Physicist Offers $10,000 To Anyone Who Can Disprove Climate Change


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Physicist Offers $10,000 To Anyone Who Can Disprove Climate Change

Physicist Offers $10,000 To Anyone Who Can Disprove Climate Change | ThinkProgress
When not refuting the 97 percent of scientists who believe in human-caused global warming, climate change deniers often draw upon the conspiracy that it’s is a fabricated theory invented by those in a position to gain financially or otherwise from efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. A Texas-based physicist is turning that notion on its head by offering $10,000 of his own money to anyone who can disprove mainstream, accepted climate science.

Dr. Christopher Keating, a physicist who has taught at the University of South Dakota and the U.S. Naval Academy, says in his blog post that the rules are easy: there is no entry fee, participants must be over 18, and the scientific method must be employed.

“Deniers actively claim that science is on their side and there is no proof of man-made climate change,” Keating told the College Fix by email. “You would think that if it was really as easy as the deniers claim that someone, somewhere would do it.”

Keating is planning to post entries on his blog along with comments. He is willing to field a wide array of submissions and is also offering $1,000 to anyone that can provide any scientific evidence at all that climate change isn’t real. “They are even free to find proof on the Internet and cut and paste it,” he said.

Keating is the author of the recent book “Undeniable: Dialogues on Global Warming,” which employs a Socratic-style discussion between three friends over email in a climate change polemic.
I believe it has more to do with the actual severity of climate change now California and New York City would be underwater if you were idiot enough to listen to the Democrats.

Now if he was willing to stand by the estimates from the left wing fruit loops in the not to distant past, we'd all be $10,000 richer.

btw. is this physicist in line for a Nobama grant or what..?
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my gawd , have we come down to this?

You know what, they got through the Great dust bowl without people like him, I'm sure we'll manage to ADAPT with handing the scary we are all going to die (climate change) without PEOPLE/politicians like him and just HAND over our money to blow on whatever fantasy they come up with

didn't they have us living under domes on the moon before?

or we can go and live like fish in the oceans after they figure out how to put us there

or they could just send us all to gas chambers...that is more simple

of course it would be DENIERS first in line then all you "climate change" cult members will be next kicking and a screaming saying, how could you I was LOYAL
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The hypothesis has much more proof does he need? Hot spot in the troposphere was supposed to be the human fingerprint on the smoking gun...where is it?
Then go get your ten grand.

ps: the human fingerprint is the isotopic analysis that says all 120 ppm added since the IR came from the combustion of fossil fuel.

The rest of it is contained in those CO2 absorption spectra that we've all seen.

Do you have a refutation for either of those two data?
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Stoopid......the AGW crowd still hasn't proven its case. Why would anybody take this bet? You cant disprove a theory!!!:gay:
The insanity is ratcheting up.

"Keating is planning to post entries on his blog along with comments. He is willing to field a wide array of submissions and is also offering $1,000 to anyone that can provide any scientific evidence at all that climate change isn’t real. “They are even free to find proof on the Internet and cut and paste it,” he said."

The climate has always changed and $1,000 isn't $10,000 unless he's using some kind of quantum physics fuzzy math.
Now these K00ks want people to prove a negative. It is on those who assert that need to provide proof of claim. Anyway, who would be dumb enough to try and disprove climate change. It's been happening for a lot longer than humans have even been around.

Now these K00ks want people to prove a negative.

Trivial to do. I can easily prove there are no elephants in my living room. Only the logically deficient -- that is, nearly every denier -- say you can't prove a negative.

It is on those who assert that need to provide proof of claim.

Done and done, over and over. That's why the burden of proof is on you now, just as it's on anyone who would want to deny gravity or the round earth theory. So, do it, and collect your easy cash.
Is it $1,000 or $10,000?

What exactly is he looking for, it's not very clear. He mentions a lot of catch phrases but if all we have to do is "disprove mainstream, accepted climate science" then he de facto has to pay any submission because there is no accepted climate science using the scientific method
Hmmmm I'd like to make a million dollar bet with this Physicist
it would do more good to help more people and resolve more conflict
by PROVING how spiritual healing works naturally and PROVE it is based on forgiveness.

This Forgiveness factor can be applied to political conflicts
to allow any groups to reconcile on any issue and form solutions,
even if they still disagree on other points. The key is Forgiveness.

That would be more beneficial to the future of humanity to prove!
And yes, the process and factor of forgiveness/unforgiveness
can be demonstrated, measured and predicted by statistics to follow a pattern.

Physicist Offers $10,000 To Anyone Who Can Disprove Climate Change

Physicist Offers $10,000 To Anyone Who Can Disprove Climate Change | ThinkProgress
When not refuting the 97 percent of scientists who believe in human-caused global warming, climate change deniers often draw upon the conspiracy that it’s is a fabricated theory invented by those in a position to gain financially or otherwise from efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. A Texas-based physicist is turning that notion on its head by offering $10,000 of his own money to anyone who can disprove mainstream, accepted climate science.

Dr. Christopher Keating, a physicist who has taught at the University of South Dakota and the U.S. Naval Academy, says in his blog post that the rules are easy: there is no entry fee, participants must be over 18, and the scientific method must be employed.

“Deniers actively claim that science is on their side and there is no proof of man-made climate change,” Keating told the College Fix by email. “You would think that if it was really as easy as the deniers claim that someone, somewhere would do it.”

Keating is planning to post entries on his blog along with comments. He is willing to field a wide array of submissions and is also offering $1,000 to anyone that can provide any scientific evidence at all that climate change isn’t real. “They are even free to find proof on the Internet and cut and paste it,” he said.

Keating is the author of the recent book “Undeniable: Dialogues on Global Warming,” which employs a Socratic-style discussion between three friends over email in a climate change polemic.
Physicist Offers $10,000 To Anyone Who Can Disprove Climate Change

Yet another snake oil salesman tryng to pretend the debate is over "climate change" rather than the real subject, which is "manmade climate change"?

These leftists know they lost the argument long ago, over whether man's activities are affecting the climate. In 40 years of fearmongering and caterwauling, they have been unable to produce the slightest proof that man had anything to do with the climate changes that have been happening.

But they're desperate to keep the gravy train of government dollars flowing into their pockets, so they change the subject and leave out the "manmade" part, and try to pretend they have some mighty battle going on against dark forces who believe the Ice Ages didn't happen etc.

I should apologize to genuine sellers of snake oil, for calling these "climate change" liars snake oil salesmen.
[ame=]Global Warming Fear Mongering - YouTube[/ame]
How do you disprove a negative? His premise is predicated on the idea that man made climate change is proven when it very clearly is not.
Now these K00ks want people to prove a negative.

Trivial to do. I can easily prove there are no elephants in my living room. Only the logically deficient -- that is, nearly every denier -- say you can't prove a negative.

Prove bigfoot doesn't exist.

It is on those who assert that need to provide proof of claim.

Done and done, over and over. That's why the burden of proof is on you now, just as it's on anyone who would want to deny gravity or the round earth theory. So, do it, and collect your easy cash.

Nope. The burden of proof is always on those making the claim. You claim to understand science, but you just posted two claims that demonstrate you don't know the first thing about it.
1) The idiot violated Scientific Method in the set-up of the proposition.

2) There is no STANDARD DEFINITION of the Global Warming theory, because there is NO CONSENSUS ON WHAT IT IS.. OR any specific QUANITIZED projections.

3) Leftists love to chant and do street theatre.. It's what they are good at..

I'm thankful that the vast of majority of folks here have been following along and recognize this as a "cheap" act of hubris.. Rather than anything to do with a physicist asking for debate..
Then go get your ten grand.

ps: the human fingerprint is the isotopic analysis that says all 120 ppm added since the IR came from the combustion of fossil fuel.

The rest of it is contained in those CO2 absorption spectra that we've all seen.

Do you have a refutation for either of those two data?

All well and fine..except that the claim is false.
1) The idiot violated Scientific Method in the set-up of the proposition.

2) There is no STANDARD DEFINITION of the Global Warming theory, because there is NO CONSENSUS ON WHAT IT IS.. OR any specific QUANITIZED projections.

3) Leftists love to chant and do street theatre.. It's what they are good at..

I'm thankful that the vast of majority of folks here have been following along and recognize this as a "cheap" act of hubris.. Rather than anything to do with a physicist asking for debate..

Chanting and street theater is about the only way to sell snake oil. If you present it for what it is and try to sell it on its merits...who the hell wants it?

I just read a pretty good article regarding the demise of climate science...talks about the fact that climate science is eager to argue with skeptics but don't bother to point out obvious and egregious errors made by the press and don't bother to admit when they have made errors or publicly admit failed predictions....or that they just don't know. As a result, public trust and more importantly, interest in the climate is waning fast. You can only cry wolf so many times before people stop hearing you. Maybe funding will fall off to the point that climate science can only afford to try and find out what drives the climate rather than waste its time on alarmism. I can't remember where I read but someone was listing factors that probably outweigh the so called greenhouse effect....or might, together comprise the so called greenhouse effect...among them were the fact that the oceans retain heat overnight, the atmosphere's weight due to gravity restrict the ocean's ability to evaporate, near the surface the atmosphere has a higher heat capacity due to gravity and the resulting increased pressure, and the fact that the oceans spread heat towards the poles...there were a few more factors but I can't recall them. Till we have a handle on how energy moves through the system we aren't going to know what is driving the climate at different is however a sure bet that one thing isn't driving it all the time and a wisp of a trace gas in the atmosphere is never driving it anytime.
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1) The idiot violated Scientific Method in the set-up of the proposition.

2) There is no STANDARD DEFINITION of the Global Warming theory, because there is NO CONSENSUS ON WHAT IT IS.. OR any specific QUANITIZED projections.

3) Leftists love to chant and do street theatre.. It's what they are good at..

I'm thankful that the vast of majority of folks here have been following along and recognize this as a "cheap" act of hubris.. Rather than anything to do with a physicist asking for debate..

Yep.....tens of thousands of scientists talk about this all the time.......this violation of the scientific method. To climate scientists, statistical error doesn't exist!!:D How fucking bogus?:D:D:D:D:D

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