Phoenix cops HELP illegal aliens conduct their protest march!!


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
"Police blocked traffic for the protesters!" WTF is going on here.? According to the federal constitution, states and local authorities are the ONLY ones with the power to round up and deport illegals and THAT'S what they should be doing.:clap2:

Immigration activists march through downtown Phoenix - FOX 10 News |

Feb 22, 2014

Immigration protesters marched through downtown Phoenix as part of the United We Dream campaign. An estimated 300 activists marched down Central Avenue to the Immigration & Customs Enforcement building where they held a rally.

Marchers chanted slogans like "stop the deportations now" and "I'm undocumented and un-afraid".

Dozens of Phoenix Police Officers blocked traffic for the protesters, ensured marchers stayed on the sidewalk, and ensured everyone was safe.

Some marchers had family members locked up in immigration detention centers. They demanded that the President not deport those family members and tear apart families.

Young marchers called on Governor Jan Brewer to give undocumented people drivers licenses. "People need to get to their jobs, people need to groceries, pick up their kids from school, go to school and those rights are being taken away from us" said Ray Jose.
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They invade us to steal jobs, govt benefits, and IDs from the citizens. And the police help them with their demands!!
They must be protesting the record number of deportations GOP members say that Oblama is not doing..

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