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photo, the prof Mohammid

1. Yea, and they've all failed miserably.

2. Wow. Your ignorance is showing...or perhaps it's an IQ thing. Either way, look it up and educate yourself. Clearly, government schools have failed you miserably.

3. Until the state folded, as all centrally planned societies eventually do.

4. How many guaranteed jobs are there in these days?

5. What a nanny state suck up you are. Just pathetic.

6. Can't have private property! That's just not fair..

7. Free loans. Wonderful. Well there's an impetus to provide the capital to the best and brightest ideas. Hard to image the USSR failed. Shocking, just shocking....:eusa_eh:

8. If you can't make a profit on loans, who in the hell is going to make them?

9. The only good commie is a dead commie. Now get to work.

1. No, they did not! They were destroyed by the elites on behalf of US and UK!

2. And what does that suppose to mean? Your outrage that I don't give a shit about all of your "economic theories" that did not help to keep Western economies out of endless crisis pitfalls?!

3. The state did not "fold". It was folded by the elite. The debt of the Soviet Union in 1989 was 3% of its GDP. Care to compare it with US current debt?
More economic data on the USSR in 1989-1991 period:
*Positive trade balance both with OECD and with the rest of the world
*In 1989, agricultural exports to the USA reached a new record
*1989 and 1990 were bounty harvests
*In 1990, the amount of oil the USSR needed to sell to buy crops fell to a record low
*The USSR was the largest oil producer and 2nd largest gold producer in the world

By what parameters was the Soviet economy "folding"?!

4. "in THESE days"? Is there a SOVIET UNION "these days"?!

5. Pathetic is your acceptance of the twaddle your elites put into your heads: "nanny state" :D
Just ask yourself, WHY DO PEOPLE NEED A STATE? But you have to have brain to think of asking this question, and Americans just don't have it.
People need a state to protect them from external and internal enemies; to look after their health, to provide people with good education and medical care; and to provide people with jobs/work. In turn, people have obligations to pay taxes in order to enable state to fulfil its obligations to the people.

But if state does not provide good education, medical care, social security; does not provide jobs/work, then WHY DO YOU NEED SUCH A STATE?????!!!!! Might as well abolish it and live as you pretty much do now: everyone for itself.

In the USSR state was fulfilling its obligations to the people.
In US state doesn't.

6. a) there were private properties, but they BELONGED TO THEIR OWNERS, not to the banks like it is in the West!
b) most lived in state owned properties or properties built by factories, mines, organisations where they worked. What's wrong with that? At least everyone was guaranteed they will not end up on a street like it happens in US.

7. Soviet bank belonged to the state; it was not set up to bleed the citizens, but to help them.What, you can't imagine a world where banks don't rob the people? I pity you.

8. You fucking idiot! THERE WERE NO PRIVATE BANKS in the Soviet Union. And the state was not after impoverishing its citizens!

9. Actually, more and more nations are coming to the conclusion that a good American is a dead American.
...economic collapse by 2012?!

If only we could have a rocking economy just like the Soviet Union does these days...:eusa_whistle:

2012 top five economies:
5) France
4) Germany
3) Japan
2) China
1) USA

Eat shit and die commie scum.

Let me re-post this bit for you:
The state did not "fold". It was folded by the elite. The debt of the Soviet Union in 1989 was 3% of its GDP. Care to compare it with US current debt?
More economic data on the USSR in 1989-1991 period:
*Positive trade balance both with OECD and with the rest of the world
*In 1989, agricultural exports to the USA reached a new record
*1989 and 1990 were bounty harvests
*In 1990, the amount of oil the USSR needed to sell to buy crops fell to a record low
*The USSR was the largest oil producer and 2nd largest gold producer in the world

By what parameters was the Soviet economy "folding"?!

As for your list of "top" economies: these economies are holding by the fingernails before following Spain and Greece. And USA is soooo bankrupt, there is no chance in hell it can repay its debts in the nearest 200 years even if it sells itself to the last stone and the last person! :D:clap2:

To keep them free.

The rest of your dribble is just more central planner bullshit, the same crap that has never worked in the long run. Of course, N Korea is rocking! :eusa_eh:

So sad to see a man incapable of thinking for himself. Nothing more pathetic.
Actually, my home is paid in full.

1. There is no way to verify it;
2. What about the rest of Americans? Shall I give you stats on the speed with which your society disappearing up its economic ass, or will you find information yourself?
...economic collapse by 2012?!

If only we could have a rocking economy just like the Soviet Union does these days...:eusa_whistle:

2012 top five economies:
5) France
4) Germany
3) Japan
2) China
1) USA

Eat shit and die commie scum.

Let me re-post this bit for you:
The state did not "fold". It was folded by the elite.
By what parameters was the Soviet economy "folding"?!

You mean your dear leaders didn't turn out to be benevolent and kind? Shocking, just shocking...:eusa_eh:

As for your list of "top" economies: these economies are holding by the fingernails before following Spain and Greece.

We've had debt like this before, just after WWII. We got out of it once, we'll do it again. Your centrally planned societies, not so much.
Actually, my home is paid in full.

1. There is no way to verify it;
2. What about the rest of Americans? Shall I give you stats on the speed with which your society disappearing up its economic ass, or will you find information yourself?

Actually, property ownership is a matter of public record.

America, the largest economy on earth, is disappearing? What an asshole you are. True story.
If only we could have a rocking economy just like the Soviet Union does these days...:eusa_whistle:

2012 top five economies:
5) France
4) Germany
3) Japan
2) China
1) USA

Eat shit and die commie scum.

Let me re-post this bit for you:
The state did not "fold". It was folded by the elite.
By what parameters was the Soviet economy "folding"?!

You mean your dear leaders didn't turn out to be benevolent and kind? Shocking, just shocking....

Actually, it isn't shocking that Gorbachov, Yeltsun, Kravchuk, and the rest of them turned out to be what they are...

But it is truly shocking just HOW MUCH of your, taxpayers, money went to buy them! :D
But I would like to ask you: free from what?

Tyranny. You know, the type of leaders you suck up to.

Free from medical care, education, social security, jobs?..

Not a one of those things are mentioned in the Constitution and all are provided far more efficiently than any central planners.

Congratulations. You have demonstrated that are you are the most ignorant fuck on this forum. Now that's saying something. Move to North Korea. I hear they have no problem with immigration. Getting out is a bit harder.
Actually, property ownership is a matter of public record.

America, the largest economy on earth, is disappearing? What an asshole you are. True story.

And how do we know who YOU ARE?!

America is the largest bankrupt on Earth! Your economy can not sustain your society! You are so deep in debt there is no way US can repay it in 200 years even if it will sell everything to meet its debt obligations!
That's why you start wars: you plunder nations in order to prolong your existence.
Let me re-post this bit for you:
The state did not "fold". It was folded by the elite.
By what parameters was the Soviet economy "folding"?!

You mean your dear leaders didn't turn out to be benevolent and kind? Shocking, just shocking....

Actually, it isn't shocking that Gorbachov, Yeltsun, Kravchuk, and the rest of them turned out to be what they are...

Exactly the reason why in America we value the individual over the will of central planners. No matter how benevolent one may be, the next one to come down the pike is likely to result in tyranny. Read history.

But it is truly shocking just HOW MUCH of your, taxpayers, money went to buy them!

US taxpayers paid off your leaders in return for them collapsing the USSR? Link? Logic? Reason?
You are so deep in debt there is no way US can repay it in 200 years even if it will sell everything to meet its debt obligations!

If you're trying to get me to support the insane spending, it's not going to happen. The answer is to live within our means, not more central planning. Besides, we've had a similar debt to GDP ratio in the past and we worked our way out of it. That can happen in a free society. Commies? Not so much.
We've had debt like this before, just after WWII.

1. No, you did not! Not that large.
2. Not "just after", but "just before" WW2. The world war got you out of your economic mess. That's why US is working hard to start WW3 -- in hope it will get you out of your current mess. But, unlike 1940-s, when you used the situation in Europe to built your empire, now your empire is collapsing and unless US will take over Russia and China, there is no way you will come out of this war smelling of roses.
We've had debt like this before, just after WWII.

1. No, you did not! Not that large.

I would agree with you but you're wrong. Again. Debt hit 100% of GDP after WWII and only did so again recently.

The world war got you out of your economic mess.

Wrong. The lessening of central price controls after the war was the first step that ended the depression. JKF's lower tax rates started the economic boom.

Your understanding of economics is dismal.
But I would like to ask you: free from what?

1. Tyranny.

Free from medical care, education, social security, jobs?..

2. Not a one of those things are mentioned in the Constitution and all are provided far more efficiently than any central planners.

1. Tyranny is a FORM OF STATE GOVERNING!!!!!! You, igit!

2. Tell that to MILLIONS OF AMERICANS who don't have medical insurance! And tell it to even more Americans who can't get medical treatments because insurance will not pay or cover them for what they need!

US "edumacation" is beyond a joke.

Jobs are dwindling.

Production sector is like a penis on Greek sculptures...

Your political freedoms are somewhere between those of China and N. Korea...

I repeat my question: Free from WHAT?!

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