Philippine catastrophe

We (the US) and anyone else with the capacity should have begun staging supplies - moving in assets, hospital ships, etc.

This storm had broken records before it hit land.

From Wikipedia:

Category 5
Sustained winds ≥ 70 m/s ≥ 137 kn
≥ 252 km/h ≥ 157 mph
Normal central pressure < 920 mbar < 27.17 inHg

Catastrophic damage will occur
Category 5 is the highest category a tropical cyclone can obtain in the Saffir–Simpson scale. These storms cause complete roof failure on many residences and industrial buildings, and some complete building failures with small utility buildings blown over or away. Collapse of many wide-span roofs and walls, especially those with no interior supports, is common. Very heavy and irreparable damage to many wood frame structures and total destruction to mobile/manufactured homes is prevalent. Only a few types of structures are capable of surviving intact, and only if located at least 3 to 5 miles (5 to 8 km) inland. They include office, condominium and apartment buildings and hotels that are of solid concrete or steel frame construction, public multi-story concrete parking garages, and residences that are made of either reinforced brick or concrete/cement block and have hipped roofs with slopes of no less than 35 degrees from horizontal and no overhangs of any kind, and if the windows are either made of hurricane-resistant safety glass or covered with shutters. Unless all of these requirements are met, the absolute destruction of a structure is certain.[5]
The storm's flooding causes major damage to the lower floors of all structures near the shoreline, and many coastal structures can be completely flattened or washed away by the storm surge. Virtually all trees are uprooted or snapped and some may be debarked, isolating most communities impacted. Massive evacuation of residential areas may be required if the hurricane threatens populated areas. Total and extremely long-lived extensive power outages and water losses are to be expected, possibly for up to several months.[5]
Historical examples of storms that made landfall at Category 5 status include the 1959 Mexico Hurricane, Camille (1969), Anita (1977), David (1979), Gilbert (1988), Andrew (1992), Dean and Felix (both in 2007)

This is the fifth named typhoon to cross the Philippine Islands this season. But, don't fret. Warming is GOOD for us and never hurts anyone. Right? Right?

^ and there it is

Like a Liberal on a school shooting the AGW Cult loves finding weather stories and blaming it on their God ManMade Global Warming

^ and there it is. Frank shows us the unmatched level of his ignorance. How many posts have YOU put up here denying any increase in weather intensity?

You're in the Environment forum, not current events.
Q: How much do we have to lower CO2 to prevent typhoons from ever happening again

A: denier!!
Increasing the temperature of our climate will increase the intensity of our weather.
^ and there it is. Frank (once again) shows us the unmatched level of his ignorance.
The U.S. Navy's Joint Typhoon Warning Center said maximum sustained winds of this storm were 195 mph, with gusts to 235 mph and the storm is still strengthening. 100 coastal communities are expecting a storm surge of at least 23 feet. This is looking like a record breaker.

By comparison maximum sustained winds in Sandy were 75 mph.

That's unreal. That would be a category 7 or 8 over here if they existed. Prayers for those people.

According to an article I read this AM?

This storm has BROKEN the category system.

Apparently its already an 8 POINT 1!!

I believe we are now looking at the worst hurricane (typhoon) in recorded history.
That is what a lot of people are stating at present. Starting to see damage reports coming in. Mostly from the areas less affected. Not enough to get any real feel for the real extant of the damage.
^ and there it is. Frank (once again) shows us the unmatched level of his ignorance.

The GRS is a storm system three times the size of planet earth with gusts of over 400k/hr...and no sign of global warming

When I said you were demonstrating your ignorance, it was meant as a warning that you were headed down a road that would not do well by your reputation.

Do you REALLY want to make that argument? That the existence of the Great Red Spot refutes AGW or the idea that weather intensity is driven by climate temperature?
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^ and there it is. Frank (once again) shows us the unmatched level of his ignorance.

The GRS is a storm system three times the size of planet earth with gusts of over 400k/hr...and no sign of global warming

When I said you were demonstrating your ignorance, it was meant as a warning that you were headed down a road that would not do well by your reputation.

Do you REALLY want to make that argument? That the existence of the Great Red Spot refutes AGW or the idea that weather intensity is driven by climate temperature?

There is no scientific evidence that global warming is causing worse storms.
My nephew has been riding that typhoon out. Haven't heard from him yet. He's on a church mission. I guess the nature of their mission will change now. Lots of digging out and maybe some rebuilding. An experience he'll never forget ..... assuming he made it.
There is no scientific evidence that global warming is causing worse storms.


On the one hand, you're way too retarded and ignorant about science to comprehend just what would constitute "scientific evidence" on this subject.

On the other hand, you're way too brainwashed by the fossil fuel industry propaganda to even know whether on not there is any evidence and too bamboozled and misled to accept the scientific evidence if you did see it.

Increasing destructiveness of tropical cyclones over the past 30 years
Kerry Emanuel
Vol 436|4 August 2005|doi:10.1038/nature03906
There is no scientific evidence that global warming is causing worse storms.


On the one hand, you're way too retarded and ignorant about science to comprehend just what would constitute "scientific evidence" on this subject.

On the other hand, you're way too brainwashed by the fossil fuel industry propaganda to even know whether on not there is any evidence and too bamboozled and misled to accept the scientific evidence if you did see it.

Increasing destructiveness of tropical cyclones over the past 30 years
Kerry Emanuel
Vol 436|4 August 2005|doi:10.1038/nature03906

Yep -- the attack of the BIG FONTS is back hawking a UNIQUE reinvention of a hurricane index that uses parameters that are IMMEASUREABLE before about 1980.

Several probs here..

1) 30 years of real data is WAY too short to reveal and separate the natural KNOWN cycles of cyclone activity.

2) NO other studies are asserting that a 0.5degC attribution from CO2 is measurable or significant.

3) The ACE index that IS ACCEPTED in general is just fine and doesn't NEED an alternative interpretation.

Global climate models show a substantial increase in potential intensity with
anthropogenic global warming, leading to the prediction that actual
storm intensity should increase with time1. This prediction has been
echoed in climate change assessments13.

A recent comprehensive study using a detailed numerical hurricane model run using climate predictions from a variety of different global climate models2 supports
the theoretical predictions regarding changes in storm intensity.
With the observed warming of the tropics of around 0.5 8C,
however, the predicted changes are too small to have been observed,
given limitations on tropical cyclone intensity estimation

"So ---- I invented a slightly different intensity index based on 30 yrs of measured intensity and durations -- AND GUESSED at the historical data BEFORE THEN --- in order to submit a paper that would scare the dress right off of GoldiRocks and TinkerBelle."

And that's how Kerry Emanuel acheived sainthood in the Church of Global Warming..
30 years of real data is WAY too short to reveal and separate the natural KNOWN cycles of cyclone activity.

I've got to remember this line. "30 years is WAY too short... 30 years is WAY too short... 30 years is WAY too short... 30 years is
^ and there it is. Frank (once again) shows us the unmatched level of his ignorance.

The GRS is a storm system three times the size of planet earth with gusts of over 400k/hr...and no sign of global warming

When I said you were demonstrating your ignorance, it was meant as a warning that you were headed down a road that would not do well by your reputation.

Do you REALLY want to make that argument? That the existence of the Great Red Spot refutes AGW or the idea that weather intensity is driven by climate temperature?

No matter how many times you do it, pointing to a weather even and going "See that! Manmade Global Warming!" is still not science
^ and there it is. Frank (once again) shows us the unmatched level of his ignorance.

The GRS is a storm system three times the size of planet earth with gusts of over 400k/hr...and no sign of global warming

When I said you were demonstrating your ignorance, it was meant as a warning that you were headed down a road that would not do well by your reputation.

Do you REALLY want to make that argument? That the existence of the Great Red Spot refutes AGW or the idea that weather intensity is driven by climate temperature?

The GRS makes a mockery of your AGWCult
30 years of real data is WAY too short to reveal and separate the natural KNOWN cycles of cyclone activity.

I've got to remember this line. "30 years is WAY too short... 30 years is WAY too short... 30 years is WAY too short... 30 years is

Awww c'mon.. For THIS theory -- it is WAY too short. BECAUSE everything we know about the FORCINGS for cyclonic activity are measured in DECADES..

You're mocking reference assumes that CO2 theory is some complicated equation with interferring cyclical functions. It's not.. ((well it IS -- that's just not YOUR theory))

Your simple-ass, braindead theory is based on IMMEDIATE temperature response to CO2 ALONE.. In that case --- I'll take a decade and a half to sort out it's validity.
The GRS is a storm system three times the size of planet earth with gusts of over 400k/hr...and no sign of global warming

When I said you were demonstrating your ignorance, it was meant as a warning that you were headed down a road that would not do well by your reputation.

Do you REALLY want to make that argument? That the existence of the Great Red Spot refutes AGW or the idea that weather intensity is driven by climate temperature?

The GRS makes a mockery of your AGWCult

Your idiotic and scientifically ridiculous claim makes a mockery of your whole wacko cult of reality denial. Of course, it also demonstrates once again just how incredibly stupid and gullible you are, CrazyFruitcake.

Internal Heat Drives Jupiter's Giant Storm Eruption

Detailed analysis of two continent-sized storms that erupted in Jupiter's atmosphere in March 2007 shows that Jupiter's internal heat plays a significant role in generating atmospheric disturbances. Understanding this outbreak could be the key to unlock the mysteries buried in the deep Jovian atmosphere, say astronomers.

The Interior of Jupiter
Most of the interior of Jupiter is liquid (primarily hydrogen and about 10% helium). The central temperatures are thought to lie in the 13,000-35,000 degree Celsius range, and the central pressure is about 100 million Earth atmospheres.

Jupiter radiates 1.6 times a much energy as falls on it from the Sun. Thus, Jupiter has an internal heat source. It is thought that much of this heat is residual heat left over from the original collapse of the primordial nebula to form the Solar System, but some may come from slow contraction (liquids are highly incompressible, so Jupiter cannot be contracting very much.) This internal heat source is presumably responsible for driving the complex weather pattern in its atmosphere, unlike the Earth where the primary heat source driving the weather is the Sun.
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When I said you were demonstrating your ignorance, it was meant as a warning that you were headed down a road that would not do well by your reputation.

Do you REALLY want to make that argument? That the existence of the Great Red Spot refutes AGW or the idea that weather intensity is driven by climate temperature?

The GRS makes a mockery of your AGWCult

Your idiotic claim makes a mockery of your whole cult of reality denial.

I don't think so. Storms are driven by DIFFERENCES in temp, pressure, humidity, etc. NOT by those variables alone. They are also driven by the rotational energy of the planet. Physics is no different on Jupiter to my knowledge.
The GRS makes a mockery of your AGWCult

Your idiotic claim makes a mockery of your whole cult of reality denial.

I don't think so. Storms are driven by DIFFERENCES in temp, pressure, humidity, etc. NOT by those variables alone. They are also driven by the rotational energy of the planet. Physics is no different on Jupiter to my knowledge.

And another stupid and gullible retard chimes in with more ignorant nonsense.

The physics are the same, fecalhead, but everything else - size, composition, gravity, pressure, size and depth of atmosphere, internal heat, solar intensity, etc. - are different.

Not that you know anything about 'physics' anyway, you poor bamboozled stooge.
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