Physician, heal thyself

73,000,000 voted against Trump and eleven million LESS for him.
Proves nothing Lil' Jake...but does show that more dummies like you exist in D controlled states like CA, IL and NY...and of course the illegals who voted.
Russian helped Trump, why is he not having an investigation in Russian interference in our election. Oh right , he won and yet lost.
NOBODY who moves from one state to another goes back to the previous state and has himself taken off the voter rolls. That is up to the states, which, being served by lifetime bureaucrats, can't be bothered to check. Which is also why millions of dead people remain registered to vote.

Gipper, basically the same thing could be said about HRC. Does that give you comfort?

Despite having the full-throated support of the entire MSM, Academe, the entertainment industry, organized labor, government workers at all levels (excluding military and police), the Sexually-Fucked-Up community, and on and on and on...could not get the votes of even 25% of the U.S. voting age population. Oh, she was a lovely one, all right.
73,000,000 voted against Trump and eleven million LESS for him.
Proves nothing Lil' Jake...but does show that more dummies like you exist in D controlled states like CA, IL and NY...and of course the illegals who voted.
Proves why Trump is getting pushed back, and proves why his opponents are gathering steam. Illegals voting in signficant numbers is an Alt Fact with no evidence. You simply don't understand, little buddy.
NOBODY who moves from one state to another goes back to the previous state and has himself taken off the voter rolls. That is up to the states, which, being served by lifetime bureaucrats, can't be bothered to check. Which is also why millions of dead people remain registered to vote.

Gipper, basically the same thing could be said about HRC. Does that give you comfort?

Despite having the full-throated support of the entire MSM, Academe, the entertainment industry, organized labor, government workers at all levels (excluding military and police), the Sexually-Fucked-Up community, and on and on and on...could not get the votes of even 25% of the U.S. voting age population. Oh, she was a lovely one, all right.
And Trump got millions less. What a country!
I would say illegals would not go near a voting place and those with money are the ones registered in different states, such as Tiffany, Trump, Bannon, etc. Those with vacation homes and family living in different states, not the median income, working poor who goes to work and home. I am sure all the dead people I know are still registered , yet never did I even consider voting for them. The vote counters are the ones who might be dishonest, how easy to accidently on purpose put down a fake number, oh it was an accident.

Also the GOP is making it harder and harder to vote, in Mi they want to do away with the straight ballot and the ballot is so long it would take forever in line. We have one SOS office for over 150,000 pop and the wait there for a voters registration card or anything is super long, might as well take the day off. The voting precincts are also not fair, some have long lines while others short ones. The GOP do voter suppression and oppression.
73,000,000 voted against Trump and eleven million LESS for him.
Proves nothing Lil' Jake...but does show that more dummies like you exist in D controlled states like CA, IL and NY...and of course the illegals who voted.
Proves why Trump is getting pushed back, and proves why his opponents are gathering steam. Illegals voting in signficant numbers is an Alt Fact with no evidence. You simply don't understand, little buddy.
It is all political Jake. Too bad you can't see that.

Why do you get duped by the establishment over and over again? You are one with the 1%.
73,000,000 voted against Trump and eleven million LESS for him.
Proves nothing Lil' Jake...but does show that more dummies like you exist in D controlled states like CA, IL and NY...and of course the illegals who voted.
Proves why Trump is getting pushed back, and proves why his opponents are gathering steam. Illegals voting in signficant numbers is an Alt Fact with no evidence. You simply don't understand, little buddy.
It is all political Jake. Too bad you can't see that. Why do you get duped by the establishment over and over again? You are one with the 1%.
That made no sense. But we do see autocracy encroaching on the left and the right.
73,000,000 voted against Trump and eleven million LESS for him.
Proves nothing Lil' Jake...but does show that more dummies like you exist in D controlled states like CA, IL and NY...and of course the illegals who voted.
Proves why Trump is getting pushed back, and proves why his opponents are gathering steam. Illegals voting in signficant numbers is an Alt Fact with no evidence. You simply don't understand, little buddy.
It is all political Jake. Too bad you can't see that. Why do you get duped by the establishment over and over again? You are one with the 1%.
That made no sense. But we do see autocracy encroaching on the left and the right.
Let me explain. The establishment wanted Cankles as did you. They hate Trump as do you. Stop being a dupe for the establishment.

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