Pictures from the march for our lives---Holy skiskee this is YUUUUGGGE

Hey fuctard ... no one is trying to get rid of anyone's Constitutional rights... because anAR- 15 type weapon isn't protected under the 2nd amendment.
Sucks to be you.
You are one dumb mother fucker.

Can you top your last comment with anything dumber?
100 % factual. No wonder it confused you.

Assault weapons not protected by Second Amendment, federal appeals court rules

What's an assault weapon?
Read the link you stupid mfer.
I don't read horse shit from the democrat propaganda wing, sorry... shit for brains.
The federal appeals court and the AP is " democratic propaganda? "
Just walk away asshole... you've been pulverized by facts.
My generation stopped the War in Vietnam with the protests and marches.
Now we have multiple LARGE movements interacting with the end results is to get rid of Military Style Assault weapons out of civilians hands and get rid of the orange scourge that is infesting our country
I've never seen this country so invigorated and committed

Takes a special kind of moron to confuse ending a war with taking a Constitutional right.
Assault weapons not protected by Second Amendment, federal appeals court rules
NOT a Constitutional right, shit for brains.

So Maryland has less rights than me, cool.
And the vast majority of Americans are sick to tears of it.

The newest term now is PROTEST FATIGUE.
You wish mfer.
70% of Americans want stricter assault weapon laws — more than ever before

The NEVER AGAIN movements, The RESIST movement and the Women's movement is just beginning.
You're going to get buried.

Bring it... shit for brains...


Yes, Let's encourage a second Civil War between those who believe in the 2nd amendment and those who simply want UNLIMITED rights.

IDIOT ^ ^ ^ :rolleyes-41:
And the vast majority of Americans are sick to tears of it.

The newest term now is PROTEST FATIGUE.
You wish mfer.
70% of Americans want stricter assault weapon laws — more than ever before

The NEVER AGAIN movements, The RESIST movement and the Women's movement is just beginning.
You're going to get buried.

Bring it... shit for brains...


Yes, Let's encourage a second Civil War between those who believe in the 2nd amendment and those who simply want UNLIMITED rights.

IDIOT ^ ^ ^ :rolleyes-41:
Children's lives > than gun nuts hobby.
100% of Americans would like stupid people to shut up, but that isn't happening either. You have a right reasonable, I can live with that.
- A new MSN poll says 70% of Americans support stricter laws on assault weapons.

- That's 87% of Democrats and 52% of Republicans.

- Public opinion is trending toward tougher gun laws following the deadly shooting in Parkland, Florida, although lawmakers have been reluctant to act.

A new poll shows that 70% of Americans — and more than half of Republicans — support stricter laws on assault weapons in the wake of a deadly shooting in Florida.

Trumpanzees are once again on the wrong side of history.
And the vast majority of Americans are sick to tears of it.

The newest term now is PROTEST FATIGUE.
You wish mfer.
70% of Americans want stricter assault weapon laws — more than ever before

The NEVER AGAIN movements, The RESIST movement and the Women's movement is just beginning.
You're going to get buried.

Bring it... shit for brains...

Just three percent of adults own half of America’s guns

American gun ownership drops to lowest in nearly 40 years

Facts are like kryptonite to trump scum.

If I were a Republican right now, I would be sending out my resume now or whistling past the graveyard. There is no longer a safe Republican seat in this entire country.

You have awoken a sleeping giant!

I wonder if there was an armed presence there, you know for the protection of the marchers.
Sorry, snowflake, but the 2nd Amendment will never repealed, no matter how much you froth at the mouth here.

I still have my AK-47, and my .44 mag, and my .45 Long Colt, and my 12 gauge shot gun, and my 30-30 rifle, and my .45 Uberti carbine, and my .22 rifle, and my .300 Winchester Mag, and they're not going anywhere.

Stick that in your constitution hating craw, dumbass.
And the vast majority of Americans are sick to tears of it.

The newest term now is PROTEST FATIGUE.
You wish mfer.
70% of Americans want stricter assault weapon laws — more than ever before

The NEVER AGAIN movements, The RESIST movement and the Women's movement is just beginning.
You're going to get buried.

Bring it... shit for brains...

Just three percent of adults own half of America’s guns

American gun ownership drops to lowest in nearly 40 years

Facts are like kryptonite to trump scum.

View attachment 184480

How was your march - DC looks AWESOME and just catching up!
Sorry, snowflake, but the 2nd Amendment will never repealed, no matter how much you froth at the mouth here.

I still have my AK-47, and my .44 mag, and my .45 Long Colt, and my 12 gauge shot gun, and my 30-30 rifle, and my .45 Uberti carbine, and my .22 rifle, and my .300 Winchester Mag, and they're not going anywhere.

Stick that in your constitution hating craw, dumbass.

Get your hand off your dick and engage in meaningful dialog

Like THAT'S gonna happen :rolleyes:
Sorry, snowflake, but the 2nd Amendment will never repealed, no matter how much you froth at the mouth here.

I still have my AK-47, and my .44 mag, and my .45 Long Colt, and my 12 gauge shot gun, and my 30-30 rifle, and my .45 Uberti carbine, and my .22 rifle, and my .300 Winchester Mag, and they're not going anywhere.

Stick that in your constitution hating craw, dumbass.

Get your hand off your dick and engage in meaningful dialog

Like THAT'S gonna happen :rolleyes:
Get your cock out of your constitution hating mouth, you unhinged jackass democrap fuck.

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