'Pickle Lady's' Lap Dog Twiddling his Thumbs


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
There is no more perfect metaphor than to see Kerry literally stand there and twiddle his thumbs as B.N. lectures him on world wide TV.
This, of course, is what Kerry has done his entire life.....when he's not awarding himself a bunch of 'war-hero' medals for basically visiting Vietnam for an afternoon.
Watch what Kerry and Bobo will do after Israel destroys Iran's nuclear bomb making facilities. Send a 'nasty letter' to B.N.?
Chamberlain only became PM by being born with a silver spoon in his mouth and at a time when the British.......thought they had the luxury of living in a Socialist country.......boy were they ever wrong.. put an incompetent 'limousine Liberal' into Downing Street. The dude was in over his head from day one. Sound like another world leader?
Chamberlain was too stupid to be a 'poser' like Kerry has been all his life. There's a difference.

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