall Street Journal, replacing Andrew Kohut.[2]
The Center and its projects receive funding from The Pew Charitable Trusts.[3] In 1990, Donald S. Kellermann was named to serve as the first director of what was initially known as the Times Mirror Center. It was then part of the opinion polling operation run by Times Mirror, the parent of the Los Angeles Times.[4]
The Pew Global Attitudes Project is a series of worldwide public-opinion surveys and reports aimed at understanding worldwide attitudes on various issues. The Project is chaired by former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Danforth.[5] The project is funded by the Pew Charitable Trusts, with a supplemental grant from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.

Pew Research Center - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

having a bias or slant doesn't mean you're lying... it means you have a pov. msnbc has a pov.

fake news has a pov, too... they just happen to lie to advance it and won the right to do so in court.

but i've never heard anyone say that pew is a particularly unreliable poll... it's not rasmussen.

Oh, cool! Jillian is channeling TruthMocker.

FNC did not 'win the right to lie'. That is a lie.

Fools and their lies... funny... but quite boringly repetitive.
That's some fine phony equivalence crap from Pew.

A normal, unbiased source would ask if the media outlet is telling the truth. Phony equivalence shills like Pew are asking about "balance".

Mitt Romney has lied vastly more than Obama, vastly more than any presidential candidate in history. Any unbiased media would be more negative towards Romney.

But to Pew, that's not important. If you report the truth about Romney, that's "liberal bias." Both sides are exactly the same, even if they aren't. According to Pew, the media would be biased if they reported more favorably on Mother Teresa than on Charles Manson.

This is the biggest problem with our national media, the phony equivalence crap that puts liars on equal footing with truth-tellers. Good journalists don't "report both sides". Good journalists report what's true.
I just like to throw Fox a bone every now and then... People act like it is the only unbiased source of news in the history of the world

Noone says msnbc isn't is. However, they don't lie.

Furthermore, when they realize an error has been made, they IMMEDIATELY correct it. They apologize and move on.

TheFOXNEWS not only lies, but they don't apologize for their fact they typically double-down on their lies.

There's just no equivalency here.
[ame=]MSNBC Lies about gun in crowd - YouTube[/ame]


MSNBC Caught Doctoring Clip From Romney/Ryan Rally - Greg Hengler
That's some fine phony equivalence crap from Pew.

A normal, unbiased source would ask if the media outlet is telling the truth. Phony equivalence shills like Pew are asking about "balance".

Mitt Romney has lied vastly more than Obama, vastly more than any presidential candidate in history. Any unbiased media would be more negative towards Romney.

But to Pew, that's not important. If you report the truth about Romney, that's "liberal bias." Both sides are exactly the same, even if they aren't. According to Pew, the media would be biased if they reported more favorably on Mother Teresa than on Charles Manson.

This is the biggest problem with our national media, the phony equivalence crap that puts liars on equal footing with truth-tellers. Good journalists don't "report both sides". Good journalists report what's true.

LOL.. Obama's entire presidency has been a lie. Be it "hope and change" or closing GITMO, or cutting the national debt.
It's also far more accurate.

Their "problem" is cherry picking.

FOX's "problem" is telling out right lies.
I just like to throw Fox a bone every now and then... People act like it is the only unbiased source of news in the history of the world

Noone says msnbc isn't is. However, they don't lie.

Furthermore, when they realize an error has been made, they IMMEDIATELY correct it. They apologize and move on.

TheFOXNEWS not only lies, but they don't apologize for their fact they typically double-down on their lies.

There's just no equivalency here.

That's some fine phony equivalence crap from Pew.

A normal, unbiased source would ask if the media outlet is telling the truth. Phony equivalence shills like Pew are asking about "balance".

Mitt Romney has lied vastly more than Obama, vastly more than any presidential candidate in history. Any unbiased media would be more negative towards Romney.

But to Pew, that's not important. If you report the truth about Romney, that's "liberal bias." Both sides are exactly the same, even if they aren't. According to Pew, the media would be biased if they reported more favorably on Mother Teresa than on Charles Manson.

This is the biggest problem with our national media, the phony equivalence crap that puts liars on equal footing with truth-tellers. Good journalists don't "report both sides". Good journalists report what's true.

LOL.. Obama's entire presidency has been a lie. Be it "hope and change" or closing GITMO, or cutting the national debt.

Obama didn't lie.

He tried closing Gitmo and Republicans went into a frenzy. And cutting that National Debt involves paying down old bills. Unless you think we should be canceling debt.
That's some fine phony equivalence crap from Pew.

A normal, unbiased source would ask if the media outlet is telling the truth. Phony equivalence shills like Pew are asking about "balance".

Mitt Romney has lied vastly more than Obama, vastly more than any presidential candidate in history. Any unbiased media would be more negative towards Romney.

But to Pew, that's not important. If you report the truth about Romney, that's "liberal bias." Both sides are exactly the same, even if they aren't. According to Pew, the media would be biased if they reported more favorably on Mother Teresa than on Charles Manson.

This is the biggest problem with our national media, the phony equivalence crap that puts liars on equal footing with truth-tellers. Good journalists don't "report both sides". Good journalists report what's true.

LOL.. Obama's entire presidency has been a lie. Be it "hope and change" or closing GITMO, or cutting the national debt.

Obama didn't lie.

He tried closing Gitmo and Republicans went into a frenzy. And cutting that National Debt involves paying down old bills. Unless you think we should be canceling debt.

LOL,, nice attempt at a spin.. Obama could have closed GITMO in spite of ANYONE ELSE'S THINKING... HE LIED. He didn't have to increase the debt the way he did, esp when he had full control with his own party... or do we need to show you his statements about cutting debt in half during campaigning? You are just like most of the national media... so desperate for your ideas to work (like supporting a guy who has never run a lemonade stand to run the country),, that you refuse to see the terrible mistake. Time to get over it, and realize this guy was one huge mistake.

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