Picture This

I'm not the one who raised a violent sociopathic bigot. Simply google the OP's name and you will see what she raised her son to be. In chains.

Oh, give yourself a chance! I'm sure if the opportunity for reproduction came along, you'd raise a very violent, sociopathic bigot. I mean, the evidence is in all of your posts!
I am the father of 5 adult children and none of them grew up to be violent sociopathic bigots. I also have a toddler and my young wife wants a lot more children after she finishes her residency.

None of your kids are bigots?

That's great. Why are you, then?
Petitio principii, jackass.

Nah. I drew that conclusion based on your words.
Can you quote those words and explain the train of thought that you used to come to your conclusion so that I may rip it to shreds with the tools of logic and reason to shove it up your (jack)ass?
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As I've said before somewhere on the board, anger does not equal hatred. The fact that people point out realities, even past ones, does not mean they hate anyone.

Let me point out the reality of the ethnic cleansing of white people happening in south africa. It was signed into law by the president there, that white people cannot own land. State forces were sent in to evict white farmers, and many were killed. What is your opinion on that?
It appears that anything negative that affects white people must be because they deserved it.

Is that how you feel? Because that's stupid.

Or were you trying to put words in someone's mouth?
Why did you teach your son to hate white people?


I haven't.
As I've said before somewhere on the board, anger does not equal hatred. The fact that people point out realities, even past ones, does not mean they hate anyone.

Let me point out the reality of the ethnic cleansing of white people happening in south africa. It was signed into law by the president there, that white people cannot own land. State forces were sent in to evict white farmers, and many were killed. What is your opinion on that?
It appears that anything negative that affects white people must be because they deserved it.

Is that how you feel? Because that's stupid.

Or were you trying to put words in someone's mouth?
How about reading the posts on these forums from the black people who hate whites. When you bring up anything about whites in Africa, we are told that whites should not be allowed to own land there, etc. I am white, I believe everyone should have equal rights. No, I do not feel anyone deserves a particular treatment because of their race.

I'm so sorry you have to read people's hatred of those different from them.
As I've said before somewhere on the board, anger does not equal hatred. The fact that people point out realities, even past ones, does not mean they hate anyone.

Let me point out the reality of the ethnic cleansing of white people happening in south africa. It was signed into law by the president there, that white people cannot own land. State forces were sent in to evict white farmers, and many were killed. What is your opinion on that?
It appears that anything negative that affects white people must be because they deserved it.

Is that how you feel? Because that's stupid.

Or were you trying to put words in someone's mouth?
Why did you teach your son to hate white people?


I haven't.
Correct. The OP did that.

You are simply her apologist, right?
As I've said before somewhere on the board, anger does not equal hatred. The fact that people point out realities, even past ones, does not mean they hate anyone.

Let me point out the reality of the ethnic cleansing of white people happening in south africa. It was signed into law by the president there, that white people cannot own land. State forces were sent in to evict white farmers, and many were killed. What is your opinion on that?
It appears that anything negative that affects white people must be because they deserved it.

Is that how you feel? Because that's stupid.

Or were you trying to put words in someone's mouth?
Why did you teach your son to hate white people? Did you purposefully sabotage him in order to present yourself a victim in need of sympathy?

Is that why you think USMB members should buy your book?

Is your entire reason for posting here nothing but spam?

First of all, I'm not Delores.

Secondly, what makes you think she taught him to hate white people?

I can surmise why I think you think that, but please, answer the question.
Also, Muhammed, please tell everyone how you'd feel if your kids chose to love and marry a person of color.
Also, Muhammed, please tell everyone how you'd feel if your kids chose to love and marry a person of color.
Why do people use the term "person of color"? Is it because the user doesn't perceive white to be a color? Or is it because they live in a fantasy world, where every non white group stands arm, in arm against white oppresion; paying no notice to the differences amongst themselves?
Also, Muhammed, please tell everyone how you'd feel if your kids chose to love and marry a person of color.
Why do people use the term "person of color"? Is it because the user doesn't perceive white to be a color? Or is it because they live in a fantasy world, where every non white group stands arm, in arm against white oppresion; paying no notice to the differences amongst themselves?

It's just an expression. Easier than asking specifically about African, Hispanic, Asian, Polynesian, etc, etc.

And yes, generally white people are considered "without color." But no, it has nothing to do standing against white oppression.
Muhammed , I did do some reading of your past posts, as you requested, and you are not the virulent bigot I would have expected based on your posts in this thread. What I saw in this thread is someone attacking a woman for having a mixed-race child, and claiming she raised him to be a "violent sociopath," even through she was open that he has a mental illness. I find it repugnant that you characterize her and her family in that way.

I would still be interested in your answers to my questions.
Muhammed , I did do some reading of your past posts, as you requested, and you are not the virulent bigot I would have expected based on your posts in this thread. What I saw in this thread is someone attacking a woman for having a mixed-race child, and claiming she raised him to be a "violent sociopath," even through she was open that he has a mental illness. I find it repugnant that you characterize her and her family in that way.

I would still be interested in your answers to my questions.
She taught her son to hate white people. Now her homeless son is in prison for assaulting another white person for no apparent reason. Yep, he was obviously homeless because the bitch would not take him in and left him on the street. (BTW, she's obviously not in the running for the mother of the year award) In the interview she told the world on camera she says that maybe jail will wake him up.

In Pennsylvania his second violent offense = 10 years minimum in a state prison. Not 30 days in the hole in some jail. 10 years in a cell bloc with other violent criminals. His life is ruined, forever. And probably his bunghole too.
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I see you are doubling down on your assertions. I still haven't gotten an answer to my questions. I'll discard the first one (why you think Delores taught her kid to hate white people).

So that leaves the second question: what are the odds your kids or grandkids would bring home someone of color to meet you? What are the odds they would choose a person of color to love?
Muhammed , I did do some reading of your past posts, as you requested, and you are not the virulent bigot I would have expected based on your posts in this thread. What I saw in this thread is someone attacking a woman for having a mixed-race child, and claiming she raised him to be a "violent sociopath," even through she was open that he has a mental illness. I find it repugnant that you characterize her and her family in that way.

I would still be interested in your answers to my questions.
She taught her son to hate white people. Now her homeless son is in prison for assaulting another white person for no apparent reason. Yep, he was obviously homeless because the bitch would not take him in and left him on the street. (BTW, she's obviously not in the running for the mother of the year award) In the interview she told the world on camera she says that maybe jail will wake him up.

In Pennsylvania his second violent offense = 10 years minimum in a state prison. Not 30 days in the hole in some jail. 10 years in a cell bloc with other violent criminals. His life is ruined, forever. And probably his bunghole too.
I see you just won't leave this alone. First, I did NOT teach my son to hate white people, otherwise he would hate me, which I assure you he does not. Second, you have absolutely NO knowledge of the number of times my husband and I took him in and tried to help him after the miserable failures of the mental health system.(which are too many to enumerate here). He was homeless at the time because he had accidentally started a fire in our house and the fire marshall told us we had to put him out. We took him to an institution, which he promptly left. Do you have any idea what it's like to know your son is living on the street? Could you possibly have any empathy at all? Since he was homeless and hungry he became extremely desperate and hit a person who denied his request for money. I said in my interview that now he may get the help he needed - not that jail would wake him up. A person with mental illness continually makes decisions that are to his own detriment, like leaving the mental health facility when the doctors tell him that treatment is voluntary.

Your intensity here is amazing. I have no idea what insatiable need you have that makes you continue this personal assault. Our son is headed for a group home where people with the knowledge of how to treat mental illness will try to help him. People like you, of course, would much prefer seeing him languish in prison, if only, to feed your appetite for hatred, criticism and misunderstanding.
Muhammed , I did do some reading of your past posts, as you requested, and you are not the virulent bigot I would have expected based on your posts in this thread. What I saw in this thread is someone attacking a woman for having a mixed-race child, and claiming she raised him to be a "violent sociopath," even through she was open that he has a mental illness. I find it repugnant that you characterize her and her family in that way.

I would still be interested in your answers to my questions.
She taught her son to hate white people. Now her homeless son is in prison for assaulting another white person for no apparent reason. Yep, he was obviously homeless because the bitch would not take him in and left him on the street. (BTW, she's obviously not in the running for the mother of the year award) In the interview she told the world on camera she says that maybe jail will wake him up.

In Pennsylvania his second violent offense = 10 years minimum in a state prison. Not 30 days in the hole in some jail. 10 years in a cell bloc with other violent criminals. His life is ruined, forever. And probably his bunghole too.
I see you just won't leave this alone. First, I did NOT teach my son to hate white people, otherwise he would hate me, which I assure you he does not. Second, you have absolutely NO knowledge of the number of times my husband and I took him in and tried to help him after the miserable failures of the mental health system.(which are too many to enumerate here). He was homeless at the time because he had accidentally started a fire in our house and the fire marshall told us we had to put him out. We took him to an institution, which he promptly left. Do you have any idea what it's like to know your son is living on the street? Could you possibly have any empathy at all? Since he was homeless and hungry he became extremely desperate and hit a person who denied his request for money. I said in my interview that now he may get the help he needed - not that jail would wake him up. A person with mental illness continually makes decisions that are to his own detriment, like leaving the mental health facility when the doctors tell him that treatment is voluntary.

Your intensity here is amazing. I have no idea what insatiable need you have that makes you continue this personal assault. Our son is headed for a group home where people with the knowledge of how to treat mental illness will try to help him. People like you, of course, would much prefer seeing him languish in prison, if only, to feed your appetite for hatred, criticism and misunderstanding.

You're disgusting, using your son as a political pawn. Nobody cares!
I recently responded to an assertion by someone that all of the generations effected by slavery are gone. I told them that my 81 year old husband, who is a black man, has often talked to me about his feelings regarding what was done to his people. If he were to express his anger violently, he would be locked up. If he tries to express it verbally, he is told to "forget about it." His response is usually, "You want me to forget MY history? Do you forget about yours?" So he's held his anger in - for a very long time. And like so many black folks in this country, suffers from high blood pressure.

I'm just wondering if people would be willing to do something here. If you have seen Birth of a Nation, or Roots, or Free State of Jones, you have pictures in your mind of white folks beating black folks. Can you reverse that? Can you picture the black people with the whips? Can you picture the white folks in chains? Being sold on a platform? Can you picture white women being raped by black slave owners? Can you picture black folks as masters and white folks as slaves?

And if you can, how does it make you feel? And if you can, will it be easily forgotten? If you can, will it be easily rationalized? And if you can, will it be easily forgiven?
Hes welcome to remember his history, but he is not welcome to whine to ME about it. His history has nothing to do with me.
I recently responded to an assertion by someone that all of the generations effected by slavery are gone. I told them that my 81 year old husband, who is a black man, has often talked to me about his feelings regarding what was done to his people. If he were to express his anger violently, he would be locked up. If he tries to express it verbally, he is told to "forget about it." His response is usually, "You want me to forget MY history? Do you forget about yours?" So he's held his anger in - for a very long time. And like so many black folks in this country, suffers from high blood pressure.

I'm just wondering if people would be willing to do something here. If you have seen Birth of a Nation, or Roots, or Free State of Jones, you have pictures in your mind of white folks beating black folks. Can you reverse that? Can you picture the black people with the whips? Can you picture the white folks in chains? Being sold on a platform? Can you picture white women being raped by black slave owners? Can you picture black folks as masters and white folks as slaves?

And if you can, how does it make you feel? And if you can, will it be easily forgotten? If you can, will it be easily rationalized? And if you can, will it be easily forgiven?
Hes welcome to remember his history, but he is not welcome to whine to ME about it. His history has nothing to do with me.
Interesting you should say that. Today while reading "The Myth of Race," I saw this: Boas did not want to ignore the complexity of the history or the development of any organism or society. He believed that "the physiological and psychological state of an organism at a certain moment is a function of its whole history and that "the character of a biological phenomenon is not expressed by the state in which it is, but by its whole history. "The longer I studied, the more convinced I became that customs, traditions and migrations are far too complex in their origin to enable us to study their psychological causes without a thorough knowledge of their history...No event in the life of a people passes without leaving its effect on later generations."

I heard someone say recently that our histories are intertwined like a piece of fabric. I believe it.
I recently responded to an assertion by someone that all of the generations effected by slavery are gone. I told them that my 81 year old husband, who is a black man, has often talked to me about his feelings regarding what was done to his people. If he were to express his anger violently, he would be locked up. If he tries to express it verbally, he is told to "forget about it." His response is usually, "You want me to forget MY history? Do you forget about yours?" So he's held his anger in - for a very long time. And like so many black folks in this country, suffers from high blood pressure.

I'm just wondering if people would be willing to do something here. If you have seen Birth of a Nation, or Roots, or Free State of Jones, you have pictures in your mind of white folks beating black folks. Can you reverse that? Can you picture the black people with the whips? Can you picture the white folks in chains? Being sold on a platform? Can you picture white women being raped by black slave owners? Can you picture black folks as masters and white folks as slaves?

And if you can, how does it make you feel? And if you can, will it be easily forgotten? If you can, will it be easily rationalized? And if you can, will it be easily forgiven?
Hes welcome to remember his history, but he is not welcome to whine to ME about it. His history has nothing to do with me.
Interesting you should say that. Today while reading "The Myth of Race," I saw this: Boas did not want to ignore the complexity of the history or the development of any organism or society. He believed that "the physiological and psychological state of an organism at a certain moment is a function of its whole history and that "the character of a biological phenomenon is not expressed by the state in which it is, but by its whole history. "The longer I studied, the more convinced I became that customs, traditions and migrations are far too complex in their origin to enable us to study their psychological causes without a thorough knowledge of their history...No event in the life of a people passes without leaving its effect on later generations."

I heard someone say recently that our histories are intertwined like a piece of fabric. I believe it.
More like a lot of pyscho bs. People actually make money selling books that contain a lot of bullshit that they really can't prove or believe themselves. Hanging on to a past in which you did not even exist is just an excuse to stay unhappy, rather than move on and enjoy life

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