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photo, the prof Mohammid

1. Exactly the reason why in America we value the individual over the will of central planners.

2. No matter how benevolent one may be, the next one to come down the pike is likely to result in tyranny. Read history.

3. US taxpayers paid off your leaders in return for them collapsing the USSR? Link? Logic? Reason?

1. Central planning concerns ECONOMY. As we already established, USSR economy in 1989 was in much healthier state then that of US.

2. Look around you: Patriot Act chopped your so called "freedoms" right down, and the follow up law that allows authorities to arrest anyone without as much as presenting evidence of one's guilt, and keep a person imprisoned INDEFINITELY without investigation, trial or even access to a lawyer -- came as a cherry on your "freedoms" cake!

3. Fuck off, you twat! Why did you enter the discussion if you are so clueless about the basics?!
At least read Gorbachov's memories, where he writes his mission was to destroy the system?!

You are asking "why?" did US and UK need to break down the USSR?! Their main geopolitical opponent? The only power that was restricting US in its world dominance ambitions?!
Are you familiar with the report produced by Clinton in 2000 where he named just how much US plundered from the former Soviet Union and Russia in particular? That plunder what kept the US from economic collapse for over 10 years!
But I would like to ask you: free from what?

1. Tyranny.

Free from medical care, education, social security, jobs?..

2. Not a one of those things are mentioned in the Constitution and all are provided far more efficiently than any central planners.

1. Tyranny is a FORM OF STATE GOVERNING!!!!!! You, igit!

Right. The worst form.

2. Tell that to MILLIONS OF AMERICANS who don't have medical insurance! And tell it to even more Americans who can't get medical treatments because insurance will not pay or cover them for what they need!

Show me one example of an American that can't get medical treatment. You can't do it. Insurance must be paid for. That's how insurance works.

US "edumacation" is beyond a joke.

Correct. Time to end the government monopoly on affordable education. If you want to see a market experience skyrocketing prices and shitty results, turn it over to central planners. Same results every time.

Your political freedoms are somewhere between those of China and N. Korea...

Wow. Let's just let that's statement stand on it's own. Careful, your IQ is showing...

I repeat my question: Free from WHAT?!

Asked and answered.
The answer is to live within our means, not more central planning.

Are you really that stupid?!

Central planning was what kept Soviet citizens from "insane spending"! That's why WE lived MODESTLY -- we lived WITHIN OUR MEANS!

You, on the other hand, always lived on BORROWED money! You lived outside your means for generations; and now you can't live within your means -- you don't know how!
Fuck off, you twat!

There's what we've come to expect from commies. All emotion, no logic or reason. Just a desperate hope that someone will come along and tell you what to do. So pathetic.
1. I would agree with you but you're wrong. Again. Debt hit 100% of GDP after WWII and only did so again recently.

2. Wrong. The lessening of central price controls after the war was the first step that ended the depression. JKF's lower tax rates started the economic boom.

3. Your understanding of economics is dismal.

1. You keep repeating it twice a day: before breakfast and before bed-time, and it will all come true...

2. And of course we are not going to take into a count the PRODUCTION and AGRICULTURE revival DURING WW2 when US was selling to both sides? And of course, Marshal plan for destroyed Europe, the plan that tied West European countries to the $, making THEIR economies work on US, we are not going to mention either...

3. Yeah, Americans already demonstrated their "understanding" of economics; isn't it why the whole world is now in economic shit?
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1. Right. The worst form.

2. Show me one example of an American that can't get medical treatment. You can't do it. Insurance must be paid for. That's how insurance works.

3. Correct. Time to end the government monopoly on affordable education.

1. I asked you, why do people need a state. You said: to safeguard them from tyranny. But TYRANNY is a form of a STATE governance!


2. One example works at my place. And he said he came to UK precisely because he could not afford medical bills for his sick kids, while in UK he gets everything on national health.
You want more examples, watch Sicko documentary.

3. Precisely my point: WHY DO YOU NEED A STATE THAT DOES NOT FULFIL ITS OBLIGATIONS TOWARDS THE SOCIETY to provide people with good education?!
I'm an American, a Zionist, and a Jew.

And it would be almost impossible for me to have a lower opinion of you than I do right now.

Darling, Americans put "i" in the word "idiot". Come to think of it, you also put "d", "o" and "t" in that word. To seek your approval or high regard would be degrading.

Well, you sure as shit don't have my approval.

I'm an American, a Zionist, and a Jew.

And it would be almost impossible for me to have a lower opinion of you than I do right now.

Darling, Americans put "i" in the word "idiot". Come to think of it, you also put "d", "o" and "t" in that word. To seek your approval or high regard would be degrading.

Well, you sure as shit don't have my approval.


As I said:

Darling, Americans put "i" in the word "idiot". Come to think of it, you also put "d", "o" and "t" in that word. To seek your approval or high regard would be degrading.
mememe, I think that the Idea of Communism is a great and beautiful Idea, unfortunatly when you add the human factor into that plan, it will get ALL FUCKKED UP, just as it did in the USSR. When Stalin died, Communism died with him, then capitalist took control under the umbrella of Communism in the USSR and ran it into the dirt.
mememe, I think that the Idea of Communism is a great and beautiful Idea, unfortunatly when you add the human factor into that plan, it will get ALL FUCKKED UP, just as it did in the USSR. When Stalin died, Communism died with him, then capitalist took control under the umbrella of Communism in the USSR and ran it into the dirt.

1. Comunism is an ideological concept. There was never any "communism" in the USSR or in any other country in the world. Only Westerners referred to SOCIALIST countries as "communist".

2. Stalin was too soft with Trotskists who pretty much took over after his death and eventually finished the task started by Lenin and Trotsky: they dismantled the Russian Empire/USSR.

3. But capitalism already outlived itself. It has no future, thus -- WW3 to prolong its existence... Like slavery too over from prehistoric communes; feudalism took over from slavery, capitalism took over from feudalism; socialism is going to take over from capitalism. The glory and the tragedy of the USSR was that it was the first socialist state and it came ahead of its time.
Oh, give it up. Communism could never work. If Marx were alive today he would have to revise himself once again. He was not a stupid man, especially in contrast to his followers of today who think that an ideology borne in the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century is valid today.

Communism is dead, get over it!
There is no debt, the Mighty American Empire has massive surplus beyond understanding, these trillions of dollars owed to other countries is true, now we are there customers currently paying them interest, and the customer is always right (even when there not).

So when the American Army's of darkness & equality, march across your filthy non-American homeland, and reduce it to ashes, you had BETTER KNOW the American Pledge of Allegiance, and you had BETTER BE SINGING: The Star Spangled Banner
when battle hardened American Soldiers march by your home, or you will be SHOT.

Other powerful countries will not come to your rescue, because we owe them money, and if they so much as even say what we are doing is unjust or wrong, we will just turn around and say: FUCK YOU, WE ANT GOING TO PAY YOU NOW !!!!

It is not about money, oil, land, food or water, its all about proving who has the biggest DICK, and who will take it in the ass (Iran first), those that submit to the Mighty American Empire will take it in the **** (gently).

Americans are a collection of politically exiled people and/or the descendants of, we will return to our former homelands, put the BIG USA DICK in your mouth, and from that point it will be your choice to take it in the **** (gently), or take it in the ass (Iran), you decide.
Salami...., Salami...., Bologna.


hahah - but I thought it went like this, "Allah is a PIG, Mohammad is a MONKEY."

.... I might have them mixed up. :badgrin:
As far as religion goes, in the United States, anyone can believe anything about a religion that they feel is correct in there own mind, or say anything, or practice, BECAUSE WE HAVE THE FREEDOM TO DO SO. If you are a Muslim, and you believe that Mohammad was a pig or looked like one, it doesn't matter, what matters is the message Mohammad gave, not his appearance, any Muslim that would act upset by that picture is clearly trying to gain praise from his Muslim peers and has nothing to do with what is at heart.
Mohammad was just a man, God may have spoken to him, and then he added his own 2 cents and twisted it in a way that HE want, just like any other religious script, because of human nature, a true profit of GOD, would not fully share his knowledge simply because it would bring others to the same level as himself, and thus not being in charge anymore, and would also feel that others don't deserve to know the truth as he does.
This is what I believe in my own mind: Mohammad was half pig, half man, and told all people not to eat pork, for the sole purpose of preserving the pig side of his heritage.
As an American, I have the right to believe and say this.

As far as religion goes, in the United States, anyone can believe anything about a religion that they feel is correct in there own mind, or say anything, or practice, BECAUSE WE HAVE THE FREEDOM TO DO SO. If you are a Muslim, and you believe that Mohammad was a pig or looked like one, it doesn't matter, what matters is the message Mohammad gave, not his appearance, any Muslim that would act upset by that picture is clearly trying to gain praise from his Muslim peers and has nothing to do with what is at heart.
Mohammad was just a man, God may have spoken to him, and then he added his own 2 cents and twisted it in a way that HE want, just like any other religious script, because of human nature, a true profit of GOD, would not fully share his knowledge simply because it would bring others to the same level as himself, and thus not being in charge anymore, and would also feel that others don't deserve to know the truth as he does.
This is what I believe in my own mind: Mohammad was half pig, half man, and told all people not to eat pork, for the sole purpose of preserving the pig side of his heritage.
As an American, I have the right to believe and say this.


Correction, mohammad didn't believe in GOD. He believed in a rock named allah.

HUGE difference. IF anyone spoke to the pedo mohammad, it was satan. The koran confirms the evil of islam.

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