Pictures from the march for our lives---Holy skiskee this is YUUUUGGGE


i don't think that your 9mm pistol is being looked at as a problem [for now at least if it has a 10 round mag , wait till they get the AR rifles though ] . Course you probably still think that you are being courageous with your silly announcement eh V.S. ??
i don't think that your 9mm pistol is being looked at as a problem [for now at least if it has a 10 round mag , wait till they get the AR rifles though ] . Course you probably still think that you are being courageous with your silly announcement eh V.S. ??

The NRA has made me very aware that I can only protect myself from government black helicopters loaded with missiles, by using my god given right to shoot back with my AR-15.

Not to sure what you're going to do about Predator drones--:auiqs.jpg:

A bunch of afghan goat herders armed with soviet era rifles have defended their lands from the most advanced military on earth since 2001.

Just sayin'...

Actually, they were losing the war big time, until the USA gave them shoulder launched stinger missiles to shoot down Soviet helicopters. Speaking of which, why can't I buy one? IT IS MY SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHT!

The NRA has made me very aware that I can only protect myself from government black helicopters loaded with missiles, by using my god given right to shoot back with my AR-15.

Not to sure what you're going to do about Predator drones--:auiqs.jpg:

A bunch of afghan goat herders armed with soviet era rifles have defended their lands from the most advanced military on earth since 2001.

Just sayin'...

Actually, they were losing the war big time, until the USA gave them shoulder launched stinger missiles to shoot down Soviet helicopters. Speaking of which, why can't I buy one? IT IS MY SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHT!
------------------------------------------------------ generally speaking the Second Amemdment is about the small arms that are normally carried by the individual American infantry soldier . ------------------------------- Next i suppose you will want to know where you can buy some nukes eh V.S.. ??
And the vast majority of Americans are sick to tears of it.

The newest term now is PROTEST FATIGUE.
You wish mfer.
70% of Americans want stricter assault weapon laws — more than ever before

The NEVER AGAIN movements, The RESIST movement and the Women's movement is just beginning.
You're going to get buried.
. 70% want gun control? Bullshit. Who is doing your polling? The same ones giving Hillary 90% chance to win the election the night of the election? Ha ha.
My generation stopped the War in Vietnam with the protests and marches.
Now we have multiple LARGE movements interacting with the end results is to get rid of Military Style Assault weapons out of civilians hands and get rid of the orange scourge that is infesting our country
I've never seen this country so invigorated and committed
The war was in our faces every day. Mass shootings are rare. There is no daily reminder to work up the population. You gun grabbers are pissing up a pole. When the iPhone 11 comes out or a new WoW game is released, the kids will turn their attention to that.
Good for them.

They're still wrong.
They're 100 % right and most Americans are on their side, not yours.

Regulate Weapons Like We Do in the Military, Says an Army Officer
You do realize, if it wasn't for an Obama policy. The gunman wouldn't of been able to buy the gun?
Trump Undid Obama Rule That Added Mentally Ill People to Gun Check Register. Trump’s signature on 15 February 2017 was almost a year to the day before the Parkland shooting.
Women, youth vote and the educated are kicking ass and will come out in huge numbers in November.
..I can't seem to put my finger on it :confused-84:
but, that sounds vaguely familiar

Like, I've heard that :blahblah: somewhere before

Come on Lynn...think :eusa_doh:think, think, think, think

:bang3: where have you heard that before?

BINGO, I remember :idea:
....and, so does Hillary and 97% of the talking heads

Good for them.

They're still wrong.
They're 100 % right and most Americans are on their side, not yours.

Regulate Weapons Like We Do in the Military, Says an Army Officer
You do realize, if it wasn't for an Obama policy. The gunman wouldn't of been able to buy the gun?

you do realize, if it weren't for the rocks in your pockets, you'd float off into the troposphere?

Translation, I got nothing.
Show me where military style weapons are protected in the Constitution.
I'll wait.

Whats a military style weapon to you?Specify.

i believe they're referring to AR-15's & AK's.

The pistol grip, collapsible stock and detachable magazine is scary as hell to these pink pussy hat Moon Bats.

Of course when the Moon Bats tell you they only want to ban "assault weapons" then they are lying to you. They want to ban every kind of firearm.

They want to live in a country where only the crooks and government thugs have firearms. That is their idea of a socialist utopia. Big welfare check, high taxes for everybody except themselves and no way to oppose the almighty government.
Now dumb fuck, 58 dead, 500 wounded by one crazy sounds like a good reason to be afraid of what crazies can do when the NRA arms them.
-------------------------------------------- NRA Arms no one OldRocks .

Directly no, but they do a lot of skid greasing :wink:
Good for them.

They're still wrong.
They're 100 % right and most Americans are on their side, not yours.

Regulate Weapons Like We Do in the Military, Says an Army Officer
You do realize, if it wasn't for an Obama policy. The gunman wouldn't of been able to buy the gun?
Trump Undid Obama Rule That Added Mentally Ill People to Gun Check Register. Trump’s signature on 15 February 2017 was almost a year to the day before the Parkland shooting.
Nice try, but I'm talking about school policy of not letting the police to find out laws that are broke in the school system. If the school district would've reported this guys crimes. He wouldn't of been able to buy a gun.
And the vast majority of Americans are sick to tears of it.

The newest term now is PROTEST FATIGUE.
You wish mfer.
70% of Americans want stricter assault weapon laws — more than ever before

The NEVER AGAIN movements, The RESIST movement and the Women's movement is just beginning.
You're going to get buried.

Bring it... shit for brains...
The people live in the blue shaded areas. Ya know! Where the cities and factories and concert halls and museums and universities are! You got a map of soy bean fields, deserts and rural poverty shaded red there.
View attachment 184506

There are more murders where people actually LIVE?

This is shocking :rolleyes:
Donald's inauguration crowd was much bigger than this aerial from yesterday - PERIOD! :D

It is pretty obvious that this protest was organized by the Russians.

Once a Marxist, always a Marxist.
One of the idiots' sign says that if their vagina could shoot bullets it would be less regulated. First she needs to exercise her vagina more so it is capable of shooting various items. :p Second, if a vagina was a firearm she would have to get a conceal carry permit for her vagina and only go to states that recognize her conceal carry permit. :cry:

That post is just plain nasty! No redeeming value.
Lets see how long their political activism last I suspect when Summer is here they will want to spend more time partying at the lake or beach than having protest. Nowdays especially with young people the attention span is whatever the trend of the moment is maybe this will be different and they will stay focused and turn out on election day but if past history is any indication they won't.
How did American Spring pan out?
And the vast majority of Americans are sick to tears of it.

The newest term now is PROTEST FATIGUE.
You wish mfer.
70% of Americans want stricter assault weapon laws — more than ever before

The NEVER AGAIN movements, The RESIST movement and the Women's movement is just beginning.
You're going to get buried.

Bring it... shit for brains...


Yes, Let's encourage a second Civil War between those who believe in the 2nd amendment and those who simply want UNLIMITED rights.

IDIOT ^ ^ ^ :rolleyes-41:
Children's lives > than gun nuts hobby.
Trumpanzees don't believe that.

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