Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine linked to rare blood disease - Israeli study

Kennedy's (The Real Anthony Fauci) excerpt continues with the "Jesus of HIV."

'At the June 1990 San Francisco AIDS conference, Luc Montagnier made his tectonic announcement that "The HIV virus is harmless and passive, a benign virus." He added that he had discovered that HIV only becomes dangerous in the presence of a second organism. He described a tiny, bacteria-like bug called a mycoplasma. His laboratory had demonstrated that in culture with this new mycoplasma, HIV becomes a vicious killer. Montagnier declared that he now believes that HIV is "a peaceful virus" that becomes lethal only when combined with Mycoplasma infertans.

As Montagnier spoke, Dr. Shyh-Ching Lo sat in the audience, basking in vindication. Dr. Lo's important new ally, Montagnier, the Nobel Laureate of AIDS, had independently discovered the same mycoplasma and concluded, like Lo, that it was the primary cause of the immune system collapse known as AIDS. The two had not shared their data. Separately, they had made the same earthshaking discovery four months apart.'

(Here Kennedy likely means "four years apart.")

'In April of that year, Montagnier published his findings in Research in Virology, reporting that HIV and the microscopic pathogen
react together, causing the body's cells to burst. Even more exciting, he had discovered that in his test tubes, tetracycline stopped the mycoplasma's destruction entirely in its tracks. Montagnier's findings had transformative applications for AIDS treatment. They suggested that AIDS could be effectively treated and demolished with common patent-expired antibiotics instead of deadly and expensive chemotherapy concoctions.

At the San Francisco conference, Dr. Lo was almost the only personin the room who was excited. Of the twelve thousand people who attended the conference, only two hundred attended Montagnier's talk, and almost half of them exited before he finished. Characteristically, the multibillion-dollar international research and development establishment opted to ignore the discovery.

Peter Duesburg: "There was Montagnier, the Jesus of HIV, and they threw him out of the temple."

"Who were these people who are so much wiser, so much smarter than Luc Montagnier?" asks Harry Rubin, the dean of American retrovirology. "He became an outlaw as soon as he started saying that HIV might not be the only cause of AIDS."

When asked for an interview concerning Dr. Lo's work, NIAID director Anthony Fauci said through spokesperson Mary Jane Walker that he "will not talk about mycoplasma or any other AIDS cofactor." '
(Kennedy, op cit pp. 235-6)
Completing the Kennedy excerpt:

'In a film interview with Brent Leung in 2006, Tony Fauci said, "Cofactors are not necessary."

Thirty-four years later, with over half a trillion dollars spent on AIDS research, Dr. Fauci has not budgeted one dollar to study the role of Lo's and Montagnier's mycoplasma or in Gallo's, and Knox's HHV-6 virus in the etiology of AIDS. Between 1981 and 2020, US taxpayers alone shelled out $640 billion for AIDS research, focused almost exclusively on developing drugs to address Dr. Fauci's sketchy HIV hypothesis. Yet the growing list of medications hasn't demonstrably extended the life of a single patient, and the cure for AIDS is still nowhere in sight.

"The minute someone suggests that the orthodoxy might be wrong, the establishment starts to call him crazy or a quack," Rubin continued. "One week you're a great scientist; the next week, you're a jerk. Science has become the new church of America and is closing off all room for creative, productive dissent."

After suggesting in priont, two years earlier, that HIV might need a co-factor to cause AIDS, Gallo went dark. Gallo today refuses to discuss the matter. The normally loquacious and combative Gallo refused my request to talk about HHV6.'
(Kennedy, op cit, p. 236)

Next is obviously a scrutiny of Montagnier's publications on the mycoplasma connection to HIV/AIDS.
For those who have Kennedy's book, this is the Montagnier study mentioned on page 236:

But the original study above is booby-trapped by a pay- identity-wall. Otherwise, one can only read the abstract, which does not mention Mycoplasma. Montagnier's study of two years later mentions Mycoplasma:

There is no doubt Edward Hooper would be interested as we look back at the chron, for his poliovirus/AIDS hypothesis. Noting the year 2002, before the SARS-CoV-1 outbreak on 16 Ap 2003:

'This chapter presents the current state of the art in creating microorganisms with synthetic genomes....The first complete genome complement of a living cell, that of Haemophilus influenza Rd, was determined in 1995. Since then, thousands of organisms have been sequenced and the repertoire of genes and genomes in GenBank is enormous.
In 1970, Khorana and coworkers were the first to develop the chemistry for synthesizing DNA and apply it to the synthesis of the gene for yeast alanine transfer RNA (tRNA), but it was not until 2002 that a full genome, that for the 7.5 kb poliovirus, was synthesized as a DNA molecule that could be transcribed to make the RNA genome of the virus particle. In 2003, the bacteriophage phiX174 genome (5.3 kb) was synthesized by whole-genome assembly from 256 oligonucleotides.

Only in the past dozen years has DNA synthesis advanced to the point that small bacterial genomes can be made in the laboratory by chemical synthesis. The smallest known bacterial genomes belong to the genus Mycoplasma. The smallest among these is M. genitalium, a wall-less bacterium that inhabits the human urogenital tract and can be grown independently in the laboratory. Its genome was synthesized in 2008.
Scientists have long sought to understand the minimal genetic. requirements for life. There is no unique solution to the set of genes required for a minimal cell.....Mycoplasmas have the simplest architecture and smallest genomes among the known bacteria and are considered ideal targets for minimalization. They have undergone reductive evolution in the restrictive environments of animal hosts and have lost many genes that would be required in harsher surroundings.

The 58 kb genome of M. genitalium was determined by Fraser et al (1995). It has the smallest genome of any known natural cell that can be independently grown in the laboratory....Mushegian and Koonin found 256 orthologous genes in common between M. genitalium and H. influenzae and suggested that as the minimal set. To test this experimentally, Hutchinson et al (1999) introduced global transposon mutagenesis for identifying non-essential genes in M. genitalium and the closely related M. pneumoniae and estimated there were between 256 and 351 essential genes in M. genitalium.
The stage was set to create the first synthetic cell. Synthesis of M. mycoides genome was carried out in stages....propagated in yeast....recovered from yeast and transplanted into M. Capricolum to produce the synthetic cell syn1.0.'
(Gibson DG et al, Synthetic Cells and Minimal Life, in Handbook of Astrobiology, ed. Vera M. Kolb, CRC Press, 2019)

Parameters of phiX174 bacteriophage (above) will next be compared with conjunctivitis caused by SARS-CoV-2.
You will just believe anything that smells negative about the vaccines won’t you?! Did you even read the story or did you just pounce on the headline as another vax is bad push?
They live to troll life saving vaccines. They prefer the death, disability & expense of the virus to damage democrats.
But monkeypox currently in gays may mimic what was already going on. As early as 1964, science knew what "poppers" were doing to males, and links this investigative trajectory for mycoplasma/HIV:

Aug 1964 Bacteriophages S13 and PhiX174 Mutagenesis
'....S13 (and PhiX174)....ethyl methanesulfonate and nitrous acid mutate all four bases, but to varying degrees. The mutation of guanine to adenine by nitrous acid was established by extensive tests.'

If not mistaken, PhiX174 originally came from E. coli. The investigation meshes with the concept that amyl nitrate or "poppers" was increasing virulence of a virus, just as radiation can increase the virulence of poliovirus.

PhiX174 / Sensitivities of Different Bacteriophage Species to Ionizing Radiation
Since Pfizer vaccine is for SARS-CoV-2, here is Wuhan Institute of Virology's Zheng-li Shi link to the abortifacient plant, Withania.

Shi reported on WSSV in 2006 and also co-authored papers with Peter Daszak (Eco Health Alliance).

Jun 2022 China: WSSV Importin
'....cq importin alpha/beta....'

Sep 2022 Withaferin A / IPO5 Importin
'....Withaferin A is also a covalent inhibitor of IPO5, an importin that translocates cargos from the cytosol to the nucleus.'
SARS-CoV-1 & 2 are nidoviruses. On 8 Nov 2021 we pointed to the insane snake arginine sequence:

Post # 816 Ball Python Nidovirus 1 Arginine Motif
' N (nucleocapsid) RRRRR.'

Fau Chi's HIV ARM (arginine-rich motif) is also WSSV ARM, linking Fau to Zheng-li Shi:

Jun 2022 WSSV ARM
'binding of ARM repeat domain.'

Another excerpt from Kolb's Handbook of Astrobiology (forthcoming) will link this methylation:

HIV Nucleocapsid Arginine-Rich Motif Methylation

Also, the Japanese Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 spike is N501S. The asparagine mutates to serine. Ball Python nidovirus 1 spike with no mutation is S501.
Adenoviruses are used as basis for SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. Statins attenuate Coxsackie virus, a virus of the same family as poliovirus:

'....entry into cells is mediated by the Coxsackie and adenovirus receptor.'

Nov 2010 China / Atorvastatin Attenuates Coxsackie Virus
'....marked increase in FAS mRNA and protein expression, which was reversed by atorvastatin.'

Edward Hooper's HIV/Oral Polio vaccine hypothesis is aptly explored in his now online book, The River. We mentioned Ben Franklin's pulegone abortifacient linking to the University of Washington in post # 2,700 on 7 Jul 2022:

Noting that the date ijn post #2,700 for U. Washington pulegone is May 1990, comparable to Montagnier's mycoplasma/HIV report. Hooper mentions the University of Washington in The River, pp. 18-19:

'It is also a particular time in the history of Africa. The wind of change is blowing hard: in the last two years Ghana and Guinea have attained independence, and across the continent the clamor is rising. The old colonial powers - the British, the French, the Belgians - are each in their own time, recognizing the inevitability of the process.
Meanwhile, two doctors, one American and one Belgian are travelijng around Leopoldville immersed in their own world, which is one of scientific inquiry. The American, funded by grants from the U.S. Public Health Service and the Rockefeller Foundation, arrived in Leopoldville just after the end of unrest, and neither saw evidence of its impact nor, one suspects, who have had much appreciation of its significance had he done so.

The Belgian, for his part, had just been appointed chair of microbiology at the newly built University of Lovanium, eight miles from the city center on the banks of the Congo River - but for all that, he is happy for the chance to collaborate with such a rising star in the firmament of human genetics.

These are impassioned men operating in an era that reveres their activities, in an era when science is the new religion and the men in white coats its prophets and priests. Over the next few week the American, Arno Motulsky, and the Belgian, Jean Vandepitte, with the help of other local doctors, start collecting blood samples from medical staff, hospital patients, and police recruits in Leopoldville, and from a large group of villagers living to the south, near the Angolan border.

Motulsky is keen to investigate the relative incidence of two genetic traits in different ethnic groups in sub-Saharan Africa and their possible relationship to malaria. Nearly eighteen hundred blood samples from eight different groups, including pygmies from the Ituri Forest, hospital patients from Stanleyville, and schoolchildren from the two principle ethnic groups in Ruanda-Urundi, the Tutsi and the Hutu.

Most of these samples are finger-prick specimens mounted on glass slides and examined in local laboratories the same day, but more than seven hundred are samples of whole blood, which are then refrigerated and flown back to Motulsky's department at the University of Washington in Seattle.

As Jean Vandepitte bids farewell to Arno Motulsky at the airport, neither man has any inkling of the additional significance which one of these 5 milliliter blood samples will assume just over a quarter of a century later.'
Hooper (post #248) does not detail the genetics Moltusky was interested in, though they link to statins, chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine:

(Scroll to the statin link: "Lipid Disorders, Coronary Disease, and Familial." Scroll to the CQ/HCQ link: "Pharmacogenetics: G6PD, Malaria"....pseudocholinesterase....G6PD deficiency: primaquine destroys red blood cells....sickle cell trait carriers were less likely to die from falciparum malaria.'
Motulsky says, "Statins are now among the most widely used drugs in the world. Very few people are homozygotes for hypercholesterolemia. Statin drugs are used to treat people with cholesterol elevation for any reason, genetic or otherwise. When we become discouraged about whether identifying the gene for a trait will ever lead to a medical intervention, we should remind ourselves that this one did. It is a beautiful, cohesive story, and it took a long time - more than 20 years.'
A colchicine and rosuvastatin trial for COVID-19, which may also apply to long COVID:


COVID-19 / Statins
'....The number of hydrogen bonds between statins and the amino acid residues of SARS-CoV-2 Mpro were 7, 4, and 3 for rosuvastatin, pravastatin, and atorvastatin, respectively, while other statins had two hydrogen bonds....pitavastatin has a binding energy that is even greater than that of protease or polymerase inhibitors. Antiretroviral drugs were used as standards for comparison.'
Post #249 for G6PD and malaria links G1P and G3P backbone.

'The operative definition of life in the origins of life (OoL) field accepts the cell as the basic unit of life and RNA, proteins, and membrane-forming molecules as fundamental molecular building blocks of life. Simple enclosed bilayer membranes or vesicles composed of single chain amphiphiles (SCAs) without encapsulated reactants were originally referred to as model protocells....subsequently, the term was extended to include vesicle-peptide or vesicle-RNA intermediate states.
First, SCAs produced on the early Earth by abiotic synthesis and/or exogenous delivery would have self-assembled into enclosed lipid-bound compartments....According to Waechterhauser (2003), the LUCA (last universal common ancestor) might have had an unstable membrane with both the G1P and G3P backbone, which slowly diverged into organisms with more stable homochiral membrane. The the LUCA might have existed with both the G1PDH (G1P dehydrogenase) and G3PDH (G3P dehydrogenase). It has been proposed that environmental factors may have led to the divergence of archaea and bacteria with different hydrocarbon chains. Supporting this proposal is the observation that archaeal and bacterial membranes reflect some similarities in their biosynthetic pathways. The glycerol phosphate (GP) backbone in both domains is synthesized by a reduction of dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP), using NADH. Further, the headgroup attaches through a cytidine-diphosphate intermediate in both archaea and bacteria.'
(Dalai P, Sahai N, Protocell Emergence and Evolution, in Handbook of Astrobiology, CRC Press, 2019)
Researchers believe the first transmission of SIV to HIV in humans that then led to the global pandemic occurred in 1920 in Kinshasa, the capital and largest city in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The virus spread may have spread from Kinshasa along infrastructure routes (roads, railways, and rivers) via migrants and the sex trade.

In the 1960s, HIV spread from Africa to Haiti and the Caribbean when Haitian professionals in the colonial Democratic Republic of Congo returned home. The virus then moved from the Caribbean to New York City around 1970 and then to San Francisco later in the decade.
Researchers believe the first transmission of SIV to HIV in humans that then led to the global pandemic occurred in 1920 in Kinshasa, the capital and largest city in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The virus spread may have spread from Kinshasa along infrastructure routes (roads, railways, and rivers) via migrants and the sex trade.

In the 1960s, HIV spread from Africa to Haiti and the Caribbean when Haitian professionals in the colonial Democratic Republic of Congo returned home. The virus then moved from the Caribbean to New York City around 1970 and then to San Francisco later in the decade.
Yes, the 1920 hypothesis is the bushmeat hypothesis, which Edward Hooper rejects. In post #253 above, Hooper mentions this in paragraph # 21 of the essay:

'What he had done was to make a number of assertions based on his (and the bushmeat group's) assumption that AIDS must have begun in West Africa in around 1920 as a single transfer from chimp to human.'
Hooper's Fau Chi Swat Team essay (post #253) is intriguing, though Hooper seems to have missed an important connection to poliovirus that links to ebola and SARS-CoV-2. Hooper mentions four people in the essay, and one of them claims HIV-AIDS in a St. Louis teenager as early as 1968. Thanks to Hooper, we can now link poliovirus to ebola vaccine, and to the SARS-CoV-2 mutation D614G, which mutation Fau gets backwards in his video.
In paragraph #13 of Hooper's essay (post #253), the link that Hooper misses begins there, though he senses that something is awry:

'As I have pointed out in previous posts, four of these seven have a past history, in that they have previously played leading roles in attempts to debunk the OPV theory of how AIDS began....Robert Garry is an American researcher who has previously criticized the OPV theory on the insubstantial grounds that Hilary Koprowski, who was the leading scientist behinds the polio research and subsequent vaccination campaigns based at Stanleyville in the Belgian Congo said that the theory was untrue....Yet for some reason, he appears to be one of Fauci's chosen favourites.'
Hooper's Fau Chi Swat Team essay (post #253) is intriguing, though Hooper seems to have missed an important connection to poliovirus that links to ebola and SARS-CoV-2. Hooper mentions four people in the essay, and one of them claims HIV-AIDS in a St. Louis teenager as early as 1968. Thanks to Hooper, we can now link poliovirus to ebola vaccine, and to the SARS-CoV-2 mutation D614G, which mutation Fau gets backwards in his video.
How did Robert Rayford of St. Louis contract HIV-AIDS prior to 1966? He never traveled or had transfusion.
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Before posting the video that Fau Chi stars in, we should point to the poliovirus link to Wuhan Institute of Virology's bat lady, Zheng-Li Shi. Importin was linked to the abortifacient plant for Shi's shrimp virus, WSSV, in post #246 of this thread. Importin links to poliovirus and monkey viruses, here:

21 Oct 2021 Post #38: Mason-Pfizer Monkey Virus / Importin
As will be shown, one can link Hooper's nemesis, Robert Garry, to Fau Chi via the poliovirus and ebola vaccine. Fau Chi makes the SARS-CoV-2 mutation mistake that links to ebola vaccine, beginning @ timepoint 6:45 in the video:

10 Oct 2020 Post #12 Video

Fau says that the mutation arose in China. The same mutation, D614G, arose in Germany about a week after the Chinese event.

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