PICTURES I ISLAM (focus on the Ladies) BEFORE SALAFI/WAHHABISM TOOK OVER I A woman cuts her birthday cake in Iran, 1973

Is there a point to be made about this stuff? Islamic culture dominates the mid east and it ain't likely to change.
Iran isn't Salafi or Wahhabi .
A woman cuts her birthday cake in Iran, 1973

It's now common knowledge that they toppled the Shah....Now buzz off, bubblehead.
No they didn't topple the Shah. The US and the Shah ignored the student protests for a year.. when it all boiled over the Ayatolla stepped in.

He'd been in exile.

Sometimes that happens in a revolution. Have you ever been to Iran?

Terrible intelligence. I knew some of the Americans there following the Shah and reporting to the US.
No they didn't topple the Shah. The US and the Shah ignored the student protests for a year.. when it all boiled over the Ayatolla stepped in.

He'd been in exile.

Sometimes that happens in a revolution. Have you ever been to Iran?

Terrible intelligence. I knew some of the Americans there following the Shah and reporting to the US.
Carter leaned on the Shah to allow Khomeini back into the country. Carter is on record as describing Khomeini as a "saintly man". Being that easy to hoodwink says a lot about Carter, he was a nice man, but a horrible president and from my understanding a disaster as a navy Captain.
Carter leaned on the Shah to allow Khomeini back into the country. Carter is on record as describing Khomeini as a "saintly man". Being that easy to hoodwink says a lot about Carter, he was a nice man, but a horrible president and from my understanding a disaster as a navy Captain.

That's not what happened.

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